() Subhan Michael Tindall () Thu, 30 Apr 2015 21:55:59 +0000 I need to futz with it some more, hopefully tomorrow. But, one issue that I'm having is that using C-w to yank word at point doesn't cross punctuation, so I can't use c-w to grab the word at point into the search buffer (which would be quick & easy. IE zipc^odes_hold Pt here C-w pulls zipcodes, not zipcodes_hold If there's a way I can define words to only be bounded by whitespace I should be able to whip up a keyboard macro for the rest I believe. You can approach it from the other side. In that buffer, try: M-: (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w") RET This changes the syntax entry for the underscore character to "word constituent". To examine syntax (and other) info on any character, move point to it and type ‘C-u C-x =’. That might be a good idea if you want to change things back, later. :-D -- Thien-Thi Nguyen ----------------------------------------------- (if you're human and you know it) read my lisp: (defun responsep (type via) (case type (technical (eq 'mailing-list via)) ...)) ---------------------------------------------- GPG key: 4C807502