In pgtk Emacs (built from a very recent git HEAD), running under the Sway window manager, setting a frame name like this: (set-frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'name "Some new name") (redisplay t) Doesn't immediately take effect. The example program below demonstrates this by triggering a race condition: it renames all frames, then immediately requests the state of the Sway window manager, and renames them back. Repeatedly eval'ing the final sexp randomly returns either the original or the renamed frame names. (When testing with a few frames, it never returned a mix of original or renamed names --- it's 100% one or the other) This is an issue because frame names is the only way to associate Emacs frames with Sway identifiers (or any wayland wm) on pgtk Emacs). MWE code follows. Best regards, Thibault