* bug#14272: 24.3.50; crash on loading theme @ 2013-04-26 3:18 Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala 2013-04-26 6:03 ` Eli Zaretskii 2013-04-26 7:29 ` Glenn Morris 0 siblings, 2 replies; 14+ messages in thread From: Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala @ 2013-04-26 3:18 UTC (permalink / raw) To: 14272 - start emacs with -Q - Copy on the following in scratch buffer¹ ;------------------------------------------------ (deftheme jellybeans "Created 2013-02-07.") (custom-theme-set-faces 'jellybeans '(default ((t (:inherit nil :stipple nil :background "#151515" :foreground "#e8e8d3" :inverse-video nil :box nil :strike-through nil :overline nil :underline nil :slant normal :weight normal :height 1 :width normal :foundry "default" :family "default")))) '(cursor ((t (:background "#b0d0f0")))) '(fixed-pitch ((t (:family "Monospace")))) '(variable-pitch ((t (:family "Sans Serif")))) '(escape-glyph ((t (:foreground "#668799")))) '(minibuffer-prompt ((t (:foreground "#dddddd")))) '(highlight ((t (:background "#302028" :foreground "#f0a0c0" :underline t)))) '(region ((t (:background "#404040")))) '(shadow ((t (:foreground "#606060")))) '(secondary-selection ((t (:background "#303030")))) '(trailing-whitespace ((t (:background "#302028")))) '(font-lock-builtin-face ((t (:foreground "#7697d6")))) '(font-lock-comment-delimiter-face ((t (:inherit font-lock-comment-face :foreground "#808080")))) '(font-lock-comment-face ((t (:foreground "#888888")))) '(font-lock-constant-face ((t (:foreground "#cf6a4c")))) '(font-lock-doc-face ((t (:inherit (font-lock-string-face))))) '(font-lock-function-name-face ((t (:foreground "#fad07a" :weight normal)))) '(font-lock-keyword-face ((t (:weight normal :foreground "#8197bf")))) '(font-lock-negation-char-face ((t nil))) '(font-lock-preprocessor-face ((t (:inherit (font-lock-builtin-face) :foreground "#8fbfdc")))) '(font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash ((t (:inherit (bold))))) '(font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct ((t (:inherit (bold))))) '(font-lock-string-face ((t (:foreground "#99ad6a")))) '(font-lock-type-face ((t (:foreground "#ffb964" :weight normal)))) '(font-lock-variable-name-face ((t (:foreground "#c6b6fe")))) '(font-lock-warning-face ((t (:inherit (error) :foreground "#902020" :weight bold)))) '(button ((t (:foreground "#0000df" :underline t)))) '(link ((t (:foreground "#0000df" :underline t)))) '(link-visited ((t (:inherit link :foreground "#540063")))) '(fringe ((t (:background "#404040")))) '(header-line ((default (:inherit (mode-line))) (((type tty)) (:underline t :inverse-video nil)) (((class color grayscale) (background light)) (:box nil :foreground "grey20" :background "grey90")) (((class color grayscale) (background dark)) (:box nil :foreground "grey90" :background "grey20")) (((class mono) (background light)) (:underline t :box nil :inverse-video nil :foreground "black" :background "white")) (((class mono) (background dark)) (:underline t :box nil :inverse-video nil :foreground "white" :background "black")))) '(tooltip ((t (:foreground "#ffffff" :background "#606060" :inherit variable-pitch)))) '(mode-line ((t (:background "#b0b8c0" :foreground "#000000" :box (:line-width -1 :style released-button))))) '(mode-line-buffer-id ((t (:weight bold)))) '(mode-line-emphasis ((t (:weight bold))))) (provide-theme 'jellybeans) ;------------------------------------------------ - M-x eval-buffer - Emacs crashes. - Console log: ╭───── │sealion:~/git/build-emacs$ emacs -Q │Fatal error 8: Floating point exception │Backtrace: │emacs[0x56a494] │emacs[0x5456b6] │emacs[0x569fb9] │emacs[0x569f8e] │emacs[0x569fef] │/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0xfcb0)[0x7f30a4096cb0] │emacs[0x67c13d] │emacs[0x506e83] │emacs[0x429155] │emacs[0x427a6d] │emacs[0x426d43] │emacs[0x4f11b9] │emacs[0x4f0b76] │emacs[0x5e8626] │emacs[0x62fd44] │emacs[0x5e8fbf] │emacs[0x5e87ac] │emacs[0x5e797b] │emacs[0x5e8471] │emacs[0x62fd44] │emacs[0x5e8fbf] │emacs[0x5e87ac] │emacs[0x62fd44] │emacs[0x5e8fbf] │emacs[0x5e87ac] │emacs[0x62fd44] │emacs[0x5e8fbf] │emacs[0x5e87ac] │emacs[0x62fd44] │emacs[0x5e8fbf] │emacs[0x5e8ac9] │emacs[0x5e72bf] │emacs[0x61276e] │emacs[0x612a44] │emacs[0x5e8663] │emacs[0x5e3374] │emacs[0x5e85f3] │emacs[0x62fd44] │emacs[0x5e8cec] │emacs[0x5e87ac] │emacs[0x62fd44] │... │Floating point exception (core dumped) ╰───── Thanks. In GNU Emacs (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.24.10) of 2013-04-26 on sealion Windowing system distributor `The X.Org Foundation', version 11.0.11103000 System Description: Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS Configured