Akib Azmain Turja via "Bug reports for GNU Emacs, the Swiss army knife of text editors" writes: > Both source and compiled Emacs Lisp code should show the same behavior, > except performance. But 'subr.el' and 'subr.elc' show different > behaviors. Isn't this a byte-compiler bug? In Emacs 29.0.50, I checked M-x disassemble RET insert-for-yank-1 RET and it looks like it uses an 'insert' bytcode operation instead of funcalling the 'insert' function. I think this is what prevents overriding of 'insert' from working on byte-compiled code, as explained in '(elisp) Advice and Byte Code'. > -- > Akib Azmain Turja, GPG key: 70018CE5819F17A3BBA666AFE74F0EFA922AE7F5 > Fediverse: akib@hostux.social > Codeberg: akib > emailselfdefense.fsf.org | "Nothing can be secure without encryption." Best regards.