By the way, if I may be honest, I would like to remove this reduction process. "名古屋" (Nagoya) [0] is the name of one of Japan's major cities and is a proper noun. I don't think most people, myself included, recognize that the word is a composite of "名古" and "屋". I am Japanese, so my sense may be different, but I recognize "New York" as one word and "Spider-man" as one word. In other words, instead of converting "名古" and "屋" respectively, we want to convert "名古屋" as it is. It is stressful to have to separate the words I imagine in my head from the words I use in Kanji conversion. I would like to reduce that frequency at least a little. Although the skkdic-reduced-candidates function mechanically eliminates words that can be entered by combining them with other words, it does not judge the importance of words, so even frequently used words like " 名古屋" are eliminated. That is very inconvenient. My concern is that Emacs' standard Kanji conversion engine will be regarded as useless. Despite being based on a dictionary with a sufficient vocabulary (SKK-JISYO.L), it generates an inconvenient dictionary by the reduction process. Most of the people who rated Emacs' standard kanji conversion engine as useless are probably unaware of this fact. I also rated the standard Emacs kanji conversion engine as useless. Because I did not know that fact. However, when I learned the facts, I realized that this was a misunderstanding and that I had disrespectful feelings toward Emacs. This is simply a disrepute due to misunderstanding. The reduction of dictionaries would reduce the file size by less than half. While significant, how important is this in today's computing environment? In my personal opinion, I feel that reducing the vocabulary of the dictionary has more disadvantages than advantages. My English is not very good, so I apologize if I did not convey my intentions. [0]: Best Regards, -- Taiju