From: Vladimir Nikishkin <>
Subject: bug#65905: 30.0.50; Consider changing info buffer names to info<(org)> rather than info<3>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2023 12:09:48 +0800 [thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
Dear Emacs Developers,
I would like to ask for a small usability improvement to Emacs. Could we
name info buffers as "info<(manual)>" (or, maybe, just
"info<>"), not as "info<3>"? I do not always remember in which
order I open info manuals, and having a file name in the buffer name
should be nice an easily readable.
So far I worked around this by adding:
(advice-add 'info-display-manual :after
(lambda (x)
(rename-buffer (seq-concatenate 'string "info<" (file-name-nondirectory Info-current-file) ">"))))
But advices are generally a hack (albeit very useful), so I thought that
someone might like this feature to be "official".
Thanks a lot!
In GNU Emacs 30.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-slackware-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version
3.24.31, cairo version 1.16.0) of 2023-07-31 built on
Windowing system distributor 'The X.Org Foundation', version 11.0.12014000
System Description: Slackware 15.0 x86_64
Configured using:
'configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64 --sysconfdir=/etc
--localstatedir=/var --program-prefix= --program-suffix=
--mandir=/usr/man --infodir=/usr/info --without-gconf
--without-gsettings --with-modules --with-native-compilation=aot
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--enable-year2038 --with-tree-sitter --with-cairo-xcb
--build=x86_64-slackware-linux 'CFLAGS=-O2 -fPIC -g''
Configured features:
Important settings:
value of $LC_COLLATE: C
value of $LC_TIME: en_GB.UTF-8
value of $LANG: en_US.UTF-8
value of $XMODIFIERS: @im=ibus
locale-coding-system: utf-8-unix
Major mode: mu4e:headers
Minor modes in effect:
memento-mori-mode: t
highlight-doxygen-global-mode: t
hes-mode: t
global-highlight-parentheses-mode: t
highlight-parentheses-mode: t
global-color-identifiers-mode: t
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Load-path shadows:
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(shadow emacsbug bbdb-mu4e profiler tabify cus-start bbdb-com org-timer
org-colview org-archive reporter elfeed-link elfeed-show elfeed-search
elfeed-csv elfeed elfeed-curl elfeed-log xml-query elfeed-db elfeed-lib
shortdoc conf-mode rng-xsd xsd-regexp rng-cmpct rng-nxml rng-valid
nxml-mode nxml-outln nxml-rap sgml-mode reftex-cite reftex-global
reftex-index reftex-ref reftex-sel cursor-sensor reftex-parse mm-archive
qp url-cache network-stream mailalias sort gnus-cite mail-extr textsec
uni-scripts idna-mapping ucs-normalize uni-confusable textsec-check
cal-china lunar solar cal-dst cal-bahai cal-islam cal-hebrew holidays
holiday-loaddefs vc-hg vc-bzr vc-src vc-sccs vc-svn vc-cvs vc-rcs
log-view bug-reference magit-extras face-remap cl-print misearch
multi-isearch plain-tex preview reftex-toc reftex-dcr reftex-auc
font-latex tex-mode org-inlinetask time-stamp matlab matlab-scan
matlab-syntax matlab-compat pulse ffap vc-git org-eldoc geiser-mode
geiser-xref geiser-compile geiser-debug geiser-racket geiser-mit
geiser-chibi geiser-chez info-look geiser-repl geiser-image geiser-capf
geiser-doc geiser-menu geiser-autodoc geiser-edit geiser-completion
geiser-eval geiser-connection geiser-syntax geiser-log geiser-popup view
oc-basic disp-table ol-eww ol-rmail ol-mhe ol-irc ol-info ol-gnus
nnselect ol-docview ol-bbdb ol-w3m ol-doi org-link-doi dired-aux
company-oddmuse company-keywords make-mode company-etags company-gtags
company-dabbrev-code company-dabbrev company-files company-clang
company-capf company-cmake company-semantic company-template
company-bbdb init rc-local lockywolf-postamble-laptop
display-line-numbers lockywolf-exwm exwm exwm-input xcb-keysyms
exwm-manage exwm-floating xcb-cursor xcb-render exwm-layout
exwm-workspace exwm-core xcb-ewmh xcb-icccm xcb xcb-xkb xcb-xproto
xcb-types xcb-debug lockywolf-erc erc-track erc-match erc erc-backend
erc-networks erc-common erc-compat erc-loaddefs lockywolf-equake equake
lockywolf-gui-x11 hamburger-menu lockywolf-gui-general diary-lib
diary-loaddefs memento-mori highlight-doxygen highlight-escape-sequences
highlight-parentheses rainbow-mode color-identifiers-mode prettify-greek
form-feed tsdh-dark-theme lockywolf-calc calc calc-loaddefs rect
calc-macs lockywolf-monitoring idle-org-agenda
lockywolf-autocomplete-ido lockywolf-org-scientific-large org-download
org-attach org-mind-map org-sticky-header org-pdftools pdf-annot
facemenu org-noter org-noter-djvu org-noter-nov org-noter-pdf
org-noter-core org2blog ox-wp writegood-mode metaweblog xml-rpc url-http
url-auth url-gw nsm hydra lv htmlize org-journal org-crypt cal-iso
org-sidebar org-ql-search org-ql-view ov org-super-agenda ht org-ql peg
ts org-habit org-duration org-mru-clock org-capture ox-beamer ox-org
ox-md ox-odt rng-loc rng-uri rng-parse rng-match rng-dt rng-util
rng-pttrn nxml-parse nxml-ns nxml-enc xmltok nxml-util ox-latex
ox-icalendar org-agenda ox-html table ox-ascii ox-publish ox org-clock
ob-maxima ob-fortran ob-shell ob-latex ob-scheme geiser-impl help-fns
radix-tree geiser-custom geiser-base geiser ob-C ob-plantuml org-tempo
tempo org-protocol ox-youtube org-ebib org-bibtex-extras ol-bibtex
ox-bibtex org-fancy-priorities lockywolf-cryptography pinentry
lockywolf-elfeed lockywolf-email-pim bbdb bbdb-site timezone gnus-dired
mu4e-speedbar speedbar ezimage dframe mu4e mu4e-org mu4e-notification
notifications mu4e-main mu4e-view gnus-art mm-uu mml2015 mm-view
mml-smime smime gnutls dig gnus-sum gnus-group gnus-undo gnus-start
gnus-dbus gnus-cloud nnimap nnmail mail-source utf7 nnoo gnus-spec
gnus-int gnus-range gnus-win mu4e-headers mu4e-compose mu4e-draft
mu4e-actions mu4e-search mu4e-lists mu4e-bookmarks mu4e-mark
mu4e-message flow-fill mu4e-contacts mu4e-update mu4e-folders
mu4e-context mu4e-query-items mu4e-server mu4e-modeline mu4e-vars
mu4e-helpers mu4e-config mu4e-window ido mu4e-obsolete
message-view-patch auth-source-xoauth2 auth-source-pass smtpmail-multi
smtpmail khardel yaml-mode vdirel org-vcard lockywolf-tex company-auctex
vdm-snippets yasnippet bib-cite auctex-latexmk latex latex-flymake
tex-ispell tex-style tex texmathp cdlatex lockywolf-bibtex ebib helm
helm-global-bindings helm-easymenu helm-core async-bytecomp helm-source
helm-multi-match helm-lib ebib-reading-list ebib-notes org-element
org-persist org-id org-refile org ob ob-tangle ob-ref ob-lob ob-table
ob-exp org-macro org-src ob-comint org-pcomplete org-list org-footnote
org-faces org-entities ob-emacs-lisp ob-core ob-eval org-cycle org-table
org-keys oc org-loaddefs cal-menu calendar cal-loaddefs ol org-fold
org-fold-core org-compat avl-tree org-version org-macs ebib-filters
ebib-keywords ebib-utils ebib-db parsebib mule-util bibretrieve
bibtex-utils reftex reftex-loaddefs reftex-vars bibtex
lockywolf-plantuml flycheck-plantuml plantuml-mode lockywolf-matlab
lockywolf-scheme scheme-complete scheme lockywolf-emacs-lisp
paredit-menu paredit lockywolf-helm lockywolf-vala vala-mode cc-langs
lockywolf-cpp clang-format+ clang-format eldoc-cmake cmake-mode rst
company-c-headers flycheck-clangcheck google-c-style cc-mode cc-fonts
cc-guess cc-menus cc-cmds lockywolf-fortran f90 lockywolf-bash sh-script
smie treesit executable lockywolf-version-control magit-todos pcre2el
rxt re-builder f f-shortdoc s async grep magit-bookmark magit-submodule
magit-blame magit-stash magit-reflog magit-bisect magit-push magit-pull
magit-fetch magit-clone magit-remote magit-commit magit-sequence
magit-notes magit-worktree magit-tag magit-merge magit-branch
magit-reset magit-files magit-refs magit-status magit magit-repos
magit-apply magit-wip magit-log magit-diff smerge-mode diff diff-mode
git-commit log-edit message sendmail yank-media rfc822 mml mml-sec epa
epg epg-config mm-decode mm-bodies mm-encode mail-parse rfc2231
mailabbrev gmm-utils mailheader pcvs-util add-log magit-core
magit-autorevert magit-margin magit-transient magit-process with-editor
server magit-mode transient magit-git magit-base crm magit-section vc
vc-dispatcher lockywolf-spellchecking-hard languagetool
languagetool-server languagetool-console languagetool-java
languagetool-issue languagetool-correction languagetool-core flycheck
lockywolf-spellchecking-simple hl-todo compat flyspell ispell
lockywolf-debugging gdb-mi bindat gud lockywolf-advanced-editing eglot
external-completion jsonrpc flymake-proc flymake ert debug backtrace
markdown-mode color company autoinsert ediff ediff-merg ediff-mult
ediff-wind ediff-diff ediff-help ediff-init ediff-util lockywolf-ggtags
ggtags hippie-exp etags fileloop xref project ewoc lockywolf-tramp
lockywolf-shells esh-help dash em-unix em-smart esh-mode esh-var eshell
esh-cmd generator esh-ext esh-opt esh-proc esh-io esh-arg esh-module
esh-groups esh-util lockywolf-paper-pdf-djvu djvu pdf-occur ibuf-ext
ibuffer ibuffer-loaddefs tablist advice tablist-filter
semantic/wisent/comp semantic/wisent semantic/wisent/wisent
semantic/util-modes semantic/util semantic semantic/tag semantic/lex
semantic/fw mode-local find-func cedet pdf-isearch let-alist pdf-misc
pdf-tools pdf-view derived pdf-cache pdf-info tq pdf-util pdf-macs
doc-view jka-compr image-mode exif ps-print ps-print-loaddefs lpr
lockywolf-downloaded-packages diminish shackle trace mic-paren cl
lockywolf-dired dired-x lockywolf-standard-packages eww url-queue
thingatpt shr pixel-fill kinsoku url-file svg dom puny mm-url gnus
nnheader gnus-util range woman man info-colors secrets dbus comp
comp-cstr warnings xml locate dired dired-loaddefs arc-mode archive-mode
compile autorevert filenotify elec-pair which-func imenu hl-line
display-fill-column-indicator hi-lock foldout edmacro kmacro noutline
outline windmove bookmark text-property-search savehist recentf
tree-widget saveplace tramp-sh tramp rx trampver tramp-integration
files-x tramp-message tramp-loaddefs tramp-compat xdg shell pcomplete
comint ansi-osc ring parse-time iso8601 time-date format-spec ansi-color
super-save rmail rfc6068 rfc2047 rfc2045 ietf-drums mm-util mail-prsvr
mail-utils image-file image-converter cl-extra help-mode
lockywolf-handy-own-functions-keybindings lockywolf-basic-init xt-mouse
use-package-ensure-system-package system-packages cus-edit pp cus-load
icons wid-edit use-package use-package-ensure use-package-delight
use-package-diminish use-package-bind-key bind-key easy-mmode
use-package-core init-custom 0blayout-autoloads auctex-latexmk-autoloads
auth-source-xoauth2-autoloads bibtex-completion-autoloads
biblio-autoloads biblio-core-autoloads bind-key-autoloads
cdlatex-autoloads centered-cursor-mode-autoloads chatgpt-shell-autoloads
cmake-font-lock-autoloads cmake-mode-autoloads
color-identifiers-mode-autoloads anaconda-mode-autoloads
auctex-autoloads tex-site company-emoji-autoloads company-math-autoloads
ac-php-core-autoloads company-quickhelp-autoloads
company-shell-autoloads company-autoloads consult-eglot-autoloads
consult-autoloads csv-mode-autoloads debpaste-autoloads
diminish-autoloads djvu-autoloads ebib-autoloads elisp-depmap-autoloads
emms-info-mediainfo-autoloads emms-autoloads ess-autoloads
exwm-x-autoloads exwm-autoloads flycheck-phpstan-autoloads
flymake-easy-autoloads geiser-chez-autoloads geiser-chibi-autoloads
geiser-mit-autoloads geiser-racket-autoloads geiser-stklos-autoloads
geiser-autoloads flycheck-autoloads gitlab-pipeline-autoloads
ghub-autoloads go-mode-autoloads graphviz-dot-mode-autoloads
highlight-doxygen-autoloads highlight-escape-sequences-autoloads
highlight-parentheses-autoloads info-colors-autoloads jabber-autoloads
fsm-autoloads jupyter-autoloads khardel-autoloads kotlin-mode-autoloads
languagetool-autoloads lua-mode-autoloads magit-todos-autoloads
hl-todo-autoloads markdown-preview-mode-autoloads
markdown-mode-autoloads math-symbol-lists-autoloads
matlab-mode-autoloads message-view-patch-autoloads magit-autoloads pcase
magit-section-autoloads git-commit-autoloads mic-paren-autoloads
mu4e-jump-to-list-autoloads org-contrib-autoloads org-download-autoloads
org-journal-autoloads org-mru-clock-autoloads org-pdftools-autoloads
org-noter-autoloads org-sidebar-autoloads org-ql-autoloads finder-inf
org-sticky-header-autoloads org-super-agenda-autoloads
org2blog-autoloads metaweblog-autoloads ov-autoloads paredit-autoloads
parsebib-autoloads pcre2el-autoloads pcsv-autoloads
pdf-view-pagemark-autoloads pdf-tools-autoloads peg-autoloads
phpstan-autoloads php-mode-autoloads pos-tip-autoloads
pythonic-autoloads f-autoloads qml-mode-autoloads qt-pro-mode-autoloads
rainbow-mode-autoloads semi-autoloads flim-autoloads apel-autoloads
shell-maker-autoloads sml-mode-autoloads spell-fu-autoloads
sr-speedbar-autoloads srv-autoloads sudo-edit-autoloads
tablist-autoloads treemacs-autoloads cfrs-autoloads posframe-autoloads
ht-autoloads hydra-autoloads pfuture-autoloads ace-window-autoloads
avy-autoloads treepy-autoloads ts-autoloads dash-autoloads cc-styles
cc-align cc-engine cc-vars cc-defs vdirel-autoloads helm-autoloads
popup-autoloads helm-core-autoloads async-autoloads org-vcard-autoloads
websocket-autoloads with-editor-autoloads info compat-autoloads
writegood-mode-autoloads xml-rpc-autoloads yaml-mode-autoloads
s-autoloads zmq-autoloads package browse-url url url-proxy url-privacy
url-expand url-methods url-history url-cookie generate-lisp-file
url-domsuf url-util mailcap url-handlers url-parse auth-source cl-seq
eieio eieio-core cl-macs password-cache json subr-x map byte-opt gv
bytecomp byte-compile url-vars cl-loaddefs cl-lib rmc iso-transl tooltip
cconv eldoc paren electric uniquify ediff-hook vc-hooks lisp-float-type
elisp-mode mwheel term/x-win x-win term/common-win x-dnd tool-bar dnd
fontset image regexp-opt fringe tabulated-list replace newcomment
text-mode lisp-mode prog-mode register page tab-bar menu-bar rfn-eshadow
isearch easymenu timer select scroll-bar mouse jit-lock font-lock syntax
font-core term/tty-colors frame minibuffer nadvice seq simple cl-generic
indonesian philippine cham georgian utf-8-lang misc-lang vietnamese
tibetan thai tai-viet lao korean japanese eucjp-ms cp51932 hebrew greek
romanian slovak czech european ethiopic indian cyrillic chinese
composite emoji-zwj charscript charprop case-table epa-hook
jka-cmpr-hook help abbrev obarray oclosure cl-preloaded button loaddefs
theme-loaddefs faces cus-face macroexp files window text-properties
overlay sha1 md5 base64 format env code-pages mule custom widget keymap
hashtable-print-readable backquote threads xwidget-internal dbusbind
inotify lcms2 dynamic-setting font-render-setting cairo gtk x-toolkit
xinput2 x multi-tty move-toolbar make-network-process native-compile
Memory information:
((conses 16 3064509 632294) (symbols 48 105557 13) (strings 32 483454 31642)
(string-bytes 1 16352199) (vectors 16 249861) (vector-slots 8 6151654 369486)
(floats 8 1939 12464) (intervals 56 74001 8236) (buffers 984 110))
Your sincerely,
Vladimir Nikishkin (MiEr, lockywolf)
next reply other threads:[~2023-09-13 4:09 UTC|newest]
Thread overview: 10+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top
2023-09-13 4:09 Vladimir Nikishkin [this message]
2023-09-13 12:58 ` bug#65905: 30.0.50; Consider changing info buffer names to info<(org)> rather than info<3> Eli Zaretskii
2023-09-13 14:04 ` Vladimir Nikishkin
2023-09-13 14:57 ` Eli Zaretskii
2023-09-13 15:07 ` Vladimir Nikishkin
2023-09-13 19:09 ` Eli Zaretskii
2023-09-14 1:13 ` Vladimir Nikishkin
2023-09-13 20:58 ` Kévin Le Gouguec
2023-09-14 2:11 ` Vladimir Nikishkin
2023-09-14 5:59 ` Eli Zaretskii
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