Hi, While testing `make-network-process' from the example given in bug#23658, Emacs crashed. 0. emacs -Q 1. Evaluate the following elisp: (progn (defun my-sentinel (proc event) (with-current-buffer "*scratch*" (save-excursion (goto-char (point-max)) (insert (format "\n>> proc = '%s', status = '%s', event = '%s'" proc (process-status proc) event))))) (defun my-filter (proc str) (with-current-buffer "*scratch*" (save-excursion (goto-char (point-max)) (insert (format "\n>> proc = '%s', status = '%s', str = '%s'" proc (process-status proc) str))))) ;; These IP addresses are both for host rajaniemi.freenode.net. (let* ((ipv6-host "2001:708:40:2001:a822:baff:fec4:2428") (ipv4-host "") (process (make-network-process :name "zzz" :buffer nil :host ipv6-host ;; :host ipv4-host :service 6667 :nowait t))) (set-process-sentinel process 'my-sentinel) (set-process-filter process 'my-filter))) You should get the error: Wrong type argument: processp, nil However, in my Emacs session I had: 2. (setq debug-on-error t) which made the Emacs session crash. The crash doesn't happen with an IPV4 addresses, just IPV6 addresses. Thanks.