Closed in 2020 (Emacs 28). Perhaps I'm not understanding how the `ignore-invisible-lines' parameter for `count-lines' is supposed to work, but it doesn't seem to make the function consider `invisible' text properties that have lists as values. I bring this up because ERC will likely be needing a line-counting function that's list-aware, at least in the manner shown in the attached tests. The change to `count-lines' accompanying these tests was merely lifted from `forward-visible-line' to make them pass, but it's quite possibly flawed and/or incomplete. If a proper solution ever emerges to address this, hopefully it'll come at the hands of someone better informed than I in the ways of Emacs invisibility. In the meantime (2023), ERC will likely be doing its own subpar rendition unless someone takes up the challenge for 30.1 (and Compat agrees to adopt it). Thanks.