Eli Zaretskii writes: > You mean, the slightly yellowish color of some of the text where > the > cursor was moved? I'm quite sure this is something local to > your > system, like some problem with your video driver. If the driver > software has some "acceleration" or "advanced" features, try > turning > them off. Thank you. That was it. Because the font selection in Emacs behaved strange and didn't apply my the font size (which I guess is still a bug?) I thought it may be Emacs related as it was the only application I saw this kind of error in. For future reference by others: I switched from the Xorg video "intel" driver to the built-in "modesetting" driver. >> (Not sure if attachments work on debbugs.) > > They certainly do, and doing so is the preferred way of showing > images, because this way the images get filed by the bug tracker > and > will be available regardless of what imgur does with their > cleanup > policies. For reference I will include two screenshots in case it may be useful for someone else down the road. Thanks again!