(Charles A. Roelli) writes: > > Tested, and it has the same problem. Here is what *Python* normally > looks like at the start, run from M-x run-python in emacs -Q: > > Python 2.7.12 (v2.7.12:d33e0cf91556, Jun 26 2016, 12:10:39) > [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin > Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>>> import codecs, os;__pyfile = >>>>'''/var/folders/WP/WPe0Q1iAGc0J7iI6J50jcU+++TI/-Tmp-/py16611qgD''', >>>> encoding='''utf-8''');__code = >>>>'''utf-8''');__pyfile.close();os.remove('''/var/folders/WP/WPe0Q1iAGc0J7iI6J50jcU+++TI/-Tmp-/py16611qgD''');exec(compile(__code, >>>> '''/var/folders/WP/WPe0Q1iAGc0J7iI6J50jcU+++TI/-Tmp-/py16611qgD''', >>>> 'exec')); > python.el: native completion setup loaded > > It seems like the line starting with ">>> " should not be printed, if > 's test output is deemed to be running more or less > correctly. Maybe that can point us in the right direction? Hmm, it's odd, though since you're still getting the "setup loaded" message, the code *is* getting evaluated anyway, so it's likely that this problem is not directly related. Let's see if we can track it down anyway, try the loading the attached as emacs -Q -l py-trace-bad-output.el and see if anything shows up in *Messages*.