Hello, I'd like to add Eglot, my new package, to GNU ELPA. Eglot, for Emacs Polyglot, is an Emacs client for the LSP, or Language Server Protocol (https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/). For those unfamilar with LSP, here's a quick primer. M-x eglot connects to LSP subprocesses locally or through the network. Thereafter, via a JSON-based RPC protocol, information about the source code is exchanged with the server: the client tells is about the (unsaved) buffer's contents, and the server provides information to feed xref.el, flymake.el, eldoc.el, auto-completion, and other IDE-like functionality. Because Eglot is language-agnostic, the big idea is that this gives Emacs an uniform IDE UI for any language one can find a suitable server for. There is a prominent existing Emacs package, emacs-lsp, that shares largely the same goals. I have contacted its author and explained why I started from scratch. This is summarized in a list of user-visible and under-the-hood differences between the two projects in Eglot's home page: https://github.com/joaotavora/eglot#differences-to-lsp-modeel emacs-lsp and its many plugins live at: https://github.com/emacs-lsp One notable difference is that Eglot requires Emacs 26 and integrates with the new flymake.el redesign, whereas emacs-lsp uses flycheck.el for that. Another design goal is a single M-x eglot entry point, instead of different eglot-.el and M-x eglot- commands for each language. If the package is accepted, I think I already have commit rights to the GNU ELPA repo and would like to develop this as a Git subtree, just like yasnippet. Thank you for your attention, João