Hi! I'm happy to announce disk-usage.el (https://gitlab.com/ambrevar/emacs-disk-usage), a disk analyzer for Emacs! It displays a tabulated list of files and folders along their size in a select directory. Features: - It's an Emacs buffer, you can use all Emacs facilities (search, multiple buffers, etc.). - Results are cached and disk-usage.el should generally be very fast. - Directories can be explored up and down, re-using the cache. (ncdu can not even go "up" without rescanning everything). - File listings can be displayed recursively (all files in all subfolders). - Toggle "human size" display. - Display size statistics by extension. - Sort by any column (size, filename, extension, percentage, etc.). - Open current entry in Dired/M-x shell/Eshall/. I decided to work on this as an answer to years of frustration with more limited tools such as ncdu (my last ncurses application). It already has Evil bindings in Evil collection (https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection) and a Guix package. I'd like to add this item to ELPA as an external. Let me know if there is anything. Feedback is more than welcome! Cheers! -- Pierre Neidhardt https://ambrevar.xyz/