Hi, I'm currently seriously learning and using EIEIO for the first time. Here are my findings (so far): (1) Manual (1a) (info "(eieio) Introduction") | Method dispatch | EIEO does not support method dispatch for built-in types and | multiple arguments types. In other words, method dispatch only | looks at the first argument, and this one must be an EIEIO type. What's said about dispatching only looking at the first argument is not true anymore, right? And | ‘:around’ method tag | This CLOS method tag is non-functional. Also not correct any more, right? That whole paragraph should be overhauled and adapted to the obviously new state of the code I guess. (1b) Manual (info "(eieio) Building Classes") | Whenever defclass is used to create a new class, a predicate is created | for it, named ‘CLASS-NAME-p’: | | -- Function: CLASS-NAME-p object | Return non-‘nil’ if and only if OBJECT is of the class CLASS-NAME. I found it surprising that the predicate fails for instances of classes that inherit from CLASS-NAME. If this is intended, I guess this should be mentioned...? (2) `info-lookup' doesn't work for eieio functions. I guess it should? (3) Doc of `defclass': | :writer - A function symbol which will `write' an object's slot. I find "`write'" confusing: there is no function `write' (so why quote it like this?), and it should better be "set" anyway, since in other places (in eieio!) "write" is used as synonym for "print". (4) Whitespace in generated docs In quite a few places generated docs have newlines missing or misplaced space characters and such things. Stuff like this: