Hi Stefan, > From the side-lines: I’d be happy to add it to GNU ELPA if you’re > interested, and I’ll let others decide whether to add it to > Emacs itself. Thanks for the offer. While I’ve left this linger I’ve been mulling over what I think would be best in the near future. While I still consider this to be something likely worth replacing/supplimenting htmlfontify with in due course, given how young this is I suspect that this package could benefit from living somewhere which lets it mature a bit and possibly make the odd breaking change as it settles down — like ELPA! I also feel like with this in ELPA this would be a reasonable optional dependency for Org. I’m hoping for the ability to (setq org-latex-listings ’engraved) in the future, and potentially spreading it to ox-ascii and ox-html, maybe even ox-odt if someone gets around to that backend. I have never done anything with ELPA before though, so I’m liable to ask one or two annoying questions :P. All the best, Timothy ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Oh, and just while I’m writing a reply, for the record > My comment is that the package seems to support a subset of what > htmlfontify supports, basically the colors. [Eli] I don’t find this characterisation accurate, if I were to summarise this I’d call it my slightly-worse-than-htmlize-but-more-generic-and-supports-multiple-formats-package 😛.