() Joshua Branson () Tue, 03 Mar 2015 20:35:34 -0500 [Anyone willing] to skype with me or a Purdue hacker this weekend at the hackathon, if we have questions about how to hack an emacs minor mode? I think you will obtain better results on IRC. Probably you discourage some potentially serious helpers by using Skype, which is not universally accessible, and furthermore, is not Free Software. Of course, in a 1:N situation, mischief could scale just as well as help (and be more difficult to detect, deflect or reject), so maybe that's not such a good idea. OTOH, the N_helpful might be able to autonomously counter or filter the N_mischievous, or at the minimum provide entertaining banter to take the edge off the competition-induced stress. Like they say, you put N experts in a room, you get N! "concensus outcomes" on how to proceed. :-D -- Thien-Thi Nguyen GPG key: 4C807502 (if you're human and you know it) read my lisp: (responsep (questions 'technical) (not (via 'mailing-list))) => nil