using: `configure --prefix=/home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79 --without-compress-info CFLAGS=-g -O0' Important settings: value of $LC_COLLATE: en_US.UTF-8 value of $LC_CTYPE: en_US.UTF-8 value of $LC_MESSAGES: en_US.UTF-8 value of $LC_MONETARY: en_IN.UTF-8 value of $LC_NUMERIC: en_IN.UTF-8 value of $LC_TIME: en_IN.UTF-8 value of $LANG: C value of $XMODIFIERS: @im=ibus locale-coding-system: utf-8-unix default enable-multibyte-characters: t Major mode: Group Minor modes in effect: gnus-topic-mode: t gnus-undo-mode: t display-time-mode: t jabber-activity-mode: t global-git-gutter-mode: t winner-mode: t shell-dirtrack-mode: t recentf-mode: t yas-global-mode: t yas-minor-mode: t global-auto-complete-mode: t autopair-global-mode: t which-function-mode: t show-paren-mode: t global-ede-mode: t ido-everywhere: t tooltip-mode: t mouse-wheel-mode: t file-name-shadow-mode: t global-font-lock-mode: t font-lock-mode: t auto-composition-mode: t auto-encryption-mode: t auto-compression-mode: t buffer-read-only: t column-number-mode: t line-number-mode: t transient-mark-mode: t Recent input: <return> y SPC q M-x <return> M-p <return> M-k y M-x <return> Recent messages: Checking 57 files in /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/eshell... Checking 70 files in /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/erc... Checking 48 files in /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/emulation... Checking 149 files in /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/emacs-lisp... Checking 57 files in /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/calendar... Checking 87 files in /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/calc... Checking 83 files in /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/obsolete... Checking 1 files in /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/leim... Checking for load-path shadows...done Buffer *unsent mail to bug-gnu-emacs@gnu.org*<2> modified; kill anyway? (y or n) y Load-path shadows: /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/org-mode/.dir-locals hides /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/magit/.dir-locals /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/cedet/lisp/speedbar/loaddefs hides /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/cedet/lisp/eieio/loaddefs /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/cedet/lisp/speedbar/loaddefs hides /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/cedet/lisp/cedet/loaddefs /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/org-mode/.dir-locals hides /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/el-get/.dir-locals /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/cedet/lisp/speedbar/loaddefs hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/loaddefs /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/org-mode/lisp/ob-ocaml hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/org/ob-ocaml /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/org-mode/lisp/org-docview hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/org/org-docview /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/org-mode/lisp/org-plot hides 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hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/org/ob-python /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/org-mode/lisp/ob-java hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/org/ob-java /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/org-mode/lisp/ob-org hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/org/ob-org /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/org-mode/lisp/ob-C hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/org/ob-C /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/org-mode/lisp/org-table hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/org/org-table /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/org-mode/lisp/ob-awk hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/org/ob-awk /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/org-mode/lisp/org-pcomplete hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/org/org-pcomplete /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/org-mode/lisp/org-footnote hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/org/org-footnote 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/home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/org/org-install /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/org-mode/lisp/org-crypt hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/org/org-crypt /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/org-mode/lisp/ob-perl hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/org/ob-perl /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/org-mode/lisp/ob-sass hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/org/ob-sass /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/org-mode/lisp/org-mouse hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/org/org-mouse /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/org-mode/.dir-locals hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/gnus/.dir-locals /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/cedet/lisp/eieio/eieio-opt hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/emacs-lisp/eieio-opt /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/cedet/lisp/eieio/eieio hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/emacs-lisp/eieio /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/cedet/lisp/eieio/eieio-base hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/emacs-lisp/eieio-base /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/cedet/lisp/eieio/eieio-datadebug hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/emacs-lisp/eieio-datadebug /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/cedet/lisp/eieio/eieio-speedbar hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/emacs-lisp/eieio-speedbar /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/emms/lisp/tq hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/emacs-lisp/tq /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/cedet/lisp/eieio/eieio-custom hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/emacs-lisp/eieio-custom /home/yagnesh/.emacs.d/el-get/cedet/lisp/eieio/chart hides /home/yagnesh/local/emacs-1282a79/share/emacs/24.3.50/lisp/emacs-lisp/chart Features: (bbdb-message ede/maven2 ede/lein2 ede/ant ede/cpp-root ede/java-root ede/jvm-base cedet-files vc-git goto-addr autoinsert footnote smiley gnus-async gnus-bcklg gnus-ml disp-table gnus-topic pop3 nndraft nnmh nnml utf-7 nnfolder executable bbdb-gnus bbdb-mua epa-file epa epg network-stream gnus-agent gnus-srvr gnus-score score-mode nnvirtual gnus-cache spam spam-stat bbdb-com gnus-uu yenc gnus-demon nntp gnus-cite nnir gnus-gravatar gravatar url-cache bbdb timezone bbdb-loaddefs nnimap utf7 netrc door-gnus shadow mail-extr gnus-msg gnus-art mm-uu mml2015 epg-config mm-view mml-smime smime dig gnus-sum nnoo gnus-group gnus-undo nnmail mail-source gnus-start gnus-spec gnus-int gnus-range gnus-win gnus gnus-ems nnheader emacsbug message rfc822 mml mml-sec mm-decode mm-bodies mm-encode mail-parse rfc2231 mailabbrev gmm-utils mailheader add-log notifications elisp-slime-nav etags eldoc paredit ido-ubiquitous-autoloads tango-theme emms-info-libtag emms-playlist-limit emms-volume emms-volume-amixer emms-i18n emms-history emms-score emms-stream-info emms-metaplaylist-mode emms-bookmarks emms-lastfm-client parse-time emms-cue emms-mode-line-icon emms-browser sort emms-playlist-sort emms-last-played emms-player-xine emms-player-mpd tq emms-playing-time emms-lyrics emms-url emms-streams emms-tag-editor emms-mark emms-mode-line emms-cache emms-info-ogginfo emms-info-mp3info emms-info later-do emms-playlist-mode emms-player-vlc emms-player-mplayer emms-player-simple emms-source-playlist emms-source-file emms-setup emms emms-compat time smtpmail sendmail rfc2047 rfc2045 ietf-drums mail-utils ps-print ps-def lpr jabber jabber-libnotify jabber-awesome jabber-osd jabber-wmii jabber-xmessage jabber-festival jabber-sawfish jabber-ratpoison jabber-tmux jabber-screen jabber-socks5 jabber-ft-server jabber-si-server jabber-ft-client jabber-ft-common jabber-si-client jabber-si-common jabber-feature-neg jabber-truncate jabber-time jabber-autoaway jabber-vcard-avatars jabber-chatstates jabber-events jabber-vcard jabber-avatar jabber-activity jabber-watch jabber-modeline jabber-ahc-presence jabber-ahc jabber-version jabber-ourversion jabber-muc-nick-completion hippie-exp jabber-browse jabber-search jabber-register jabber-roster jabber-private jabber-presence jabber-muc jabber-muc-nick-coloring hexrgb jabber-newdisco jabber-widget jabber-disco jabber-chat jabber-history jabber-chatbuffer jabber-alert jabber-iq jabber-core jabber-console sgml-mode ewoc jabber-keymap jabber-sasl sasl sasl-anonymous sasl-login sasl-plain fsm jabber-logon jabber-conn srv dns starttls tls gnutls jabber-xml jabber-menu jabber-util jabber-autoloads twittering-mode url url-proxy url-privacy url-expand url-methods url-history url-cookie url-domsuf url-util url-parse url-vars mailcap battery w3m-load webjump browse-url diary-lib diary-loaddefs org-indent ox-beamer ox-latex