Hendrik Tews writes: > because Stefan Monnier asked for it > (http://lists.inf.ed.ac.uk/pipermail/proofgeneral-devel/2013/000296.html) [Note: meanwhile the section number has changed to 38 instead of 37.] > - Section "37.9 Receiving Output from Processes" does not list > process-send-string. How about other blocking I/O functions? In the attached patch, I've added a mention/xref for functions which send data to processes. > - Same in "37.9.2. Process Filter Functions" This section is repeated twice (I addressed the second instance below). > - Same in "37.4 Creating an Asynchronous Process" , > process-send-string is neither waiting for input not time > delay. I don't see any mention of process-send-string in that section, nor how it's relevant to the rest of this report. > - "37.7 Sending Input to Processes" says that filters can run > inside process-send-string, but it could be clearer about the > point that this can also happen inside the same filter for the > same process. I'm not really convinced that is necessary. > - "37.9.2 Process Filter Functions" ignores the problem > completely. There should be a paragraph clearly stating this > problem. Further, it would be nice, if the filter function > example could be extended to correctly deal with this problem. I added a mention of the possibility of recursion. I'm not sure about making an example (specifically, what is the best way to deal with this problem?).