Another update on my Summer of Code project, improving ELisp traceback information.

On the C side (saving bytecode execution offset so mapbacktrace can pass it to Lisp), I’ve submitted a patch with the offset tracking code to bug-gnu-emacs. This is the version which updates the thread’s offset only before reaching a Bcall op in exec_byte_code.

On the Lisp side (turning the offset into a source code position), right now I have a very rudimentary modified byte-compiler which compiles expressions annotated with source code data (in the form of a cl-struct). The code is up here.

The main entry point is a function source-map-byte-compile-definition, similar to byte-compile, which:

  1. takes a string or sexp containing a function definition
  2. reads it into a source-map-expression struct containing source code information (and the original sexp)
  3. passes the struct through the compilation process, maintaining an alist associating source-map-expression​s to LAP.

The alist is converted to a vector, stored in a bytecode-source-map struct and added to the symbol’s bytecode-source-map property. There are functions to retrieve the code for a specific offset in the function, or to fetch an alist of the code and LAP. For example:

(let ((lexical-binding t))
   '(defalias 'plus2-times3 #'(lambda (arg) (* (+ arg 2) 3)))))

(disassemble #'plus2-times3)
;; byte code for plus2-times3:
;;   doc:   ...
;;   args: (arg1)
;; 0       dup
;; 1       constant  2
;; 2       plus
;; 3       constant  3
;; 4       mult
;; 5       return

(bytecode-source-map 'plus2-times3 0) ;; => "arg"
(bytecode-source-map 'plus2-times3 1) ;; => "2"
(bytecode-source-map 'plus2-times3 2) ;; => "(+ arg 2)"
(bytecode-source-map 'plus2-times3 3) ;; => "3"
(bytecode-source-map 'plus2-times3 4) ;; => "(* (+ arg 2) 3)"

(source-map-bytecomp-annotated-lap 'plus2-times3)
;; (("arg" byte-dup)
;;  ("2" byte-constant 2 . 0)
;;  ("(+ arg 2)" byte-plus . 0)
;;  ("3" byte-constant 3 . 1)
;;  ("(* (+ arg 2) 3)" byte-mult . 0)
;;  ("(* (+ arg 2) 3)" byte-return . 0))

It’s quite limited as it is. byte-optimize is disabled, and it assumes the expression is fully macroexpanded. cconv also isn’t supported yet, so only simple lexically-scoped functions work. If you’d like to try it out, there are instructions in the repository’s README for running the ERT tests (basically cd source-mapping, ./

It isn’t that much slower than byte-compile in simple tests, but there’s no way to get a realistic idea of performance while only simple expressions are supported. Since aref​s are pretty fast, I’m guessing the struct slot accesses wouldn’t slow down execution too much, but creating so many records certainly uses a lot of memory.

I’d like to know what others think of this: if there are inherent flaws in this approach, if there’s a simpler or more obvious way to integrate this into the byte-compilation process, or any other comments.
