At Fri, 17 Jun 2011 21:30:51 +0400, Евгений Курбатов wrote: > > Hello! > > I do some elisp code to download the latest RSS feeds from some resource: > > (setq debug-on-error t) > (org-mode) > (org-feed-update > '("arxiv" > "" > (concat "~/org/arxiv-" (format-time-string "")) > "" > ) > ) > > The goal is to get an unique Org file for feeds per day. However, the error is rising: > > Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp (concat "~/org/arxiv-" (format-time-string ""))) > expand-file-name((concat "~/org/arxiv-" (format-time-string ""))) > find-file-noselect((concat "~/org/arxiv-" (format-time-string "")) nil nil nil) > find-file((concat "~/org/arxiv-" (format-time-string ""))) > org-feed-goto-inbox-internal((concat "~/org/arxiv-" (format-time-string "")) "") > byte-code("\306 \"\307\n\"\310\311 > \"\211\312+\211,\203] > > When I hardcode a string instead of (concat ...) everything is > ok. The subject is also not in format-time-string, it is exactly in > concat. The type returned by concat is the stringp, so the situation > is very strange. I also tried to use org-feed-alist, and local > variable instead of calling concat, nothing helps. The quote in front of ("arxiv" > '("arxiv" "quotes" the following list, i.e. Emacs does not evaluate the Lisp expressions inside the list but processes it as pure data. To calculate the file name each time you call `org-feed-update' either leave out the quotes like: (org-feed-update (list "arxiv" "" (concat … ))) -or- Use backquotes: (org-feed-update `("arxiv" "" ,(concat "~/org/arxiv-" (format-time-string "")) "" ) ) The ` means: The following structure is data except the parts with the backquote ,. Best, -- David -- OpenPGP... 0x99ADB83B5A4478E6 Jabber.... Email.....