backtrace: #0 0x00000000004e0c9f in char_table_ref (table=12883413, c=4195374) at chartab.c:234 tbl = 0xc495d0 val = 4611686018429485125 #1 0x000000000066329d in composition_compute_stop_pos (cmp_it=0x7fffffff7c98, charpos=58, bytepos=59, endpos=59, string=40800689) at composite.c:1054 start = 0 end = 0 c = 4195374 prop = 12730018 val = 12730018 MAX_NEWLINE_DISTANCE = 500 #2 0x0000000000435193 in compute_stop_pos (it=0x7fffffff7430) at xdisp.c:3395 stoppos = 59 iv = 0x26d0480 next_iv = 0x0 object = 40800689 limit = 12730018 position = 0 charpos = 0 bytepos = 0 #3 0x0000000000434d64 in handle_stop (it=0x7fffffff7430) at xdisp.c:3283 handled = HANDLED_NORMALLY handle_overlay_change_p = 1 p = 0x8ec318 #4 0x0000000000440d48 in next_element_from_string (it=0x7fffffff7430) at xdisp.c:7527 position = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0} #5 0x000000000043dc47 in get_next_display_element (it=0x7fffffff7430) at xdisp.c:6570 success_p = 0 #6 0x0000000000462a12 in display_line (it=0x7fffffff7430) at xdisp.c:19397 x_before = 522 nglyphs = 1 ascent = 0 phys_ascent = 0 n_glyphs_before = 58 hpos_before = 58 x = 522 descent = 0 phys_descent = 0 row = 0x29b0d00 overlay_arrow_string = 12730018 wrap_it = {window = 0, w = 0x0, f = 0x0, method = GET_FROM_BUFFER, stop_charpos = 0, prev_stop = 0, base_level_stop = -1, end_charpos = -1, s = 0x0, string_nchars = 1, region_beg_charpos = 0, region_end_charpos = 0, redisplay_end_trigger_charpos = 0, multibyte_p = 0, header_line_p = 0, string_from_display_prop_p = 0, string_from_prefix_prop_p = 0, from_disp_prop_p = 0, ellipsis_p = 0, avoid_cursor_p = 0, dp = 0x0, dpvec = 0x0, dpend = 0x0, dpvec_char_len = 0, dpvec_face_id = 0, saved_face_id = 0, ctl_chars = {0 }, start = {pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, overlay_string_index = 0, string_pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, dpvec_index = 0}, current = {pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, overlay_string_index = 0, string_pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, dpvec_index = 0}, n_overlay_strings = 0, overlay_strings_charpos = 0, overlay_strings = {0 }, string_overlays = {0 , 12730018, 0, 0, 0}, string = 0, from_overlay = 0, stack = {{string = 0, string_nchars = 0, end_charpos = 0, stop_charpos = 0, prev_stop = 0, base_level_stop = 0, cmp_it = {stop_pos = 0, id = 0, ch = 0, rule_idx = 0, lookback = 0, nglyphs = 0, reversed_p = false, charpos = 0, nchars = 0, nbytes = 0, from = 0, to = 0, width = 0}, face_id = 0, u = {image = {object = 0, slice = {x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0}, image_id = 0}, comp = {object = 0}, stretch = {object = 0}}, position = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, current = {pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, overlay_string_index = 0, string_pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, dpvec_index = 0}, from_overlay = 0, area = LEFT_MARGIN_AREA, method = GET_FROM_BUFFER, paragraph_embedding = NEUTRAL_DIR, multibyte_p = 0, string_from_display_prop_p = 0, string_from_prefix_prop_p = 0, display_ellipsis_p = 0, avoid_cursor_p = 0, bidi_p = 0, from_disp_prop_p = 0, line_wrap = TRUNCATE, voffset = 0, space_width = 0, font_height = 0}, {string = 0, string_nchars = 0, end_charpos = 0, stop_charpos = 0, prev_stop = 0, base_level_stop = 0, cmp_it = {stop_pos = 0, id = 0, ch = 0, rule_idx = 0, lookback = 0, nglyphs = 0, reversed_p = false, charpos = 0, nchars = 0, nbytes = 0, from = 0, to = 0, width = 0}, face_id = 0, u = {image = {object = 0, slice = {x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 16632198}, image_id = 16632150}, comp = {object = 0}, stretch = {object = 0}}, position = {charpos = 16831698, bytepos = 140737488316992}, current = {pos = {charpos = 5212771, bytepos = 140737488316976}, overlay_string_index = 6220508, string_pos = {charpos = 16831698, bytepos = 14536848}, dpvec_index = -38272}, from_overlay = 18869821, area = 4294929200, method = 32767, paragraph_embedding = 5212709, multibyte_p = 0, string_from_display_prop_p = 0, string_from_prefix_prop_p = 0, display_ellipsis_p = 0, avoid_cursor_p = 0, bidi_p = 0, from_disp_prop_p = 0, line_wrap = TRUNCATE, voffset = 0, space_width = 140737488317232, font_height = 16831698}, {string = 14536848, string_nchars = 12730018, end_charpos = 18869821, stop_charpos = 140737488317168, prev_stop = 5212619, base_level_stop = 4294967296, cmp_it = {stop_pos = 140737488317408, id = 0, ch = -38096, rule_idx = 32767, lookback = 16831698, nglyphs = -37920, reversed_p = 255, charpos = 140737488318592, nchars = -38096, nbytes = 32767, from = 14536848, to = 0, width = -37920}, face_id = 12730018, u = {image = {object = 0, slice = {x = 140737488317440, y = 5212225, width = 0, height = 4294967296}, image_id = 140737488317408}, comp = {object = 0}, stretch = {object = 0}}, position = {charpos = 140737488318592, bytepos = 16831698}, current = {pos = {charpos = 14536848, bytepos = 12730594}, overlay_string_index = 12760130, string_pos = {charpos = 12760130, bytepos = 12760130}, dpvec_index = 12760130}, from_overlay = 12760130, area = 12760130, method = GET_FROM_BUFFER, paragraph_embedding = 12760130, multibyte_p = 0, string_from_display_prop_p = 0, string_from_prefix_prop_p = 0, display_ellipsis_p = 0, avoid_cursor_p = 0, bidi_p = 0, from_disp_prop_p = 0, line_wrap = 12760130, voffset = 0, space_width = 40489697, font_height = 12760130}, {string = 12760130, string_nchars = 12760130, end_charpos = 12760130, stop_charpos = 12760130, prev_stop = 12760130, base_level_stop = 12760130, cmp_it = {stop_pos = 12760130, id = 0, ch = 0, rule_idx = 0, lookback = 0, nglyphs = 0, reversed_p = false, charpos = 16831698, nchars = 0, nbytes = 0, from = -37408, to = 32767, width = 20446258}, face_id = -37744, u = {image = {object = 5215780, slice = {x = 140737488317488, y = 2104, width = 1875, height = 6381}, image_id = 1035}, comp = {object = 5215780}, stretch = {object = 5215780}}, position = {charpos = 7416, bytepos = 1068}, current = {pos = {charpos = 5212709, bytepos = 0}, overlay_string_index = 140737488317744, string_pos = {charpos = 20446258, bytepos = 229}, dpvec_index = 43284528}, from_overlay = 41758608, area = 4294929584, method = 32767, paragraph_embedding = 6629461, multibyte_p = 0, string_from_display_prop_p = 0, string_from_prefix_prop_p = 0, display_ellipsis_p = 0, avoid_cursor_p = 0, bidi_p = 0, from_disp_prop_p = 0, line_wrap = 43284528, voffset = 0, space_width = 43284528, font_height = 41758613}, {string = 72057594037935352, string_nchars = -37584, end_charpos = 6630000, stop_charpos = 1035, prev_stop = 6611, base_level_stop = 41669472, cmp_it = {stop_pos = 41669472, id = 0, ch = 8485, rule_idx = 0, lookback = 1875, nglyphs = 1875, reversed_p = false, charpos = 8485, nchars = 6611, nbytes = 0, from = 0, to = 0, width = 0}, face_id = 12730018, u = {image = {object = 41758613, slice = {x = 140737488317936, y = 6650946, width = 41669472, height = 41669472}, image_id = 1}, comp = {object = 41758613}, stretch = {object = 41758613}}, position = {charpos = 4294975781, bytepos = 6611}, current = {pos = {charpos = 12730018, bytepos = 12730018}, overlay_string_index = 12934994, string_pos = {charpos = 140737488317904, bytepos = 6641545}, dpvec_index = 8485}, from_overlay = 12730018, area = 12970210, method = GET_FROM_BUFFER, paragraph_embedding = 22635224, multibyte_p = 1, string_from_display_prop_p = 0, string_from_prefix_prop_p = 0, display_ellipsis_p = 0, avoid_cursor_p = 0, bidi_p = 0, from_disp_prop_p = 0, line_wrap = 12934994, voffset = 0, space_width = 37512102, font_height = 12730018}}, sp = 12730018, selective = 140737488317936, what = 6641308, face_id = 0, selective_display_ellipsis_p = 0, ctl_arrow_p = 0, face_box_p = 0, start_of_box_run_p = 1, end_of_box_run_p = 1, overlay_strings_at_end_processed_p = 0, ignore_overlay_strings_at_pos_p = 1, glyph_not_available_p = 1, starts_in_middle_of_char_p = 0, face_before_selective_p = 1, constrain_row_ascent_descent_p = 0, line_wrap = TRUNCATE, base_face_id = 37512102, c = 0, len = -37264, cmp_it = {stop_pos = 6659507, id = 41758613, ch = 28444, rule_idx = 0, lookback = 7119, nglyphs = 7111, reversed_p = false, charpos = 140737488318624, nchars = -36696, nbytes = 32767, from = -36712, to = 32767, width = 41669472}, char_to_display = 22635224, glyphless_method = GLYPHLESS_DISPLAY_THIN_SPACE, image_id = 12730018, slice = {x = 28444, y = 41758613, width = 12934994, height = 26444}, space_width = 140737488318160, voffset = -937, tab_width = 101, font_height = 140737488318176, object = 12730018, position = {charpos = 12730018, bytepos = 140737488318616}, truncation_pixel_width = 28832, continuation_pixel_width = -1, first_visible_x = 32767, last_visible_x = -36696, last_visible_y = 32767, extra_line_spacing = 7111, max_extra_line_spacing = 0, override_ascent = 7111, override_descent = 0, override_boff = -37152, glyph_row = 0x6f1c, area = 4294930816, nglyphs = 32767, pixel_width = 6695277, ascent = 0, descent = -37104, max_ascent = 32767, max_descent = 6655355, phys_ascent = 0, phys_descent = 25081120, max_phys_ascent = 0, max_phys_descent = 25081123, current_x = 0, continuation_lines_width = -36928, eol_pos = {charpos = 5674263, bytepos = 140737488318736}, current_y = 6656427, first_vpos = 1, vpos = 0, hpos = 0, left_user_fringe_bitmap = 2016, right_user_fringe_bitmap = 690, left_user_fringe_face_id = 0, right_user_fringe_face_id = 0, bidi_p = 0, bidi_it = {bytepos = 47244603728, charpos = 139642271657872, ch = 6611, nchars = 25081203, ch_len = 25081123, type = 12730018, type_after_w1 = UNKNOWN_BT, orig_type = 12883408, resolved_level = 0, invalid_levels = 12730018, invalid_rl_levels = 0, prev = {bytepos = 40, charpos = 140737488318432, type = 7413, type_after_w1 = UNKNOWN_BT, orig_type = 1046}, last_strong = {bytepos = 229, charpos = 7413, type = 2104, type_after_w1 = UNKNOWN_BT, orig_type = 1875}, next_for_neutral = {bytepos = 6381, charpos = 1035, type = 7416, type_after_w1 = UNKNOWN_BT, orig_type = 1068}, prev_for_neutral = {bytepos = 12730018, charpos = 12730018, type = 12934994, type_after_w1 = UNKNOWN_BT, orig_type = 4294930496}, next_for_ws = {bytepos = 229, charpos = 43284528, type = 41758608, type_after_w1 = UNKNOWN_BT, orig_type = 4294930496}, next_en_pos = 6629461, next_en_type = 43284528, ignore_bn_limit = 43284528, sor = 41758613, scan_dir = 0, disp_pos = 72057594050657954, disp_prop = -36672, stack_idx = 32767, level_stack = {{level = 6630000, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 6611, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 12730018, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 7111, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 6679, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 6679, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = -33640, override = 32767}, {level = 1875, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 1875, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 1, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 12730018, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 0, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 6611, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = -37072, override = 10}, {level = 12730018, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = -36480, override = 500}, {level = 6650946, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 45228533, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 12883408, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 12730018, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = -36336, override = 32767}, {level = 6611, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 12730018, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 