Debugger entered--setting erc-menu to nil: debug--implement-debug-watch(erc-menu nil set nil) (defvar erc-menu def-tmp-var "ERC menu") (lambda (def-tmp-var) (defvar erc-menu def-tmp-var "ERC menu"))(nil) erc-menu-enable() erc-menu-mode(1) erc-update-modules() #f(compiled-function (sym val) #)(erc-modules (netsplit fill button match track completion readonly networks ring autojoin noncommands irccontrols move-to-prompt stamp menu list)) custom-initialize-reset(erc-modules (funcall (function #f(compiled-function () #)))) custom-declare-variable(erc-modules (funcall (function #f(compiled-function () #))) "A list of modules which ERC should enable.\nIf you set the value of this without using `customize' remember to call\n(erc-update-modules) after you change it. When using `customize', modules\nremoved from the list will be disabled." :get #f(compiled-function (sym) #) :set #f(compiled-function (sym val) #) :type (set :greedy t (const :tag "autoaway: Set away status automatically" autoaway) (const :tag "autojoin: Join channels automatically" autojoin) (const :tag "button: Buttonize URLs, nicknames, and other text" button) (const :tag "capab: Mark unidentified users on servers supporting CAPAB" capab-identify) (const :tag "completion: Complete nicknames and commands (programmable)" completion) (const :tag "hecomplete: Complete nicknames and commands (obsolete, use \"completion\")" hecomplete) (const :tag "dcc: Provide Direct Client-to-Client support" dcc) (const :tag "fill: Wrap long lines" fill) (const :tag "identd: Launch an identd server on port 8113" identd) (const :tag "irccontrols: Highlight or remove IRC control characters" irccontrols) (const :tag "keep-place: Leave point above un-viewed text" keep-place) (const :tag "list: List channels in a separate buffer" list) (const :tag "log: Save buffers in logs" log) (const :tag "match: Highlight pals, fools, and other keywords" match) (const :tag "menu: Display a menu in ERC buffers" menu) (const :tag "move-to-prompt: Move to the prompt when typing text" move-to-prompt) (const :tag "netsplit: Detect netsplits" netsplit) (const :tag "networks: Provide data about IRC networks" networks) (const :tag "noncommands: Don't display non-IRC commands after evaluation" noncommands) (const :tag "notify: Notify when the online status of certain users changes" notify) (const :tag "notifications: Send notifications on PRIVMSG or nickname mentions" notifications) (const :tag "page: Process CTCP PAGE requests from IRC" page) (const :tag "readonly: Make displayed lines read-only" readonly) (const :tag "replace: Replace text in messages" replace) (const :tag "ring: Enable an input history" ring) (const :tag "scrolltobottom: Scroll to the bottom of the buffer" scrolltobottom) (const :tag "services: Identify to Nickserv (IRC Services) automatically" services) (const :tag "smiley: Convert smileys to pretty icons" smiley) (const :tag "sound: Play sounds when you receive CTCP SOUND requests" sound) (const :tag "stamp: Add timestamps to messages" stamp) (const :tag "spelling: Check spelling" spelling) (const :tag "track: Track channel activity in the mode-line" track) (const :tag "truncate: Truncate buffers to a certain size" truncate) (const :tag "unmorse: Translate morse code in messages" unmorse) (const :tag "xdcc: Act as an XDCC file-server" xdcc) (repeat :tag "Others" :inline t symbol)) :group erc) byte-code("\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315&\013\207" [custom-declare-variable erc-modules funcall function #f(compiled-function () #) "A list of modules which ERC should enable.\nIf you set the value of this without using `customize' remember to call\n(erc-update-modules) after you change it. When using `customize', modules\nremoved from the list will be disabled." :get #f(compiled-function (sym) #) :set #f(compiled-function (sym val) #) :type (set :greedy t (const :tag "autoaway: Set away status automatically" autoaway) (const :tag "autojoin: Join channels automatically" autojoin) (const :tag "button: Buttonize URLs, nicknames, and other text" button) (const :tag "capab: Mark unidentified users on servers supporting CAPAB" capab-identify) (const :tag "completion: Complete nicknames and commands (programmable)" completion) (const :tag "hecomplete: Complete nicknames and commands (obsolete, use \"completion\")" hecomplete) (const :tag "dcc: Provide Direct Client-to-Client support" dcc) (const :tag "fill: Wrap long lines" fill) (const :tag "identd: Launch an identd server on port 8113" identd) (const :tag "irccontrols: Highlight or remove IRC control characters" irccontrols) (const :tag "keep-place: Leave point above un-viewed text" keep-place) (const :tag "list: List channels in a separate buffer" list) (const :tag "log: Save buffers in logs" log) (const :tag "match: Highlight pals, fools, and other keywords" match) (const :tag "menu: Display a menu in ERC buffers" menu) (const :tag "move-to-prompt: Move to the prompt when typing text" move-to-prompt) (const :tag "netsplit: Detect netsplits" netsplit) (const :tag "networks: Provide data about IRC networks" networks) (const :tag "noncommands: Don't display non-IRC commands after evaluation" noncommands) (const :tag "notify: Notify when the online status of certain users changes" notify) (const :tag "notifications: Send notifications on PRIVMSG or nickname mentions" notifications) (const :tag "page: Process CTCP PAGE requests from IRC" page) (const :tag "readonly: Make displayed lines read-only" readonly) (const :tag "replace: Replace text in messages" replace) (const :tag "ring: Enable an input history" ring) (const :tag "scrolltobottom: Scroll to the bottom of the buffer" scrolltobottom) (const :tag "services: Identify to Nickserv (IRC Services) automatically" services) (const :tag "smiley: Convert smileys to pretty icons" smiley) (const :tag "sound: Play sounds when you receive CTCP SOUND requests" sound) (const :tag "stamp: Add timestamps to messages" stamp) (const :tag "spelling: Check spelling" spelling) (const :tag "track: Track channel activity in the mode-line" track) (const :tag "truncate: Truncate buffers to a certain size" truncate) (const :tag "unmorse: Translate morse code in messages" unmorse) (const :tag "xdcc: Act as an XDCC file-server" xdcc) (repeat :tag "Others" :inline t symbol)) :group erc] 12) require(erc) byte-code("\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315&\013\207" [require erc custom-declare-variable erc-dcc-mode nil "Non-nil if Erc-Dcc mode is enabled.\nSee the `erc-dcc-mode' command\nfor a description of this minor mode.\nSetting this variable directly does not take effect;\neither customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')\nor call the function `erc-dcc-mode'." :set custom-set-minor-mode :initialize custom-initialize-default :group erc-dcc :type boolean] 12) require(erc-dcc) byte-code("\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\301\307\310&\007\210\302\311\312\313\306\301\307\314&\007\210\302\315\316\317\306\301\307\320&\007\210\302\321\322\323\306\301\307\324&\007\210\302\325\304\326\327\330\331\332\306\333\307\314&\013\207" [require erc-dcc custom-declare-variable erc-xdcc-files nil "List of files to offer via XDCC.\nYour friends should issue \"/ctcp yournick XDCC list\" to see this." :group :type (repeat file) erc-xdcc-verbose-flag t "Report XDCC CTCP requests in the server buffer." boolean erc-xdcc-handler-alist '(("help" . erc-xdcc-help) ("list" . erc-xdcc-list) ("send" . erc-xdcc-send)) "Sub-command handler alist for XDCC CTCP queries." (alist :key-type (string :tag "Sub-command") :value-type function) erc-xdcc-help-text '(("Hey " nick ", wondering how this works? Pretty easy.") ("Available commands: XDCC [" (mapconcat 'car erc-xdcc-handler-alist "|") "]") ("Type \"/ctcp " (erc-current-nick) " XDCC list\" to see the list of offered files, then type \"/ctcp " (erc-current-nick) " XDCC send #\" to get a particular file number.")) "Help text sent in response to XDCC help command.\nA list of messages, each consisting of strings and expressions, expressions\nbeing evaluated and should return strings." (repeat (repeat :tag "Message" (choice string sexp))) erc-xdcc-mode "Non-nil if Erc-Xdcc mode is enabled.\nSee the `erc-xdcc-mode' command\nfor a description of this minor mode.