I have been thinking of fixing epg.el bug #24350 . The problem is that in tofu conflicts epg interprets GnuPG's "GET_LINE tofu.conflict" and waits for user input on minibuffer. The user interaction is implemented in epg--status-GET_LINE function. But as far as I can see it can't work. I'll try explain the problem. Gpg is called with a command-line like this: GPG_AGENT_INFO=/run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent:0:1 /usr/bin/gpg --no-tty --status-fd 1 --yes --use-agent --command-fd 0 --output /tmp/epg-output983w_C --verify -- /tmp/epg-signature9839JJ - Note that "--command-fd 0" expects interactive commands from the file descriptor 0 (standard input). Such commands are handled by epg--status-GET_LINE function which is triggered when "--status-fd 1" output contains GET_LINE command. But also note the "-" at the end of the command line. It means that the message contents is also being received from the file descriptor 0 (standard input). Getting both the message's contents and --command-fd's GET_LINE input from stardard input stream doesn't work, or so it seems in my tests. A possible fix: Remove "--command-fd 0" from gpg's options. It looks to me that it is not really used. Then also epg--status-GET_LINE function can be removed. The bug report #24350 also mentions of supporting tofu conflict resolution. If --command-fd's GET_LINE isn't an option for epg.el what alternatives are available? Can tofu conflict be handled after the verifying operation if we collect enough --status-fd's TOFU_STATS information? -- /// Teemu Likonen - .-.. // // PGP: 4E10 55DC 84E9 DFF6 13D7 8557 719D 69D3 2453 9450 ///