ox-icalendar ox-html ox-ascii ox-publish ox org-element org org-macro org-footnote org-pcomplete org-list org-faces org-entities noutline outline org-version ob-emacs-lisp ob ob-tangle org-src ob-ref ob-lob ob-table ob-keys ob-exp ob-comint ob-core ob-eval org-compat org-macs org-loaddefs cal-menu calendar cal-loaddefs monky bindat git-gutter-fringe git-gutter fringe-helper tex-buf tex dbus xml crm preview-latex tex-site auto-loads ncl-mode-load inf-ncl ncl-mode cus-edit cus-start cus-load ncl-doc ncl-mode-keywords flymake compile pylookup generic geiser-install xscheme scheme geiser-load geiser highlight-parentheses hl-sexp dired-details windmove winner readline-complete tramp-cache tramp-sh tramp tramp-compat auth-source gnus-util mm-util mail-prsvr password-cache tramp-loaddefs trampver shell pcomplete comint ansi-color ring format-spec recentf tree-widget uniquify goto-last-change saveplace ace-jump-mode edict edict-japanese edict-english edict-morphology edict-edit dui-registry dui dictem multiple-cursors mc-separate-operations rectangular-region-mode mc-mark-more thingatpt mc-cycle-cursors mc-edit-lines multiple-cursors-core rect yasnippet dropdown-list derived auto-complete-config auto-complete easy-mmode popup flyspell ispell autopair smex diminish backup-each-save which-func imenu paren edmacro kmacro cedet-devel-load eieio-opt find-func srecode/map semantic/edit srecode/srt-mode srecode/template srecode/srt-wy semantic/wisent semantic/wisent/wisent srecode/ctxt srecode/compile srecode/dictionary srecode/table srecode semantic/canned-configs semantic/ia-sb semantic/analyze semantic/sort semantic/scope semantic/analyze/fcn semantic/db semantic/ctxt semantic/format semantic/tag-ls semantic/find semantic/util-modes semantic/util semantic semantic/tag semantic/lex semantic/fw mode-local cedet-compat inversion sb-info ede/speedbar ede/files ede ede/base ede/auto ede/source eieio-base eieio-speedbar speedbar sb-image ezimage dframe eieio-custom wid-edit cedet eieio eieio-core cedet-remove-builtin .loaddefs pydoc-info byte-opt warnings info-look info ido-hacks advice ido deferred el-get el-get-autoloads el-get-list-packages el-get-notify help-mode easymenu el-get-dependencies el-get-build el-get-status pp el-get-recipes el-get-byte-compile el-get-methods el-get-fossil el-get-svn el-get-pacman el-get-github-zip el-get-github-tar el-get-http-zip el-get-http-tar el-get-hg el-get-git-svn el-get-fink el-get-emacswiki el-get-http el-get-emacsmirror el-get-github el-get-git el-get-elpa package cl-macs gv el-get-darcs el-get-cvs el-get-bzr el-get-brew el-get-builtin el-get-apt-get el-get-custom el-get-core autoload help-fns bytecomp byte-compile cconv dired cl nadvice cl-lib time-date tooltip ediff-hook vc-hooks lisp-float-type mwheel x-win x-dnd tool-bar dnd fontset image regexp-opt fringe tabulated-list newcomment lisp-mode register page menu-bar rfn-eshadow timer select scroll-bar mouse jit-lock font-lock syntax facemenu font-core frame cham georgian utf-8-lang misc-lang vietnamese tibetan thai tai-viet lao korean japanese hebrew greek romanian slovak czech european ethiopic indian cyrillic chinese case-table epa-hook jka-cmpr-hook help simple abbrev minibuffer loaddefs button faces cus-face macroexp files text-properties overlay sha1 md5 base64 format env code-pages mule custom widget hashtable-print-readable backquote make-network-process dbusbind inotify dynamic-setting system-font-setting font-render-setting move-toolbar gtk x-toolkit x multi-tty emacs) ¹ Copied from https://raw.github.com/warlockcc/dotfiles/master/emacs.d/jellybeans-theme.el -- ఎందరో మహానుభావులు అందరికి వందనములు. YYR ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* bug#14272: 24.3.50; crash on loading theme 2013-04-26 3:18 bug#14272: 24.3.50; crash on loading theme Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala @ 2013-04-26 6:03 ` Eli Zaretskii 2013-04-26 7:18 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala 2013-04-26 7:29 ` Glenn Morris 1 sibling, 1 reply; 14+ messages in thread From: Eli Zaretskii @ 2013-04-26 6:03 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala; +Cc: 14272 > From: Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala <hi@yagnesh.org> > Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 12:18:21 +0900 > > - M-x eval-buffer > - Emacs crashes. > > - Console log: > ╭───── > │sealion:~/git/build-emacs$ emacs -Q > │Fatal error 8: Floating point exception > │Backtrace: > │emacs[0x56a494] > │emacs[0x5456b6] > │emacs[0x569fb9] > │emacs[0x569f8e] > │emacs[0x569fef] > │/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0xfcb0)[0x7f30a4096cb0] Thanks. Please use addr2line (see the Emacs manual for details) or GDB to convert these addresses to source-level information. Otherwise it is very hard to do anything with this, since we don't have the binary you used. ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* bug#14272: 24.3.50; crash on loading theme 2013-04-26 6:03 ` Eli Zaretskii @ 2013-04-26 7:18 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala 2013-04-26 7:51 ` Eli Zaretskii 0 siblings, 1 reply; 14+ messages in thread From: Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala @ 2013-04-26 7:18 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Eli Zaretskii; +Cc: 14272 [-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 817 bytes --] Hello Eli, On Apr 26 2013, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> wrote: >> From: Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala <hi@yagnesh.org> >> Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 12:18:21 +0900 >> >> - M-x eval-buffer >> - Emacs crashes. >> >> - Console log: >> ╭───── >> │sealion:~/git/build-emacs$ emacs -Q >> │Fatal error 8: Floating point exception >> │Backtrace: >> │emacs[0x56a494] >> │emacs[0x5456b6] >> │emacs[0x569fb9] >> │emacs[0x569f8e] >> │emacs[0x569fef] >> │/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0xfcb0)[0x7f30a4096cb0] > > Thanks. Please use addr2line (see the Emacs manual for details) or > GDB to convert these addresses to source-level information. Otherwise > it is very hard to do anything with this, since we don't have the > binary you used. Backtrace is attached. [-- Attachment #2: gdb.bt --] [-- Type: application/octet-stream, Size: 45280 bytes --] backtrace: #0 0x000000000067c13d in compute_fringe_widths (f=0x11c1418, redraw=1) at fringe.c:1368 left_wid = 8 right_wid = 8 font_wid = 0 conf_wid = 16 cols = 0 real_wid = 12846194 o_left = 11 o_right = 11 o_cols = 2 left_fringe = 12846194 right_fringe = 12846194 left_fringe_width = 8 right_fringe_width = 8 #1 0x0000000000506e83 in x_new_font (f=0x11c1418, font_object=19256893, fontset=23) at xterm.c:7913 font = 0x125d638 #2 0x0000000000429155 in x_set_font (f=0x11c1418, arg=12953617, oldval=17709553) at frame.c:3087 font_object = 19256893 fontset = 23 font_param = 12846194 #3 0x0000000000427a6d in x_set_frame_parameters (f=0x11c1418, alist=12846194) at frame.c:2675 param_index = 28 old_value = 17709553 prop = 13020370 val = 19256893 tail = 12846194 width = 80 height = 35 left = 12846146 top = 12846146 icon_left = 12846146 icon_top = 12846146 parms = 0x7fffffff9730 values = 0x7fffffff9710 i = 1 p = 0 left_no_change = 0 top_no_change = 0 icon_left_no_change = 0 icon_top_no_change = 0 size_changed = 0 gcpro1 = {next = 0x0, var = 0x0, nvars = 1} gcpro2 = {next = 0x0, var = 0x0, nvars = 1} #4 0x0000000000426d43 in Fmodify_frame_parameters (frame=18617373, alist=13074086) at frame.c:2235 f = 0x11c1418 tail = 12846194 prop = 12846194 val = 12846194 #5 0x00000000004f11b9 in set_font_frame_param (frame=18617373, lface=18717597) at xfaces.c:3392 f = 0x11c1418 font = 19256893 #6 0x00000000004f0b76 in Finternal_set_lisp_face_attribute (face=12875906, attr=12847010, value=4, frame=18617373) at xfaces.c:3206 param = 12846194 lface = 18717597 old_value = 512 prop_index = FONT_SIZE_INDEX #7 0x00000000005e8626 in Ffuncall (nargs=5, args=0x7fffffff9ad8) at eval.c:2685 fun = 9389421 original_fun = 12876898 funcar = 12846194 numargs = 4 lisp_numargs = 13018992 val = 4 backtrace = {next = 0x7fffffff9f40, function = 12876898, args = 0x7fffffff9ae0, nargs = 4, debug_on_exit = 0} internal_args = 0x7fffffff9ae0 i = 6197924 #8 0x000000000062fd44 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=9915417, vector=9915453, maxdepth=24, args_template=12846194, nargs=0, args=0x0) at bytecode.c:900 targets = {0x63363e, 0x63364d, 0x63364f, 0x633651, 0x633653, 0x633653, 0x6336b4, 0x633728, 0x62f5c5, 0x62f5c7, 0x62f5c9, 0x62f5cb, 0x62f5cd, 0x62f5cd, 0x62f5d3, 0x62f58a, 0x62fa48, 0x62fa4a, 0x62fa4c, 0x62fa4e, 0x62fa50, 0x62fa50, 0x62fa91, 0x62fa56, 0x62fc46, 0x62fc48, 0x62fc4a, 0x62fc4c, 0x62fc4e, 0x62fc4e, 0x62fbee, 0x62fc0b, 0x62fd0b, 0x62fd0d, 0x62fd0f, 0x62fd11, 0x62fd13, 0x62fd13, 0x62fcb3, 0x62fcd0, 0x62fdd7, 0x62fdd9, 0x62fddb, 0x62fddd, 0x62fddf, 0x62fddf, 0x62fd7f, 0x62fd9c, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x630e0f, 0x630f43, 0x630fa0, 0x630ffd, 0x63105a, 0x62f8b9, 0x62f930, 0x6310cd, 0x62f812, 0x62f9a0, 0x63112e, 0x63119e, 0x6311f5, 0x63127a, 0x6312d1, 0x6313b2, 0x6313ff, 0x63146f, 0x6314ff, 0x63154c, 0x631599, 0x631609, 0x631679, 0x6316e9, 0x631779, 0x6317d0, 0x631827, 0x631908, 0x63199e, 0x631a34, 0x631c83, 0x631cf3, 0x631d63, 0x631dd3, 0x631e43, 0x631e9a, 0x631f34, 