I tried to fix much of the broken style in treesit.c, mainly instances of: variable = mumble (frob (bar), (foo () + bar ()) + (baz () + quux ())) which should actually be variable = mumble (frob (bar), (foo () + bar ()) + (baz () + quux ())) and foo = mumble (frob (bar), 0) + (foo () + bar ()) + (baz () + quux ()) which should actually be foo = (mumble (frob (bar), 0) + (foo () + bar ()) + (baz () + quux ())) I also changed many places to use FOR_EACH_TAIL and handle circular lists in user input correctly. Unfortunately, I don't have tree-sitter installed, so would someone please do a smoke test on the changes before I install them? In addition, I tried to improve the wording of the comments. But that's not the important part.