39451238, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 16831698, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = -36512, override = 32767}, {level = 6641395, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 20446258, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 16831698, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 12730594, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 41669416, override = L2R}, {level = 12730594, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 39451222, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 39451222, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 12730018, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = -36480, override = 32767}, {level = 6641308, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 41669416, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 39451222, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = -36288, override = 32767}, {level = 4411795, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = -36288, override = 32767}, {level = 41669472, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 41669416, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = -35792, override = 32767}, {level = 12730066, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 20446258, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 12730018, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 12730018, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 12730018, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 0, override = L2R}, {level = 0, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 26444, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 41758613, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 26844, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 6611, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 6611, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 7413, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 9355960, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 16831698, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 8486, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 6611, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 0, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = -36240, override = 32767}}, string = {lstring = 4410724, s = 0x0, schars = 140737488319536, bufpos = 4294967296, from_disp_str = 0, unibyte = 0}, paragraph_dir = 4294931120, separator_limit = 4444335, prev_was_pdf = 0, first_elt = 0, new_paragraph = 0, frame_window_p = 0}, paragraph_embedding = 6611} wrap_data = 0x0 may_wrap = 0 wrap_x = 0 wrap_row_used = -1 wrap_row_ascent = 32767 wrap_row_height = 4407568 wrap_row_phys_ascent = 0 wrap_row_phys_height = 9509237 wrap_row_extra_line_spacing = 0 wrap_row_min_pos = 0 wrap_row_min_bpos = 0 wrap_row_max_pos = 6175002 wrap_row_max_bpos = 12730018 cvpos = 22 min_pos = 7474 max_pos = 7474 min_bpos = 7474 max_bpos = 7474 #7 0x000000000045945b in try_window (window=14532501, pos=..., flags=1) at xdisp.c:16300 w = 0xddbf90 it = {window = 14532501, w = 0xddbf90, f = 0xddd090, method = GET_FROM_STRING, stop_charpos = 59, prev_stop = 0, base_level_stop = 0, end_charpos = 59, s = 0x0, string_nchars = 0, region_beg_charpos = -1, region_end_charpos = -1, redisplay_end_trigger_charpos = 0, multibyte_p = 1, header_line_p = 0, string_from_display_prop_p = 0, string_from_prefix_prop_p = 0, from_disp_prop_p = 0, ellipsis_p = 0, avoid_cursor_p = 0, dp = 0x0, dpvec = 0x0, dpend = 0x0, dpvec_char_len = 0, dpvec_face_id = 0, saved_face_id = 33, ctl_chars = {0 }, start = {pos = {charpos = 7474, bytepos = 7474}, overlay_string_index = -1, string_pos = {charpos = -1, bytepos = -1}, dpvec_index = -1}, current = {pos = {charpos = 7474, bytepos = 7474}, overlay_string_index = 1, string_pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, dpvec_index = -1}, n_overlay_strings = 2, overlay_strings_charpos = 7474, overlay_strings = {40067665, 40800689, 0 }, string_overlays = {13961579, 32100899, 0 }, string = 40800689, from_overlay = 12730018, stack = {{string = 12730018, string_nchars = 0, end_charpos = 8486, stop_charpos = 7476, prev_stop = 7474, base_level_stop = 7474, cmp_it = {stop_pos = 7475, id = -1, ch = -2, rule_idx = 0, lookback = 0, nglyphs = 0, reversed_p = false, charpos = 0, nchars = 0, nbytes = 0, from = 0, to = 0, width = 0}, 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= 0, height = 0}, image_id = 0}, comp = {object = 0}, stretch = {object = 0}}, position = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, current = {pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, overlay_string_index = 0, string_pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, dpvec_index = 0}, from_overlay = 0, area = LEFT_MARGIN_AREA, method = GET_FROM_BUFFER, paragraph_embedding = NEUTRAL_DIR, multibyte_p = 0, string_from_display_prop_p = 0, string_from_prefix_prop_p = 0, display_ellipsis_p = 0, avoid_cursor_p = 0, bidi_p = 0, from_disp_prop_p = 0, line_wrap = TRUNCATE, voffset = 0, space_width = 0, font_height = 0}, {string = 0, string_nchars = 0, end_charpos = 0, stop_charpos = 0, prev_stop = 0, base_level_stop = 0, cmp_it = {stop_pos = 0, id = 0, ch = 0, rule_idx = 0, lookback = 0, nglyphs = 0, reversed_p = false, charpos = 0, nchars = 0, nbytes = 0, from = 0, to = 0, width = 0}, face_id = 0, u = {image = {object = 0, slice = {x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0}, image_id = 0}, comp = {object = 0}, stretch = {object = 0}}, position = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, current = {pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, overlay_string_index = 0, string_pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, dpvec_index = 0}, from_overlay = 0, area = LEFT_MARGIN_AREA, method = GET_FROM_BUFFER, paragraph_embedding = NEUTRAL_DIR, multibyte_p = 0, string_from_display_prop_p = 0, string_from_prefix_prop_p = 0, display_ellipsis_p = 0, avoid_cursor_p = 0, bidi_p = 0, from_disp_prop_p = 0, line_wrap = TRUNCATE, voffset = 0, space_width = 0, font_height = 0}, {string = 0, string_nchars = 0, end_charpos = 0, stop_charpos = 0, prev_stop = 0, base_level_stop = 0, cmp_it = {stop_pos = 0, id = 0, ch = 0, rule_idx = 0, lookback = 0, nglyphs = 0, reversed_p = false, charpos = 0, nchars = 0, nbytes = 0, from = 0, to = 0, width = 0}, face_id = 0, u = {image = {object = 0, slice = {x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0}, image_id = 0}, comp = {object = 0}, stretch = {object = 0}}, position = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, current = {pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, overlay_string_index = 0, string_pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, dpvec_index = 0}, from_overlay = 0, area = LEFT_MARGIN_AREA, method = GET_FROM_BUFFER, paragraph_embedding = NEUTRAL_DIR, multibyte_p = 0, string_from_display_prop_p = 0, string_from_prefix_prop_p = 0, display_ellipsis_p = 0, avoid_cursor_p = 0, bidi_p = 0, from_disp_prop_p = 0, line_wrap = TRUNCATE, voffset = 0, space_width = 0, font_height = 0}, {string = 0, string_nchars = 0, end_charpos = 0, stop_charpos = 0, prev_stop = 0, base_level_stop = 0, cmp_it = {stop_pos = 0, id = 0, ch = 0, rule_idx = 0, lookback = 0, nglyphs = 0, reversed_p = false, charpos = 0, nchars = 0, nbytes = 0, from = 0, to = 0, width = 0}, face_id = 0, u = {image = {object = 0, slice = {x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0}, image_id = 0}, comp = {object = 0}, stretch = {object = 0}}, position = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, current = {pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, overlay_string_index = 0, string_pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, dpvec_index = 0}, from_overlay = 0, area = LEFT_MARGIN_AREA, method = GET_FROM_BUFFER, paragraph_embedding = NEUTRAL_DIR, multibyte_p = 0, string_from_display_prop_p = 0, string_from_prefix_prop_p = 0, display_ellipsis_p = 0, avoid_cursor_p = 0, bidi_p = 0, from_disp_prop_p = 0, line_wrap = TRUNCATE, voffset = 0, space_width = 0, font_height = 0}}, sp = 1, selective = 0, what = IT_CHARACTER, face_id = 31, selective_display_ellipsis_p = 1, ctl_arrow_p = 1, face_box_p = 0, start_of_box_run_p = 0, end_of_box_run_p = 0, overlay_strings_at_end_processed_p = 0, ignore_overlay_strings_at_pos_p = 0, glyph_not_available_p = 0, starts_in_middle_of_char_p = 0, face_before_selective_p = 0, constrain_row_ascent_descent_p = 0, line_wrap = TRUNCATE, base_face_id = 0, c = 32, len = 1, cmp_it = {stop_pos = 59, id = -1, ch = -2, rule_idx = 0, lookback = 0, nglyphs = 0, reversed_p = false, charpos = 0, nchars = 0, nbytes = 0, from = 0, to = 0, width = 0}, char_to_display = 32, glyphless_method = GLYPHLESS_DISPLAY_THIN_SPACE, image_id = 0, slice = {x = 12730018, y = 12730018, width = 12730018, height = 12730018}, space_width = 12730018, voffset = 0, tab_width = 8, font_height = 12730018, object = 40067665, position = {charpos = 58, bytepos = 58}, truncation_pixel_width = 9, continuation_pixel_width = 0, first_visible_x = 0, last_visible_x = 783, last_visible_y = 1159, extra_line_spacing = 0, max_extra_line_spacing = 0, override_ascent = -1, override_descent = 0, override_boff = 0, glyph_row = 0x29b0d00, area = TEXT_AREA, nglyphs = 1, pixel_width = 9, ascent = 14, descent = 5, max_ascent = 14, max_descent = 5, phys_ascent = 0, phys_descent = 0, max_phys_ascent = 12, max_phys_descent = 0, current_x = 531, continuation_lines_width = 0, eol_pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, current_y = 456, first_vpos = 0, vpos = 24, hpos = 59, left_user_fringe_bitmap = 0, right_user_fringe_bitmap = 0, left_user_fringe_face_id = 0, right_user_fringe_face_id = 0, bidi_p = 1, bidi_it = {bytepos = 0, charpos = 0, ch = 32, nchars = 1, ch_len = 1, type = STRONG_L, type_after_w1 = NEUTRAL_WS, orig_type = NEUTRAL_WS, resolved_level = 0, invalid_levels = 0, invalid_rl_levels = -1, prev = {bytepos = 0, charpos = 0, type = NEUTRAL_B, type_after_w1 = NEUTRAL_B, orig_type = NEUTRAL_B}, last_strong = {bytepos = 57, charpos = 57, type = UNKNOWN_BT, type_after_w1 = UNKNOWN_BT, orig_type = UNKNOWN_BT}, next_for_neutral = {bytepos = 0, charpos = -1, type = UNKNOWN_BT, type_after_w1 = UNKNOWN_BT, orig_type = UNKNOWN_BT}, prev_for_neutral = {bytepos = 0, charpos = 0, type = STRONG_L, type_after_w1 = UNKNOWN_BT, orig_type = UNKNOWN_BT}, next_for_ws = {bytepos = 53, charpos = 53, type = NEUTRAL_B, type_after_w1 = UNKNOWN_BT, orig_type = UNKNOWN_BT}, next_en_pos = 0, next_en_type = UNKNOWN_BT, ignore_bn_limit = -1, sor = L2R, scan_dir = 1, disp_pos = 53, disp_prop = 0, stack_idx = 0, level_stack = {{level = 0, override = NEUTRAL_DIR} }, string = {lstring = 40800689, s = 0x0, schars = 53, bufpos = 7474, from_disp_str = 0, unibyte = 0}, paragraph_dir = L2R, separator_limit = -1, prev_was_pdf = 0, first_elt = 0, new_paragraph = 0, frame_window_p = 1}, paragraph_embedding = L2R} last_text_row = 0x29b0c00 f = 0xddd090 #8 0x000000000045728d in redisplay_window (window=14532501, just_this_one_p=0) at xdisp.c:15826 d2 = 0 d4 = 0 d6 = 0 d1 = 0 d3 = 50 d5 = 50 w = 0xddbf90 f = 0xddd090 buffer = 0x27d2f90 old = 0x27d2f90 lpoint = {charpos = 7466, bytepos = 7466} opoint = {charpos = 7466, bytepos = 7466} startp = {charpos = 6611, bytepos = 6611} update_mode_line = 1 tem = 0 it = {window = 463856467968, w = 0x1, f = 0x7fffffff9080, method = 4499795, stop_charpos = 4294967295, prev_stop = 43565432, base_level_stop = -1, end_charpos = 12862882, s = 0x298c1aa "", string_nchars = 214748364801, region_beg_charpos = 41758613, region_end_charpos = 41758608, redisplay_end_trigger_charpos = 140737488326832, multibyte_p = 1, header_line_p = 1, string_from_display_prop_p = 0, string_from_prefix_prop_p = 1, from_disp_prop_p = 1, ellipsis_p = 1, avoid_cursor_p = 