0x631f8b, 0x631fe2, 0x632039, 0x632157, 0x630a7a, 0x6321ba, 0x632207, 0x6322e0, 0x632343, 0x6323a6, 0x6323f3, 0x632449, 0x63249f, 0x6324f9, 0x63363e, 0x632550, 0x632598, 0x6325e0, 0x632628, 0x632670, 0x6326b8, 0x630a7a, 0x63363e, 0x632705, 0x63275a, 0x6327a7, 0x6327f4, 0x632864, 0x6328d4, 0x632921, 0x632b6d, 0x632bdd, 0x632c4d, 0x632cbd, 0x632d05, 0x63363e, 0x6309aa, 0x62fea0, 0x62f6ca, 0x62ffbb, 0x630103, 0x630242, 0x630915, 0x630971, 0x62fb93, 0x630a37, 0x630ab0, 0x630b4f, 0x630b92, 0x630c04, 0x630c54, 0x630ce4, 0x630d6e, 0x62fe56, 0x632d52, 0x632de2, 0x632e2f, 0x632e7c, 0x632ec9, 0x632f16, 0x632f86, 0x632ff6, 0x633066, 0x6330d6, 0x633255, 0x6332bf, 0x633329, 0x633376, 0x6333e0, 0x63344a, 0x6334b3, 0x63351d, 0x632090, 0x6320e7, 0x633574, 0x6335e2, 0x63363e, 0x630381, 0x63046f, 0x63059c, 0x6306c9, 0x6307ef, 0x631328, 0x63187e, 0x632256, 0x6337c0, 0x633834, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x6338cc, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63395a <repeats 64 times>} count = 43 op = 4 vectorp = 0x974c40 stack = {pc = 0xb8153b "\210\b\211\036\031AA)\211\020\204\251", byte_string = 9915417, byte_string_start = 0xb8147b "\306\b!\020\t\204\f", next = 0x7fffffffa2c0} top = 0x7fffffff9ad8 result = 0 #9 0x00000000005e8fbf in funcall_lambda (fun=9915341, nargs=32, arg_vector=0x7fffffff9fc8) at eval.c:2906 val = 12846194 syms_left = 12846194 next = 13011650 lexenv = 12846194 count = 40 i = 32 optional = false rest = true #10 0x00000000005e87ac in Ffuncall (nargs=33, args=0x7fffffff9fc0) at eval.c:2723 fun = 9915341 original_fun = 16453538 funcar = 140737488330672 numargs = 32 lisp_numargs = 140737488332592 val = 16 backtrace = {next = 0x7fffffffa1b0, function = 16453538, args = 0x7fffffff9fc8, nargs = 32, debug_on_exit = 0} internal_args = 0x7fffffff9fc0 i = 16453538 #11 0x00000000005e797b in Fapply (nargs=4, args=0x7fffffffa240) at eval.c:2208 i = 33 numargs = 32 spread_arg = 12846194 funcall_args = 0x7fffffff9fc0 fun = 9915341 retval = 12901138 gcpro1 = {next = 0x7fffffffa170, var = 0x5e8fd6, nvars = 33} sa_count = 40 sa_must_free = false #12 0x00000000005e8471 in Ffuncall (nargs=5, args=0x7fffffffa238) at eval.c:2655 fun = 12269117 original_fun = 12971378 funcar = 40 numargs = 4 lisp_numargs = 13018992 val = 140737488331296 backtrace = {next = 0x7fffffffa6a0, function = 12971378, args = 0x7fffffffa240, nargs = 4, debug_on_exit = 0} internal_args = 0x28 i = 6226335 #13 0x000000000062fd44 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=9933121, vector=9933157, maxdepth=24, args_template=12846194, nargs=0, args=0x0) at bytecode.c:900 targets = {0x63363e, 0x63364d, 0x63364f, 0x633651, 0x633653, 0x633653, 0x6336b4, 0x633728, 0x62f5c5, 0x62f5c7, 0x62f5c9, 0x62f5cb, 0x62f5cd, 0x62f5cd, 0x62f5d3, 0x62f58a, 0x62fa48, 0x62fa4a, 0x62fa4c, 0x62fa4e, 0x62fa50, 0x62fa50, 0x62fa91, 0x62fa56, 0x62fc46, 0x62fc48, 0x62fc4a, 0x62fc4c, 0x62fc4e, 0x62fc4e, 0x62fbee, 0x62fc0b, 0x62fd0b, 0x62fd0d, 0x62fd0f, 0x62fd11, 0x62fd13, 0x62fd13, 0x62fcb3, 0x62fcd0, 0x62fdd7, 0x62fdd9, 0x62fddb, 0x62fddd, 0x62fddf, 0x62fddf, 0x62fd7f, 0x62fd9c, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x630e0f, 0x630f43, 0x630fa0, 0x630ffd, 0x63105a, 0x62f8b9, 0x62f930, 0x6310cd, 0x62f812, 0x62f9a0, 0x63112e, 0x63119e, 0x6311f5, 0x63127a, 0x6312d1, 0x6313b2, 0x6313ff, 0x63146f, 0x6314ff, 0x63154c, 0x631599, 0x631609, 0x631679, 0x6316e9, 0x631779, 0x6317d0, 0x631827, 0x631908, 0x63199e, 0x631a34, 0x631c83, 0x631cf3, 0x631d63, 0x631dd3, 0x631e43, 0x631e9a, 0x631f34, 0x631f8b, 0x631fe2, 0x632039, 0x632157, 0x630a7a, 0x6321ba, 0x632207, 0x6322e0, 0x632343, 0x6323a6, 0x6323f3, 0x632449, 0x63249f, 0x6324f9, 0x63363e, 0x632550, 0x632598, 0x6325e0, 0x632628, 0x632670, 0x6326b8, 0x630a7a, 0x63363e, 0x632705, 0x63275a, 0x6327a7, 0x6327f4, 0x632864, 0x6328d4, 0x632921, 0x632b6d, 0x632bdd, 0x632c4d, 0x632cbd, 0x632d05, 0x63363e, 0x6309aa, 0x62fea0, 0x62f6ca, 0x62ffbb, 0x630103, 0x630242, 0x630915, 0x630971, 0x62fb93, 0x630a37, 0x630ab0, 0x630b4f, 0x630b92, 0x630c04, 0x630c54, 0x630ce4, 0x630d6e, 0x62fe56, 0x632d52, 0x632de2, 0x632e2f, 0x632e7c, 0x632ec9, 0x632f16, 0x632f86, 0x632ff6, 0x633066, 0x6330d6, 0x633255, 0x6332bf, 0x633329, 0x633376, 0x6333e0, 0x63344a, 0x6334b3, 0x63351d, 0x632090, 0x6320e7, 0x633574, 0x6335e2, 0x63363e, 0x630381, 0x63046f, 0x63059c, 0x6306c9, 0x6307ef, 0x631328, 0x63187e, 0x632256, 0x6337c0, 0x633834, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x6338cc, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63395a <repeats 64 times>} count = 38 op = 4 vectorp = 0x979168 stack = {pc = 0xb800de "*\207", byte_string = 9933121, byte_string_start = 0xb800ac "\306\b\t\"\030\307\032\b\203+", next = 0x7fffffffa7b0} top = 0x7fffffffa238 result = 12846194 #14 0x00000000005e8fbf in funcall_lambda (fun=9933045, nargs=3, arg_vector=0x7fffffffa730) at eval.c:2906 val = 12846194 syms_left = 12846194 next = 16143362 lexenv = 12846194 count = 35 i = 3 optional = false rest = false #15 0x00000000005e87ac in Ffuncall (nargs=4, args=0x7fffffffa728) at eval.c:2723 fun = 9933045 original_fun = 17024034 funcar = 12846194 numargs = 3 lisp_numargs = 13018992 val = 140737488332560 backtrace = {next = 0x7fffffffab90, function = 17024034, args = 0x7fffffffa730, nargs = 3, debug_on_exit = 0} internal_args = 0x23 i = 6197924 #16 0x000000000062fd44 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=9932889, vector=9932925, maxdepth=24, args_template=12846194, nargs=0, args=0x0) at bytecode.c:900 targets = {0x63363e, 0x63364d, 0x63364f, 0x633651, 0x633653, 0x633653, 0x6336b4, 0x633728, 0x62f5c5, 0x62f5c7, 0x62f5c9, 0x62f5cb, 0x62f5cd, 0x62f5cd, 0x62f5d3, 0x62f58a, 0x62fa48, 0x62fa4a, 0x62fa4c, 0x62fa4e, 0x62fa50, 0x62fa50, 0x62fa91, 0x62fa56, 0x62fc46, 0x62fc48, 0x62fc4a, 0x62fc4c, 0x62fc4e, 0x62fc4e, 0x62fbee, 0x62fc0b, 0x62fd0b, 0x62fd0d, 0x62fd0f, 0x62fd11, 0x62fd13, 0x62fd13, 0x62fcb3, 0x62fcd0, 0x62fdd7, 0x62fdd9, 0x62fddb, 0x62fddd, 0x62fddf, 0x62fddf, 0x62fd7f, 0x62fd9c, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x630e0f, 0x630f43, 0x630fa0, 0x630ffd, 0x63105a, 0x62f8b9, 0x62f930, 0x6310cd, 0x62f812, 0x62f9a0, 0x63112e, 0x63119e, 0x6311f5, 0x63127a, 0x6312d1, 0x6313b2, 0x6313ff, 0x63146f, 0x6314ff, 0x63154c, 0x631599, 0x631609, 0x631679, 0x6316e9, 0x631779, 0x6317d0, 0x631827, 0x631908, 0x63199e, 0x631a34, 0x631c83, 0x631cf3, 0x631d63, 0x631dd3, 0x631e43, 0x631e9a, 0x631f34, 0x631f8b, 0x631fe2, 0x632039, 0x632157, 0x630a7a, 0x6321ba, 0x632207, 0x6322e0, 0x632343, 0x6323a6, 0x6323f3, 0x632449, 0x63249f, 0x6324f9, 0x63363e, 0x632550, 0x632598, 0x6325e0, 0x632628, 0x632670, 0x6326b8, 0x630a7a, 0x63363e, 0x632705, 0x63275a, 0x6327a7, 0x6327f4, 0x632864, 0x6328d4, 0x632921, 0x632b6d, 0x632bdd, 0x632c4d, 0x632cbd, 0x632d05, 0x63363e, 0x6309aa, 0x62fea0, 0x62f6ca, 0x62ffbb, 0x630103, 0x630242, 0x630915, 0x630971, 0x62fb93, 0x630a37, 0x630ab0, 0x630b4f, 0x630b92, 0x630c04, 0x630c54, 0x630ce4, 0x630d6e, 0x62fe56, 0x632d52, 0x632de2, 0x632e2f, 0x632e7c, 0x632ec9, 0x632f16, 0x632f86, 0x632ff6, 0x633066, 0x6330d6, 0x633255, 0x6332bf, 0x633329, 0x633376, 0x6333e0, 0x63344a, 0x6334b3, 0x63351d, 0x632090, 0x6320e7, 0x633574, 0x6335e2, 0x63363e, 0x630381, 0x63046f, 0x63059c, 0x6306c9, 0x6307ef, 0x631328, 0x63187e, 0x632256, 0x6337c0, 0x633834, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x6338cc, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63395a <repeats 64 times>} count = 32 op = 3 vectorp = 0x979080 stack = {pc = 0xb80113 "\210\fA\211\024\204%", byte_string = 9932889, byte_string_start = 0xb800e1 "\b\306N\203\016", next = 0x7fffffffac90} top = 0x7fffffffa728 result = 16271349 #17 0x00000000005e8fbf in funcall_lambda (fun=9932845, nargs=2, arg_vector=0x7fffffffac20) at eval.c:2906 val = 16271349 syms_left = 12846194 next = 12901138 lexenv = 12846194 count = 30 i = 2 optional = false rest = false #18 0x00000000005e87ac in Ffuncall (nargs=3, args=0x7fffffffac18) at eval.c:2723 fun = 9932845 original_fun = 16490146 funcar = 12846194 numargs = 2 lisp_numargs = 16173808 val = 140737488333824 backtrace = {next = 0x7fffffffb070, function = 16490146, args = 0x7fffffffac20, nargs = 2, debug_on_exit = 0} internal_args = 0x7fffffffb100 i = 12901136 #19 0x000000000062fd44 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=9932409, vector=9932445, maxdepth=20, args_template=12846194, nargs=0, args=0x0) at bytecode.c:900 targets = {0x63363e, 0x63364d, 0x63364f, 0x633651, 0x633653, 0x633653, 0x6336b4, 0x633728, 0x62f5c5, 0x62f5c7, 0x62f5c9, 0x62f5cb, 0x62f5cd, 0x62f5cd, 0x62f5d3, 0x62f58a, 0x62fa48, 0x62fa4a, 0x62fa4c, 0x62fa4e, 0x62fa50, 0x62fa50, 0x62fa91, 0x62fa56, 0x62fc46, 0x62fc48, 0x62fc4a, 0x62fc4c, 0x62fc4e, 0x62fc4e, 0x62fbee, 0x62fc0b, 0x62fd0b, 0x62fd0d, 0x62fd0f, 0x62fd11, 0x62fd13, 0x62fd13, 0x62fcb3, 0x62fcd0, 0x62fdd7, 0x62fdd9, 0x62fddb, 0x62fddd, 0x62fddf, 0x62fddf, 0x62fd7f, 0x62fd9c, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x630e0f, 0x630f43, 0x630fa0, 0x630ffd, 0x63105a, 0x62f8b9, 0x62f930, 0x6310cd, 0x62f812, 0x62f9a0, 0x63112e, 0x63119e, 0x6311f5, 0x63127a, 0x6312d1, 0x6313b2, 0x6313ff, 0x63146f, 0x6314ff, 0x63154c, 0x631599, 0x631609, 0x631679, 0x6316e9, 0x631779, 0x6317d0, 0x631827, 0x631908, 0x63199e, 0x631a34, 0x631c83, 0x631cf3, 0x631d63, 0x631dd3, 0x631e43, 0x631e9a, 0x631f34, 0x631f8b, 0x631fe2, 0x632039, 0x632157, 0x630a7a, 0x6321ba, 