Quite a late reply to a dead thread, but for anyone reading this in the future and is interested in implementing tor support, it might be useful. Stefan Kangas writes: [...] > > From a very quick glance at the code: > > - Is there anything more needed to add support for Individuous > instances? See: https://invidious.io/ > (FYI this has been added) > - Any chance you could add an option like `vc-tor'? Is it recommended to use 'socks for this? e.g using a macro like this one: ==== (defmacro yeetube-with-tor-socks (&rest body) `(let ((url-gateway-method 'socks) (socks-noproxy '("localhost")) (socks-server '("Default server" "" 9050 5))) ,@body)) ==== This was the easiest way I could find to route traffic using #'url-retrieve-synchronously to tor. A built in option like this for url to route all traffic through tor might be possible? Additionally, I found the performance of url-retrieve-synchronously to improve when I set 'url-request-extra-headers' to something like this: ==== '(("Accept-Language" . "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9") ("Accept" . "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8") ("User-Agent" . "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:122.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/122.0")) ==== I'm using the user-agent from arkenfox user.js I had url-privacy-level set to 'high, but despite that my user-agent was "URL/Emacs Emacs/29.2 (X11; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)". Changing this improved the performance of #'url-retrieve-synchronously (maybe because it's not a common user-agent and it required further verification?) & makes websites that utilize user-agent blocking accessible. Also, when it comes to 'url-mime-language-string', shouldn't that either be set to "en" by default (instead of nil) or get a locale value using something like getenv? I was located in Greece with locale set to en-US but I was getting Spanish by default on most websites (still trying to figure out why). -- Information wants to be free. Thanos Apollo https://thanosapollo.org