Hi all, On 2022-10-20, Filipp Gunbin wrote: > Jens, did you by chance modify ldap-ldapsearch-args? Its default value > contains "-LLL" which suppresses noise like "search: 2" that you see. yes, I change that variable as indicated in my bug report: >> (let ((ldap-default-base "O=DFN-Verein,C=DE") >> (ldap-ldapsearch-args '("-x" "-tt" "-H ldaps://ldap.pca.dfn.de")) >> (search-plist '(host "" filter "mail=x@example.org" attributes ("userCertificate") attrsonly nil withdn nil))) >> (ldap-search-internal search-plist)) Previously, this worked. > I've now pushed the fix to master, could you please try? I do not get an error any more, which is good, but also not nil, which might break prior code: ((("search" " ") ("result" " "))) Also, the format of return values for existing certificates seems to have changed. I hope to find time during the weekend to have a closer look... Best wishes Jens