0, dp = 0x27d2f95, dpvec = 0x27d2f95, dpend = 0x7fffffff9130, dpvec_char_len = 4760249, dpvec_face_id = 0, saved_face_id = 0, ctl_chars = {14532501, 4294967297, 12730018, 382252089344, 0, 14532496, 12862882, 42186961, 14532496, 12730066, 14532501, -28320, 41758608, 140737488326992, 4761061, 42186961}, start = {pos = {charpos = 12730066, bytepos = 140737488327056}, overlay_string_index = 4499464, string_pos = {charpos = -4294967296, bytepos = 18939725}, dpvec_index = 14532501}, current = {pos = {charpos = 14532501, bytepos = 12730018}, overlay_string_index = 14536853, string_pos = {charpos = 140737488327216, bytepos = 6184490}, dpvec_index = 12868162}, n_overlay_strings = 14532501, overlay_strings_charpos = 12730018, overlay_strings = {4, 12730018, 18939725, 4499069, 0, 1, 43565432, -1, 14532496, 140737488327280, 41758608, 0, 12730018, 18939725, 6940352, 140737488330704}, string_overlays = {4500677, 140733193388032, 6181062, 12730018, 26619750, 50, 14536853, 14532501, 14532496, 14536848, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, string = 0, from_overlay = -1, stack = {{string = -1, string_nchars = 0, end_charpos = 1, stop_charpos = 0, prev_stop = 0, base_level_stop = 0, cmp_it = {stop_pos = 0, id = 0, ch = 0, rule_idx = 0, lookback = 0, nglyphs = 0, reversed_p = false, charpos = 0, nchars = 0, nbytes = 0, from = 0, to = 0, width = 0}, face_id = 0, u = {image = {object = 0, slice = {x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0}, image_id = 0}, comp = {object = 0}, stretch = {object = 0}}, position = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, current = {pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, overlay_string_index = 0, string_pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, dpvec_index = 0}, from_overlay = 0, area = LEFT_MARGIN_AREA, method = GET_FROM_BUFFER, paragraph_embedding = 4294967295, multibyte_p = 1, string_from_display_prop_p = 1, string_from_prefix_prop_p = 1, display_ellipsis_p = 1, avoid_cursor_p = 1, bidi_p = 1, from_disp_prop_p = 1, line_wrap = 4294967295, voffset = -1, space_width = -1, font_height = 4294967295}, {string = 0, string_nchars = 0, end_charpos = 0, stop_charpos = 0, prev_stop = 0, base_level_stop = 0, cmp_it = {stop_pos = 0, id = 0, ch = 0, rule_idx = 0, lookback = 0, nglyphs = 0, reversed_p = false, charpos = 0, nchars = 0, nbytes = 0, from = 0, to = 0, width = 0}, face_id = 0, u = {image = {object = 0, slice = {x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0}, image_id = 0}, comp = {object = 0}, stretch = {object = 0}}, position = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, current = {pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, overlay_string_index = 0, string_pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, dpvec_index = 0}, from_overlay = 0, area = LEFT_MARGIN_AREA, method = GET_FROM_BUFFER, paragraph_embedding = NEUTRAL_DIR, multibyte_p = 0, string_from_display_prop_p = 0, string_from_prefix_prop_p = 0, display_ellipsis_p = 0, avoid_cursor_p = 0, bidi_p = 0, from_disp_prop_p = 0, line_wrap = TRUNCATE, voffset = 0, space_width = 12730018, font_height = 0}, {string = 0, string_nchars = 0, end_charpos = 0, stop_charpos = 0, prev_stop = 0, base_level_stop = 0, cmp_it = {stop_pos = 0, id = 0, ch = 0, rule_idx = 0, lookback = 0, nglyphs = 0, reversed_p = false, charpos = 0, nchars = 0, nbytes = 0, from = 0, to = 0, width = 0}, face_id = 0, u = {image = {object = 0, slice = {x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0}, image_id = 0}, comp = {object = 0}, stretch = {object = 0}}, position = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, current = {pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 0}, overlay_string_index = 0, string_pos = {charpos = 0, bytepos = 2104}, dpvec_index = 1875}, from_overlay = 6381, area = 1035, method = GET_FROM_BUFFER, paragraph_embedding = 7416, multibyte_p = 0, string_from_display_prop_p = 0, string_from_prefix_prop_p = 0, display_ellipsis_p = 0, avoid_cursor_p = 0, bidi_p = 0, from_disp_prop_p = 0, line_wrap = 1068, voffset = 0, space_width = 0, font_height = 0}, {string = 0, string_nchars = 0, end_charpos = 229, stop_charpos = 43284528, prev_stop = 41758608, base_level_stop = 140737488328320, cmp_it = {stop_pos = 6629461, id = 43284528, ch = 43284528, rule_idx = 0, lookback = 41758613, nglyphs = 7416, reversed_p = false, charpos = 140737488328448, nchars = 6630000, nbytes = 0, from = 0, to = 0, width = 7463}, face_id = 44037720, u = {image = {object = 44037720, slice = {x = 0, y = 12, width = 8, height = 8}, image_id = 12}, comp = {object = 44037720}, stretch = {object = 44037720}}, position = {charpos = 7462, bytepos = 0}, current = {pos = {charpos = 1, bytepos = 12730018}, overlay_string_index = 41758613, string_pos = {charpos = 140737488328640, bytepos = 6650946}, dpvec_index = 44037720}, from_overlay = 44037720, area = TEXT_AREA, method = GET_FROM_BUFFER, paragraph_embedding = 12, multibyte_p = 1, string_from_display_prop_p = 0, string_from_prefix_prop_p = 0, display_ellipsis_p = 0, avoid_cursor_p = 0, bidi_p = 0, from_disp_prop_p = 0, line_wrap = 7463, voffset = 0, space_width = 12730018, font_height = 12730018}, {string = 12934994, string_nchars = -26720, end_charpos = 6641545, stop_charpos = 1068, prev_stop = 12730018, base_level_stop = 12970210, cmp_it = {stop_pos = 4324571648, id = 1, ch = -26224, rule_idx = 32767, lookback = 140737488328960, nglyphs = 12730018, reversed_p = false, charpos = 140737488328640, nchars = 6641308, nbytes = -1, from = -1, to = 0, width = 2104}, face_id = 1875, u = {image = {object = 6381, slice = {x = 1035, y = 7416, width = 1068, height = 140737269430409}, image_id = 140737488329328}, comp = {object = 6381}, stretch = {object = 6381}}, position = {charpos = -24, bytepos = 1}, current = {pos = {charpos = 229, bytepos = 43284528}, overlay_string_index = 41758608, string_pos = {charpos = 140737488328784, bytepos = 6629461}, dpvec_index = 43284528}, from_overlay = 43284528, area = 41758613, method = GET_FROM_BUFFER, paragraph_embedding = 4269216, multibyte_p = 0, string_from_display_prop_p = 0, string_from_prefix_prop_p = 0, display_ellipsis_p = 0, avoid_cursor_p = 0, bidi_p = 0, from_disp_prop_p = 0, line_wrap = 4294940880, voffset = 32767, space_width = 6630000, font_height = 12730018}}, sp = 7465, selective = 44037720, what = 44037720, face_id = 0, selective_display_ellipsis_p = 0, ctl_arrow_p = 0, face_box_p = 0, start_of_box_run_p = 0, end_of_box_run_p = 0, overlay_strings_at_end_processed_p = 0, ignore_overlay_strings_at_pos_p = 0, glyph_not_available_p = 0, starts_in_middle_of_char_p = 0, face_before_selective_p = 0, constrain_row_ascent_descent_p = 0, line_wrap = TRUNCATE, base_face_id = 12, c = 0, len = 8, cmp_it = {stop_pos = 8, id = 12, ch = 7462, rule_idx = 0, lookback = 0, nglyphs = 3, reversed_p = false, charpos = 0, nchars = 41758613, nbytes = 0, from = -26224, to = 32767, width = 6650946}, char_to_display = 0, glyphless_method = GLYPHLESS_DISPLAY_THIN_SPACE, image_id = 44037720, slice = {x = 1, y = 6641395, width = 7465, height = 8486}, space_width = 5676789, voffset = 1, tab_width = 0, font_height = 140737488328816, object = 8486, position = {charpos = 41494614, bytepos = 12730018}, truncation_pixel_width = 30768, continuation_pixel_width = 660, first_visible_x = 0, last_visible_x = 41758608, last_visible_y = 0, extra_line_spacing = 0, max_extra_line_spacing = 0, override_ascent = -26136, override_descent = 32767, override_boff = -26136, glyph_row = 0xc23ea2, area = 12730018, nglyphs = 0, pixel_width = 12933234, ascent = 0, descent = -26160, max_ascent = 32767, max_descent = 6641545, phys_ascent = 0, phys_descent = -26128, max_phys_ascent = 32767, max_phys_descent = 12730018, current_x = 0, continuation_lines_width = 12970210, eol_pos = {charpos = 4294974761, bytepos = 12933234}, current_y = 42511798, first_vpos = 0, vpos = 12730018, hpos = 0, left_user_fringe_bitmap = 16034, right_user_fringe_bitmap = 194, left_user_fringe_face_id = 0, right_user_fringe_face_id = 1022448, bidi_p = 1, bidi_it = {bytepos = 6641308, charpos = 41758613, ch = 42511798, nchars = 140737488329248, ch_len = 6655355, type = 4294941216, type_after_w1 = 32767, orig_type = 41758613, resolved_level = 0, invalid_levels = 12933234, invalid_rl_levels = 0, prev = {bytepos = 29860, charpos = 140737488329760, type = 6656427, type_after_w1 = UNKNOWN_BT, orig_type = UNKNOWN_BT}, last_strong = {bytepos = 7466, charpos = 25081203, type = 31621323, type_after_w1 = UNKNOWN_BT, orig_type = 4294941392}, next_for_neutral = {bytepos = 6630000, charpos = 1, type = 12730018, type_after_w1 = UNKNOWN_BT, orig_type = 44037720}, prev_for_neutral = {bytepos = 7463, charpos = 472446402560, type = 12730018, type_after_w1 = UNKNOWN_BT, orig_type = LRE}, next_for_ws = {bytepos = 8, charpos = 45229320, type = 12883408, type_after_w1 = UNKNOWN_BT, orig_type = 12730018}, next_en_pos = 1, next_en_type = 4079341256, ignore_bn_limit = 41758613, sor = 4294941584, scan_dir = 32767, disp_pos = 6650946, disp_prop = 38709768, stack_idx = 0, level_stack = {{level = 44037720, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 1, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 5674263, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 7463, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 8486, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 0, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 1, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = -25624, override = 32767}, {level = 41758608, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = -25632, override = 32767}, {level = 6655993, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 44037720, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 12933474, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = -25440, override = 32767}, {level = 6702708, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 4, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 41758608, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = -25568, override = 32767}, {level = 6655993, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = -26112, override = 32767}, {level = 12933234, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 7465, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 1, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 41758613, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 7465, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 8486, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = -26112, override = 32767}, {level = -26048, override = 32767}, {level = -1, override = 4294967295}, {level = 12730018, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = -25488, override = 32767}, {level = 41758613, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 29860, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 40, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = -26048, override = 32767}, {level = 0, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = -1, override = 4294967295}, {level = 41758608, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 12730018, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = -25440, override = 32767}, {level = 5842629, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 0, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 7463, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 12730018, override = 4294967295}, {level = -25056, override = 32767}, {level = 28, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 7465, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 12730018, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 29852, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 12730018, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 