\nSetting this variable directly does not take effect;\neither customize it (see the info node `Easy Customization')\nor call the function `erc-xdcc-mode'." :set custom-set-minor-mode :initialize custom-initialize-default erc-xdcc] 12) load("erc-xdcc" noerror nomessage) help--load-prefixes((("erc-" "erc-xdcc" "erc-track" "erc-stamp" "erc-speedbar" "erc-sound" "erc-services" "erc-ring" "erc-page" "erc-notify" "erc-networks" "erc-netsplit" "erc-match" "erc-log" "erc-list" "erc-join" "erc-ibuffer" "erc-goodies" "erc-fill" "erc-dcc" "erc-compat" "erc-button" "erc-backend" "erc"))) help--symbol-completion-table("erc-" #f(compiled-function (f) #) metadata) completion-metadata("erc-" help--symbol-completion-table #f(compiled-function (f) #)) completion--field-metadata(20) completion--do-completion(20 24) completion--in-region-1(20 24) #f(compiled-function (start end collection predicate) #)(20 24 help--symbol-completion-table #f(compiled-function (f) #)) apply(#f(compiled-function (start end collection predicate) #) (20 24 help--symbol-completion-table #f(compiled-function (f) #))) #f(compiled-function (funs global args) #)(nil nil (20 24 help--symbol-completion-table #f(compiled-function (f) #))) completion--in-region(20 24 help--symbol-completion-table #f(compiled-function (f) #)) completion-in-region(20 24 help--symbol-completion-table #f(compiled-function (f) #)) minibuffer-complete() funcall-interactively(minibuffer-complete) call-interactively(minibuffer-complete nil nil) command-execute(minibuffer-complete) read-from-minibuffer("Describe function: " nil (keymap (10 . minibuffer-complete-and-exit) (13 . minibuffer-complete-and-exit) keymap (menu-bar keymap (minibuf "Minibuf" keymap (tab menu-item "Complete" minibuffer-complete :help "Complete as far as possible") (space menu-item "Complete Word" minibuffer-complete-word :help "Complete at most one word") (63 menu-item "List Completions" minibuffer-completion-help :help "Display all possible completions") "Minibuf")) (27 keymap (118 . switch-to-completions)) (prior . switch-to-completions) (63 . minibuffer-completion-help) (32 . minibuffer-complete-word) (9 . minibuffer-complete) keymap (menu-bar keymap (minibuf "Minibuf" keymap (previous menu-item "Previous History Item" previous-history-element :help "Put previous minibuffer history element in the minibuffer") (next menu-item "Next History Item" next-history-element :help "Put next minibuffer history element in the minibuffer") (isearch-backward menu-item "Isearch History Backward" isearch-backward :help "Incrementally search minibuffer history backward") (isearch-forward menu-item "Isearch History Forward" isearch-forward :help "Incrementally search minibuffer history forward") (return menu-item "Enter" exit-minibuffer :key-sequence "\015" :help "Terminate input and exit minibuffer") (quit menu-item "Quit" abort-recursive-edit :help "Abort input and exit minibuffer") "Minibuf")) (10 . exit-minibuffer) (13 . exit-minibuffer) (7 . abort-recursive-edit) (C-tab . file-cache-minibuffer-complete) (9 . self-insert-command) (XF86Back . previous-history-element) (up . previous-line-or-history-element) (prior . previous-history-element) (XF86Forward . next-history-element) (down . next-line-or-history-element) (next . next-history-element) (27 keymap (114 . previous-matching-history-element) (115 . next-matching-history-element) (112 . previous-history-element) (110 . next-history-element))) nil nil nil nil) completing-read-default("Describe function: " help--symbol-completion-table #f(compiled-function (f) #) t nil nil nil nil) completing-read("Describe function: " help--symbol-completion-table #f(compiled-function (f) #) t nil nil nil) byte-code("\301 \302\030\303\001\203\020\0\304\305\003\"\202\021\0\306\307\310\302\311\211\006\007\205\037\0\312\006\010!&\007\211\313\232\204,\0\314\001!\262\002\001\2035\0\0019\2049\0\315\316!\210\317\002!\204J\0\001\320N\204J\0\315\321\003\"\210\001)C\207" [enable-recursive-minibuffers function-called-at-point t completing-read format "Describe function (default %s): " "Describe function: " help--symbol-completion-table #f(compiled-function (f) #) nil symbol-name "" intern user-error "You didn't specify a function symbol" fboundp function-documentation "Symbol's function definition is void: %s"] 10) call-interactively(describe-function nil nil) command-execute(describe-function)