(Thought I'd posted this reply earlier, but I don't see it in the list; sorry if I'm posting a duplicate here.) Kelvin White writes: > Hi Keivn, I have a few questions about this... > Can you elaborate on the use case here a bit more? What do you mean by > 'keying on the server' The key in the assoc list is typically something like "freenode\\.net" (a regex matching the IRC server). I use ERC to connect to my Weechat IRC proxy; the same proxy *server* provides access to several *networks*, but the `erc-server-announced-name' is always "weechat.ssl.irc" (more info at https://weechat.org/files/doc/stable/weechat_user.en.html#relay_irc_proxy ). The only way I've seen to differentiate is by the value of `erc-network' (well, also each server buffer contains a string like NETWORK=freenode or NETWORK=BitlBee, I suppose that's how `erc-network' is set). > What version of emacs are you using with this? 24.4.1 -- Kevin Brubeck Unhammer GPG: 0x766AC60C