() Richard Stallman () Tue, 19 Nov 2013 01:02:05 -0500 WYSIAIG-alike behavior would involve imitating whatever UI elements are popular this decade; ribbon? flat design? Does LibreOffice do that? If not, I guess it isn't really necessary for the job. Right. I think if we narrow the "the job" down to "Emacs as word processor interaction pane" (or whatever the prevalent term is for rectangular screen area for interaction), and omit the menus and other peripheral control widgets from consideration, we can postulate some specific features: - awareness of current-column as a float I started working on this in 2002, but got distracted. The (small, exploratory) changes were reverted 2011-03-06. - correspondance between buffer pos and pixel (x,y) coords on screen - floating (text "flows" around) images, tables, and other "objects" - automatic pagination - page-based stats (word-count, etc), margins, "styles" These would be a good start, i imagine (i don't use word processors, personally, but know people who do). -- Thien-Thi Nguyen GPG key: 4C807502 (if you're human and you know it) read my lisp: (responsep (questions 'technical) (not (via 'mailing-list))) => nil