>>> "DA" == Drew Adams writes: >> Does somebody know about a package that would allow to kill serval hunk >> in one go or even having something like kill-region in a diff buffer? > If what you mean is kill/delete several stretches > of text at once, where you provide the limits of > each such stretch, then you can do that with an > iteration. "At once" here would refer to the > overall effect, but maybe you have something else > in mind? > ___ Workflow and motivation: I use HG (but for git the workflow is very similar) 1. I call vc-dir 2. I select the files I want to commit 3. I use vc-diff 4. In the diff file I manipulate hunks 5. I either use 1. commit-patch, a perl script that allows to submit the edit diff file as patch. 2. Or the solution implemented by Dmitry which currently dwells in Emacs master Now sometimes if the diff file is huge, I might only want to commit 2 out of say 20 hunks. So instead of killing 18 hunks, I'd like to mark the hunks I would like to delete and somehow delete them in one go (kill-region-hunk is not implemented) So what you propose, would serve this purpose?