Hello, I would like to submit a new package to elpa called "jarchive". Jarchive extends Emacs to allow navigation into JVM project dependencies located within .jar file archives. It is intended to be paired with lsp clients like eglot while connected to language servers for JVM languages. With this package installed and eglot running, using commands like `xref-find-definitions' on symbols defined in jars will jump to a new buffer containing the contents of the archived file. Without this package, Emacs opens up an empty buffer instead of the intended source file. The package can be found here: https://git.sr.ht/~dannyfreeman/jarchive I've tried my best to make sure everything is up to snuff. - package-lint-current-buffer does not report errors - checkdoc passes - copyright notice in the file is assigned to FSF - copyright papers signed I also have a patch that adds a new entry to the `elpa-packages` file in the elpa repository, but that's the most I can do since I don't have any kind of access to the remote repo. See attached!