12730018, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 41758613, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 29852, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 7463, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 41758613, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = -24784, override = 32767}, {level = 5844204, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 12730018, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 0, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 0, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 0, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = -1, override = 536870911}, {level = 7466, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}, {level = 14532496, override = NEUTRAL_DIR}}, string = {lstring = 45221856, s = 0x0, schars = 47546422, bufpos = 47546406, from_disp_str = 0, unibyte = 0}, paragraph_dir = NEUTRAL_DIR, separator_limit = 0, prev_was_pdf = 0, first_elt = 0, new_paragraph = 0, frame_window_p = 0}, paragraph_embedding = 6025112} current_matrix_up_to_date_p = 0 used_current_matrix_p = 0 buffer_unchanged_p = 0 temp_scroll_step = 0 count = 4 rc = 0 centering_position = -1 last_line_misfit = 0 beg_unchanged = 7472 end_unchanged = 784 #9 0x0000000000450e6f in redisplay_window_0 (window=14532501) at xdisp.c:13894 No locals. #10 0x00000000005e1c93 in internal_condition_case_1 (bfun=0x450e30 , arg=14532501, handlers=12926902, hfun=0x450dff ) at eval.c:1357 val = 12730018 c = {tag = 12730018, val = 12730018, next = 0x7fffffffc910, gcpro = 0x0, jmp = {{__jmpbuf = {16, -303160231522410902, 4269216, 140737488343168, 0, 0, -303160230767436182, 303159696738934378}, __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = {__val = {6060048, 5906211, 12730018, 140737488330720, 6062368, 12730018, 12899434384, 12730018, 12933138, 12932448310, 12933136, 140737488330704, 12653792, 4307621088, 12730018, 12130880}}}}, backlist = 0x0, handlerlist = 0x7fffffffc8e0, lisp_eval_depth = 0, pdlcount = 4, poll_suppress_count = 1, interrupt_input_blocked = 0, byte_stack = 0x0} h = {handler = 12926902, var = 12730018, chosen_clause = 12897631906, tag = 0x7fffffff9f00, next = 0x7fffffffc8e0} #11 0x0000000000450de0 in redisplay_windows (window=14532501) at xdisp.c:13874 w = 0xddbf90 #12 0x0000000000450d74 in redisplay_windows (window=42947789) at xdisp.c:13866 w = 0x28f54c8 #13 0x000000000044f91e in redisplay_internal () at xdisp.c:13454 f = 0xddd090 tail = 16503094 frame = 14536853 w = 0xddbf90 sw = 0xddbf90 fr = 0xddd090 pending = 0 must_finish = 0 tlbufpos = {charpos = 7437, bytepos = 7437} tlendpos = {charpos = 1016, bytepos = 1016} number_of_visible_frames = 1 count = 2 count1 = 4 sf = 0xddd090 polling_stopped_here = 0 old_frame = 14536853 consider_all_windows_p = 1 update_miniwindow_p = 0 #14 0x0000000000450614 in redisplay_preserve_echo_area (from_where=7) at xdisp.c:13714 No locals. #15 0x00000000005437d4 in swallow_events (do_display=1) at keyboard.c:4283 old_timers_run = 825 #16 0x000000000041eda0 in sit_for (timeout=160, reading=true, do_display=1) at dispnew.c:5931 sec = 5512560 nsec = 0 #17 0x000000000054032f in read_char (commandflag=1, nmaps=15, maps=0x7fffffffc190, prev_event=12730018, used_mouse_menu=0x7fffffffc494, end_time=0x0) at keyboard.c:2742 tem0 = 12971442 timeout = 40 delay_level = 4 buffer_size = 34 c = 12730018 jmpcount = 2 local_getcjmp = {{__jmpbuf = {6940352, -303160228276019606, 4269216, 140737488343168, 0, 0, -303160231954424214, 303159788026650218}, __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = {__val = {6096673, 25081203, 38709691, 31621323, 12730066, 140737488339184, 6166931, 4294967297, 12730066, 12730018, 6508737, 0, 0, 12730018, 4, 31631509}}}} save_jump = {{__jmpbuf = {4, -303160230259925398, 4269216, 140737488343168, 0, 0, -303160230129901974, 303159788026650218}, __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = {__val = {20472, 0, 140737239060797, 0, 0, 14758480, 24297552, 140737488326336, 6655993, 140737300379576, 12730018, 12729970, 17250150, 12730018, 12729970, 16295254}}}} key_already_recorded = 0 tem = 31631509 save = 0 previous_echo_area_message = 12730018 also_record = 12730018 reread = 0 gcpro1 = {next = 0x7fffffffbd10, var = 0x2807b46, nvars = 41494614} gcpro2 = {next = 0x20, var = 0x2, nvars = 5676789} polling_stopped_here = 0 orig_kboard = 0xe75da0 #18 0x000000000054dfd5 in read_key_sequence (keybuf=0x7fffffffc750, bufsize=30, prompt=12730018, dont_downcase_last=0, can_return_switch_frame=1, fix_current_buffer=1) at keyboard.c:9356 interrupted_kboard = 0xe75da0 interrupted_frame = 0xddd090 key = 0 used_mouse_menu = 0 echo_local_start = 0 last_real_key_start = 0 keys_local_start = 0 local_first_binding = 0 from_string = 12730018 count = 2 t = 0 echo_start = 0 keys_start = 0 nmaps = 15 nmaps_allocated = 15 defs = 0x7fffffffc100 submaps = 0x7fffffffc190 orig_local_map = 19664054 orig_keymap = 41974726 localized_local_map = 0 first_binding = 0 first_unbound = 31 mock_input = 0 fkey = {parent = 16119014, map = 16119014, start = 0, end = 0} keytran = {parent = 12709302, map = 12709302, start = 0, end = 0} indec = {parent = 16119030, map = 16119030, start = 0, end = 0} shift_translated = 0 delayed_switch_frame = 12730018 original_uppercase = 12730018 original_uppercase_position = -1 dummyflag = 0 starting_buffer = 0x27d2f90 fake_prefixed_keys = 12730018 gcpro1 = {next = 0xc23ea2, var = 0xc495d0, nvars = 12730018} #19 0x000000000053d99f in command_loop_1 () at keyboard.c:1499 cmd = 12770226 keybuf = {440, 444, 140737488340928, 6062368, 12730018, 12884901948, 12730018, 12849890, 15707832727, 12849888, 140737269225840, 12578752, 0, 140737488340960, 140737488341088, 6184792, 140737488341008, 12730018, 30681174, 2, 12849890, 12730018, 0, 0, 140737488341088, 6184198, 4214648, 12884901888, 12730018, 12849890} i = 1 prev_modiff = 1988 prev_buffer = 0x27d2f90 already_adjusted = 0 #20 