I have here combined line number and column number. (Saves modeline estate.) I work with the default starting with 0, but it is easy to change the code. (The blessing of OSS.) I use: (defun buffer-position (&optional do-yank) (let ((ret-val (format "%d,%d" (line-number-at-pos) (current-column)))) (buffer-count-exit do-yank (interactive-p) ret-val nil))) but this could be changed to: (defun buffer-position (&optional do-yank) (let ((ret-val (format "%d,%d" (line-number-at-pos) (1+ (current-column))))) (buffer-count-exit do-yank (interactive-p) ret-val nil))) Let me know if you are interested. I did post it in the past, but it will be better to have the latest version. -- Cecil Westerhof Senior Software Engineer LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilwesterhof