Note that the for loop has to check « test -e » because of this standard sh behavior : $ for f in /a*/b*/c*/d*; echo $f; done /a*/b*/c*/d* $ Footnotes: [1] Example : cd /tmp ; mkdir test; touch test/'this is a test' C-x C-f /tmp/tes/this : Ambigous dir name with the patch C-x C-f /tmp/tes/this rightly turns into « /tmp/test/this is a test » -- Michael Cadilhac, a.k.a. Micha [mika] | Epita/LRDE promo 2007 | )\._.,--....,'``. 123 av. de Fontainebleau | | /. _.. \ _\ (` ._,. 94270 Le Kremlin Bicetre | | '._.-(,_..'--(,_...`-..'