0x00000000005e1b0c in internal_condition_case (bfun=0x53d5f4 , handlers=12781682, hfun=0x53cef9 ) at eval.c:1319 val = 30681174 c = {tag = 12730018, val = 12730018, next = 0x7fffffffca80, gcpro = 0x0, jmp = {{__jmpbuf = {6940352, -303160227963543958, 4269216, 140737488343168, 0, 0, -303160228003389846, 303159696957038186}, __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = {__val = {4294967295, 0, 157882997, 9351720, 0, 0, 0, 0, 140737351956664, 4294967297, 0, 84031035146241, 140737354129704, 140737269253544, 6940352, 140737488341920}}}}, backlist = 0x0, handlerlist = 0x0, lisp_eval_depth = 0, pdlcount = 2, poll_suppress_count = 1, interrupt_input_blocked = 0, byte_stack = 0x0} h = {handler = 12781682, var = 12730018, chosen_clause = 4233774, tag = 0x7fffffffc910, next = 0x0} #21 0x000000000053d2e4 in command_loop_2 (ignore=12730018) at keyboard.c:1194 val = 12883408 #22 0x00000000005e14ae in internal_catch (tag=12777474, func=0x53d2c2 , arg=12730018) at eval.c:1076 c = {tag = 12777474, val = 12730018, next = 0x0, gcpro = 0x0, jmp = {{__jmpbuf = {6940352, -303160227982418326, 4269216, 140737488343168, 0, 0, -303160227957252502, 303159696487931498}, __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = {__val = {6061364, 16964243040, 400, 140737272729288, 12756784, 4307098208, 12730018, 12730018, 12968882, 140737488341872, 6059938, 12968880, 12730018, 140737272729272, 12756784, 12130912}}}}, backlist = 0x0, handlerlist = 0x0, lisp_eval_depth = 0, pdlcount = 2, poll_suppress_count = 1, interrupt_input_blocked = 0, byte_stack = 0x0} #23 0x000000000053d29d in command_loop () at keyboard.c:1173 No locals. #24 0x000000000053ca48 in recursive_edit_1 () at keyboard.c:794 count = 1 val = 5491704 #25 0x000000000053cbde in Frecursive_edit () at keyboard.c:858 count = 0 buffer = 12730018 #26 0x000000000053add0 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffd088) at emacs.c:1643 dummy = 140737269282392 stack_bottom_variable = 0 '\000' do_initial_setlocale = true skip_args = 0 rlim = {rlim_cur = 8720000, rlim_max = 18446744073709551615} no_loadup = false junk = 0x0 dname_arg = 0x0 ch_to_dir = 0x9691a75
heapexec = "EMACS_HEAP_EXEC=true" registers: rax 0x4000000000200040 4611686018429485120 rbx 0x4 4 rcx 0x10 16 rdx 0xc495d0 12883408 rsi 0x40042e 4195374 rdi 0xc495d5 12883413 rbp 0x7fffffff5dc0 0x7fffffff5dc0 rsp 0x7fffffff5da0 0x7fffffff5da0 r8 0x7fffffff5f90 140737488314256 r9 0x26e91b1 40800689 r10 0x0 0 r11 0x26e91b1 40800689 r12 0x4124a0 4269216 r13 0x7fffffffd080 140737488343168 r14 0x0 0 r15 0x0 0 rip 0x4e0c9f 0x4e0c9f eflags 0x10202 [ IF RF ] cs 0x33 51 ss 0x2b 43 ds 0x0 0 es 0x0 0 fs 0x0 0 gs 0x0 0 fctrl 0x37f 895 fstat 0x0 0 ftag 0xffff 65535 fiseg 0x0 0 fioff 0x5e8629 6194729 foseg 0x7fff 32767 fooff 0xffff83a0 -31840 fop 0x55d 1373 mxcsr 0x1fa0 [ PE IM DM ZM OM UM PM ] current instructions: 0x4e0c9f : mov (%rax),%rdx 0x4e0ca2 : mov $0x400000000fff0000,%rax 0x4e0cac : and %rax,%rdx 0x4e0caf : mov $0x4000000000300000,%rax 0x4e0cb9 : cmp %rax,%rdx 0x4e0cbc : jne 0x4e0d13 0x4e0cbe : mov -0x18(%rbp),%rax 0x4e0cc2 : sub $0x5,%rax 0x4e0cc6 : mov 0x20(%rax),%rdx 0x4e0cca : mov 0x6c5c3f(%rip),%rax # 0xba6910 0x4e0cd1 : cmp %rax,%rdx 0x4e0cd4 : jne 0x4e0cf5 0x4e0cd6 : mov -0x18(%rbp),%rax 0x4e0cda : sub $0x5,%rax 0x4e0cde : mov (%rax),%rax 0x4e0ce1 : and $0xffff,%eax threads backtrace: Thread 1 (Thread 0x7ffff7fa8800 (LWP 162917)): #0 0x00000000004e0c9f in char_table_ref (table=12883413, c=4195374) at chartab.c:234 #1 0x000000000066329d in composition_compute_stop_pos (cmp_it=0x7fffffff7c98, charpos=58, bytepos=59, endpos=59, string=40800689) at composite.c:1054 #2 0x0000000000435193 in compute_stop_pos (it=0x7fffffff7430) at xdisp.c:3395 #3 0x0000000000434d64 in handle_stop (it=0x7fffffff7430) at xdisp.c:3283 #4 0x0000000000440d48 in next_element_from_string (it=0x7fffffff7430) at xdisp.c:7527 #5 0x000000000043dc47 in get_next_display_element (it=0x7fffffff7430) at xdisp.c:6570 #6 0x0000000000462a12 in display_line (it=0x7fffffff7430) at xdisp.c:19397 #7 0x000000000045945b in try_window (window=14532501, pos=..., flags=1) at xdisp.c:16300 #8 0x000000000045728d in redisplay_window (window=14532501, just_this_one_p=0) at xdisp.c:15826 #9 0x0000000000450e6f in redisplay_window_0 (window=14532501) at xdisp.c:13894 #10 0x00000000005e1c93 in internal_condition_case_1 (bfun=0x450e30 , arg=14532501, handlers=12926902, hfun=0x450dff ) at eval.c:1357 #11 0x0000000000450de0 in redisplay_windows (window=14532501) at xdisp.c:13874 #12 0x0000000000450d74 in redisplay_windows (window=42947789) at xdisp.c:13866 #13 0x000000000044f91e in redisplay_internal () at xdisp.c:13454 #14 0x0000000000450614 in redisplay_preserve_echo_area (from_where=7) at xdisp.c:13714 #15 0x00000000005437d4 in swallow_events (do_display=1) at keyboard.c:4283 #16 0x000000000041eda0 in sit_for (timeout=160, reading=true, do_display=1) at dispnew.c:5931 #17 0x000000000054032f in read_char (commandflag=1, nmaps=15, maps=0x7fffffffc190, prev_event=12730018, used_mouse_menu=0x7fffffffc494, end_time=0x0) at keyboard.c:2742 #18 0x000000000054dfd5 in read_key_sequence (keybuf=0x7fffffffc750, bufsize=30, prompt=12730018, dont_downcase_last=0, can_return_switch_frame=1, fix_current_buffer=1) at keyboard.c:9356 #19 0x000000000053d99f in command_loop_1 () at keyboard.c:1499 #20 0x00000000005e1b0c in internal_condition_case (bfun=0x53d5f4 , handlers=12781682, hfun=0x53cef9 ) at eval.c:1319 #21 0x000000000053d2e4 in command_loop_2 (ignore=12730018) at keyboard.c:1194 #22 0x00000000005e14ae in internal_catch (tag=12777474, func=0x53d2c2 , arg=12730018) at eval.c:1076 #23 0x000000000053d29d in command_loop () at keyboard.c:1173 #24 0x000000000053ca48 in recursive_edit_1 () at keyboard.c:794 #25 0x000000000053cbde in Frecursive_edit () at keyboard.c:858 #26 0x000000000053add0 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffd088) at emacs.c:1643