I would like to submit a new package to ELPA. It enchances eshell and comint (M-x shell for example) by displaying an "auto-suggestion" as you type, a preview of the most recent matching history element. Example: if your command history contains "wget example.com" and you type "wg" at the command prompt, an overlay containing "et example.com" will be shown after point. You can then type [C-e] to insert the text from the overlay or [M-f] to insert a word from the overlay and so on. If there aren't any history candidates that match input, an overlay for the first completion candidate will be shown. This package is inspired by the same functionality from the fish shell[1] and zsh-autosuggestions[2] plugin for the zsh shell. Source code is available at https://repo.or.cz/emacs-coterm.git Thanks and best regards. [1] https://fishshell.com/ [2] https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions