Hello Dominik, The Org mode documentation says that Org mode uses ISO time stamps. Although Org mode date/time format is inspired by ISO, it is not fully compliant, see for instance http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 on ISO date and time format. I corrected the documentation and attached a patch. FYI, in ISO date/time format looks like this: 2009-09-18T07:16 while Org mode is like that <2009-09-18 ven. 07:16> (this timestamp was generated by `C-c .' on my machine, `ven.' means `Fri' in French). Intervals and are supported by ISO, with a `/' separator, while org uses a `-' separator which is ambiguous in ISO (+ or - are used for the time zone). ISO also supports intervals specified with a duration with the `P' seperator, such intervals may be defined relative to begin date or end date ISO also supports repetitions with the `R' separator, while Org uses a `+' separator. If ever you want to implement ISO 8601 format into Org, I suggests that ISO8601 timesamps/time interval are encapsulated into `' where the leading `I' would help Org to disambiguate from native Org mode format (although in case where `T', `P' or `R' is used, it is possible to guess it's an ISO format. So the example I gave would be: There could also be some relaxed ISO using an `i' prefix like this: where the day short name (eg. `ven.') is shown between backets, as it is cool to have this information. Relaxed ISO would just strip _anything_ between brackets before interpreting the timestamp, so it would be quite robust to locale stuff (like `ven.' instead of `Fri'). Very best regards, Vincent. PS: I may contribute on this, if you wish.