2019-04-01 Emacs news ===================== - Emacs Lisp: - [David's Elisp hacks] () - [Series of Videos on Emacs Lisp (in French) by Florent Rougon - YouTube] () - [Writing A Spotify Client in 16 Minutes - YouTube] () - [Watch me as I create a slide show function in Emacs: Emacs Rocks! - YouTube] () - [(with-emacs - Execute commands like Marty McFly] () ([Reddit] ()) - Emacs development: - [Do not set indent-line-function in text-mode] () - [Support native image resizing on cairo] () - [; * etc/NEWS: Fix Tabulated List mode nesting.] () - [* lisp/vc/vc.el (vc-diff-mergebase, vc-log-mergebase): New commands.] () - [Support ./configure --with-gif=ifavailable etc.] () - Appearance: - [Custom Highlighting] () - [beacon: A light that follows your cursor around so you don't lose it!] () - [page-break-lines: Emacs: display ugly ^L page breaks as tidy horizontal lines] () - [visual-fill-column: Emacs mode for wrapping visual-line-mode buffers at fill-column.] () - [yascroll-el: Yet Another Scroll Bar Mode] () - [Green is the new black theme] () - [emacs-anzu: Emacs Port of anzu.vim] () - current match and total matches in modeline - [Make the parenthesis colour in rainbow delimiter *adopt* to changes in the theme] () - [Choosing A Monospace Font] () - Navigation: - [edit-indirect: Edit regions in separate buffers] () ([Reddit] ()) - [New package: which-key-posframe] () - [goto-chg: Goto the point of the most recent edit in the buffer.] () ([Reddit] ()) - [rg.el: Emacs search tool based on ripgrep] () - [undohist-el: Persistent Undo History for GNU Emacs] () - [pepita: Run Splunk search - ingests plain data (for example, logs) and makes it searchable.] () - [hydra-posframe: Show hydra hints on posframe.] () - [Narrow-to-region-indirect for Emacs - Zane's Blog] () - [helm-fuzzier: Better Fuzzy Matching for emacs Helm] () - [helm-ido-like-guide: Guide to get an intuitive and more ido-like helm interface in Emacs] () - [Two different Binding Styles in Hydra - abo-abo/hydra Wiki - GitHub] () - [helm-ls-git: Yet another helm to list git file.] () - Evil Mode: - [Emacs as my Vim Survival Guide] () - [My Evil emacs configuration - mpereira/.emacs.d - GitHub] () - [evil-guide: Draft of a guide for using emacs with evil] () - [evil-surround: you will be surrounded (surround.vim for evil, the extensible vi layer)] () - [evil-matchit: Vim matchit ported into Emacs] () - [evil-visualstar: Start a * or # search from the visual selection] () - [evil-tabs: Integrating Vim-style tabs for Evil mode users.] () - [emacs-docker: Emacs with org mode and evil mode inside a docker container] () - [evil-tutor: Vimtutor adapted to Emacs+Evil and wrapped in a major mode.] () - [evil-numbers: Increment and decrement numbers in Emacs] () - Org Mode: - [The very first step in creating a Literate Configuration file - Harry R. Schwartz] () - [org-babel-examples: Start with this, if the Org manual overwhelms you] () - [org-babel-diagrams: embed haskell diagrams in emacs org-mode files] () - [org-capture-extension: A Chrome and firefox extension facilitating org-capture in emacs] () - [A blog in pure Org/Lisp: A pamphlet for hackable website systems] () - [Behold: org-babel-execute:typescript] () - [Sync Emacs Org Agenda Files via Dropbox Without Conflicts - Christian Tietze] () - [How to magit diff in org files?] () - Coding: - [Lenticular Text: Looking at code from different angles] () - [annotate.el: Add annotations to arbitrary files without changing the files themselves; useful for code reviews] () ([Reddit] ()) - [electric-operator: An emacs minor mode to automatically add spacing around operators] () - [csharp-mode: A major-mode for editing C# in emacs] () - [A Guide to developing snippets with yasnippet] () - [Use .dir-locals.el to run Django tests in Docker environment from within Emacs] () - [emidje: Test runner, report viewer and formatting tool for Midje, a test framework for Clojure.] () - [A package to run jest inside Emacs] () ([Reddit] ()) - [clj-kondo: Linter for Clojure code. See README for flycheck integration] () - [C/C++ in Spacemacs - YouTube] () - [typescript: Major mode for editing Typescript files] () - [Sean Farley: Emacs as a Python IDE] () (52:45) - [Spacemacs: Major Mode Commands and Shortcuts (tutorial)] () (6:21) - [Guide to using Language Server Protocol in Emacs: Morten's Dev] () - [gist.el: Yet another Emacs paste mode, this one for Gist.] () - [New package: emacs-jupyter] () - Version control: - [github-stars.el: An Emacs Package for browsing your Github Stars] () - [POC: Explore the Github repository on the fly (TxGVNN/github-mode)] () ([Reddit] ()) - Performance: - [Wow, eshell is fast] () - [Observation: snappier emacs] () - [Using benchmark to measure speed of Elisp code] () - Community: - [Emacs (English) group on Telegram @emacs_en] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Emacs Meetup - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada - March 29] () ([Reddit] ()) - [San Diego Emacs meetup?] () - Fun: - [T-Shirt Design: Ecumenical Council of Text Editors] () - [An Emacs Meme Generator - Random Thoughts] () ([Reddit] ()) - Other: - [Yet another introduction to Emacs] () - [What can I do with Emacs?] () - [Webfeeder: Build RSS and Atom webfeeds from HTML files] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Browsh running in vterm in Emacs] () ([Reddit] ()) - [flyspell-lazy: Improve Emacs flyspell responsiveness using idle timers] () - [Emacs Locale Management and Input Methods - arenzana.org] () - [w3/w3m/eww for github?] () - [Emacs Rocks! Episode 03: A vimgolf albatross] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Receive messages from Plan9's plumber in Emacs.] () - [Vim vs. Emacs: the Working Directory - null program] () ([Reddit] ()) - [renaming emacs buffer names created by bitlbee - Mags Forum Technology] () - [vmtouch: Portable file system cache diagnostics and control] () - [dynamic-spaces: When editing, make text separated by two or more spaces stay in place] () - [Remote emacsclient hack] () - [exwm-mff: Mouse Follows Focus for EXWM] () - [grab-x-link: Grab links from some X11 apps and insert into Emacs] () - New packages: - parseedn : Clojure/EDN parser - webfeeder : Build RSS and Atom webfeeds from HTML files - relint : Elisp regexp mistake finder Links from [reddit.com/r/emacs] (), [/r/orgmode] (), [/r/spacemacs] (), [/r/planetemacs] (), [Hacker News] (), [planet.emacslife.com] (), [YouTube] (), the changes to the [Emacs NEWS file] (), and [emacs-devel] (). You're receiving this message via the Emacs Tangents mailing list. 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