Hi! I've recently revamped my website in pure Org/Elisp (using ox-publish): https://ambrevar.xyz Source is here: https://gitlab.com/ambrevar/ambrevar.gitlab.io The main difficulty was to generate the webfeed file. I could not find any Elisp library to do that. There is ox-rss in Org-contrib but it works over a single Org file only. It is possible to create a meta-Org file with #+includes, but that's inconvenient and limited (the #+TITLE tags get concatenated to start with). So I went ahead and implemented a webfeed generator from scratch. (It's a first draft.) It's rather simple actually: it takes a bunch of HTML files as input, extracts valuable information through user-defined functions and saves everything into an RSS file. I'll implement Atom generation later. What do you people think? Would this be useful enough to be considered for inclusion in Emacs? Am I missing existing alternatives? Cheers! -- Pierre Neidhardt https://ambrevar.xyz/