Gentelmen, the "shr" program is mangling messages. It could remove vital words, causing arguments: "I did include the address!" "No you didn't." "Yes I did. Your mail reader probably cut it out." We're talking data loss here. It may still be on the disk, but not shown to the user. True, the HTML might not be perfect, but at least Chromium, Firefox, etc. show it fine. >>>>> "KY" == Katsumi Yamaoka writes: KY> Emacs-w3m renders it as: KY> http://w KY> Hi, you have a new email from Catherineme KY> [25] KY> View your inbox at KY> © Travel Buddies 2015 | All rights reserved Hmmm, w3m -dump on the attachment shows the first URL in full. KY> However shr renders it as: KY> Travel Buddies KY> © Travel Buddies 2015 | All rights reserved KY> KY> * KY> There lacks the "Hi, you have a new mail" message. The return KY> value of `libxml-parse-html-region' contains the message as KY> (h1 nil (span nil "Hi, you have a new email from") "Catherineme") KY> (p nil "View your inbox at " KY> (a ((href . "")) KY> "")) KY> regardless of whether all style specs are removed[1] or not KY> (three nil portions above are replaced with style specs if they KY> are not removed). So, style specs are not cause of not KY> displaying some meaningful message in an html mail, I believe. KY> In that case, making shr display images does not help. KY> I think there's something wrong in shr.el, and what you should KY> do would be to send a bug report to the Emacs bug team, i.e., KY> M-x report-emacs-bug, with the sample html part (I'm not so KY> familiar with recent shr, sorry). Note that a mail containing KY> html part might be rejected by the server, so putting it in your KY> web site separately would be better. KY> [1] I tested it by modifying mm-shr so as to remove style specs. OK I'll send the message,