() Hans BKK () Wed, 23 Apr 2014 19:51:23 -0700 (PDT) I'm not sure what may have given the impression I intended to do that 'shaking up the big sack thing' Well, here is one fragment that gives that impression: It's true I don't intend to DO, but definitely plan to select/create STUFF that won't interfere [...] the key word being "won't" ≡ "will not". The gist is that you choose to partition your interaction w/ Emacs into two temporal phases. Setting up the latter phase while still in the former is the "shaking up" part. The "sack" part is because you represent yourself as outside, even now, and seem to enjoy selectively-binding (yuk yuk) the membrane. The "big" part is because Emacs is a multiverse ameoba, more oozing than snoozing. (NB: This is not a criticism, just mawkish pining for a.r.emacs -- feel free to ignore.) -- Thien-Thi Nguyen GPG key: 4C807502 (if you're human and you know it) read my lisp: (responsep (questions 'technical) (not (via 'mailing-list))) => nil