Greetings, I discovered this mode through a blog post from Sacha: And I really liked it. Though, I felt that it was missing something: Some keybinds for navigation besides C-n and C-p, like those found in other read-only modes, such as dired-mode. This patch binds the following keys in `image-dired-thumbnail-mode-map': - "f" :: `image-dired-forward-image' - "b" :: `image-dired-backward-image' - "n" :: `image-dired-next-line' - "p" :: `image-dired-previous-line' - "a" :: `image-dired-move-beginning-of-line' - "e" :: `image-dired-move-end-of-line' These keys are currently unused in the mode. Regards, -- Gabriel Santos