On Mon 08 Oct 2018 at 17:15, Juri Linkov wrote: > Fortunately, Emacs already has such a command named ‘delete-pair’: > it deletes the parens around the let function as in your first > example as well as the quotes in your second example. It makes > sense to bind this command to e.g. ‘C-x M-(’ to be the inverse of > ‘M-(’ (insert-pair) Yay! I didn't know about that command (and I really did search before reporting this bug, no idea how I missed it!). It doesn't work backward though as far as I can tell: (let (message "%s" "foobar")|) M-x delete-pair there does nothing. I was hopeful about `electric-pair-delete-pair' but it only works if the pair is adjacent. I guess this is closer to what I wanted: (defun my/delete-pair () "Call `delete-pair', perhaps also calling `backward-up-list'." (interactive) (condition-case nil (delete-pair) (t (progn (backward-up-list) (delete-pair))))) Anyway, thanks for the response! Alex