0x632207, 0x6322e0, 0x632343, 0x6323a6, 0x6323f3, 0x632449, 0x63249f, 0x6324f9, 0x63363e, 0x632550, 0x632598, 0x6325e0, 0x632628, 0x632670, 0x6326b8, 0x630a7a, 0x63363e, 0x632705, 0x63275a, 0x6327a7, 0x6327f4, 0x632864, 0x6328d4, 0x632921, 0x632b6d, 0x632bdd, 0x632c4d, 0x632cbd, 0x632d05, 0x63363e, 0x6309aa, 0x62fea0, 0x62f6ca, 0x62ffbb, 0x630103, 0x630242, 0x630915, 0x630971, 0x62fb93, 0x630a37, 0x630ab0, 0x630b4f, 0x630b92, 0x630c04, 0x630c54, 0x630ce4, 0x630d6e, 0x62fe56, 0x632d52, 0x632de2, 0x632e2f, 0x632e7c, 0x632ec9, 0x632f16, 0x632f86, 0x632ff6, 0x633066, 0x6330d6, 0x633255, 0x6332bf, 0x633329, 0x633376, 0x6333e0, 0x63344a, 0x6334b3, 0x63351d, 0x632090, 0x6320e7, 0x633574, 0x6335e2, 0x63363e, 0x630381, 0x63046f, 0x63059c, 0x6306c9, 0x6307ef, 0x631328, 0x63187e, 0x632256, 0x6337c0, 0x633834, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x6338cc, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63395a <repeats 64 times>} count = 28 op = 2 vectorp = 0x978ea0 stack = {pc = 0xb80196 "\210\fA\211\024\204O", byte_string = 9932409, byte_string_start = 0xb80140 "\b\306N\203\n", next = 0x7fffffffb180} top = 0x7fffffffac18 result = 16271349 #20 0x00000000005e8fbf in funcall_lambda (fun=9932301, nargs=3, arg_vector=0x7fffffffb100) at eval.c:2906 val = 16271349 syms_left = 12846194 next = 17023890 lexenv = 12846194 count = 25 i = 3 optional = true rest = false #21 0x00000000005e87ac in Ffuncall (nargs=4, args=0x7fffffffb0f8) at eval.c:2723 fun = 9932301 original_fun = 17025458 funcar = 6227354 numargs = 3 lisp_numargs = 16509104 val = 12846194 backtrace = {next = 0x7fffffffb790, function = 17025458, args = 0x7fffffffb100, nargs = 3, debug_on_exit = 0} internal_args = 0x11 i = 6197924 #22 0x000000000062fd44 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=9902393, vector=9902429, maxdepth=28, args_template=12846194, nargs=0, args=0x0) at bytecode.c:900 targets = {0x63363e, 0x63364d, 0x63364f, 0x633651, 0x633653, 0x633653, 0x6336b4, 0x633728, 0x62f5c5, 0x62f5c7, 0x62f5c9, 0x62f5cb, 0x62f5cd, 0x62f5cd, 0x62f5d3, 0x62f58a, 0x62fa48, 0x62fa4a, 0x62fa4c, 0x62fa4e, 0x62fa50, 0x62fa50, 0x62fa91, 0x62fa56, 0x62fc46, 0x62fc48, 0x62fc4a, 0x62fc4c, 0x62fc4e, 0x62fc4e, 0x62fbee, 0x62fc0b, 0x62fd0b, 0x62fd0d, 0x62fd0f, 0x62fd11, 0x62fd13, 0x62fd13, 0x62fcb3, 0x62fcd0, 0x62fdd7, 0x62fdd9, 0x62fddb, 0x62fddd, 0x62fddf, 0x62fddf, 0x62fd7f, 0x62fd9c, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x630e0f, 0x630f43, 0x630fa0, 0x630ffd, 0x63105a, 0x62f8b9, 0x62f930, 0x6310cd, 0x62f812, 0x62f9a0, 0x63112e, 0x63119e, 0x6311f5, 0x63127a, 0x6312d1, 0x6313b2, 0x6313ff, 0x63146f, 0x6314ff, 0x63154c, 0x631599, 0x631609, 0x631679, 0x6316e9, 0x631779, 0x6317d0, 0x631827, 0x631908, 0x63199e, 0x631a34, 0x631c83, 0x631cf3, 0x631d63, 0x631dd3, 0x631e43, 0x631e9a, 0x631f34, 0x631f8b, 0x631fe2, 0x632039, 0x632157, 0x630a7a, 0x6321ba, 0x632207, 0x6322e0, 0x632343, 0x6323a6, 0x6323f3, 0x632449, 0x63249f, 0x6324f9, 0x63363e, 0x632550, 0x632598, 0x6325e0, 0x632628, 0x632670, 0x6326b8, 0x630a7a, 0x63363e, 0x632705, 0x63275a, 0x6327a7, 0x6327f4, 0x632864, 0x6328d4, 0x632921, 0x632b6d, 0x632bdd, 0x632c4d, 0x632cbd, 0x632d05, 0x63363e, 0x6309aa, 0x62fea0, 0x62f6ca, 0x62ffbb, 0x630103, 0x630242, 0x630915, 0x630971, 0x62fb93, 0x630a37, 0x630ab0, 0x630b4f, 0x630b92, 0x630c04, 0x630c54, 0x630ce4, 0x630d6e, 0x62fe56, 0x632d52, 0x632de2, 0x632e2f, 0x632e7c, 0x632ec9, 0x632f16, 0x632f86, 0x632ff6, 0x633066, 0x6330d6, 0x633255, 0x6332bf, 0x633329, 0x633376, 0x6333e0, 0x63344a, 0x6334b3, 0x63351d, 0x632090, 0x6320e7, 0x633574, 0x6335e2, 0x63363e, 0x630381, 0x63046f, 0x63059c, 0x6306c9, 0x6307ef, 0x631328, 0x63187e, 0x632256, 0x6337c0, 0x633834, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x6338cc, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63395a <repeats 64 times>} count = 17 op = 3 vectorp = 0x971960 stack = {pc = 0xb82550 "\210+*\rA\211\025\204\035", byte_string = 9902393, byte_string_start = 0xb8248c "\b\211\030\211\030\t>)\204\020", next = 0x7fffffffbf00} top = 0x7fffffffb0f8 result = 15 #23 0x00000000005e8fbf in funcall_lambda (fun=9902349, nargs=36, arg_vector=0x7fffffffb530) at eval.c:2906 val = 12896978 syms_left = 12846194 next = 13011650 lexenv = 12846194 count = 15 i = 36 optional = false rest = true #24 0x00000000005e8ac9 in apply_lambda (fun=9902349, args=20033702) at eval.c:2783 args_left = 12846194 i = 36 numargs = 36 arg_vector = 0x7fffffffb530 gcpro1 = {next = 0xc40472, var = 0xc67da2, nvars = 36} gcpro2 = {next = 0x100b32400, var = 0x7fffffffb7f0, nvars = 140737488336672} gcpro3 = {next = 0x2, var = 0x9159c5, nvars = 20003158} tem = 20050102 sa_count = 15 sa_must_free = false #25 0x00000000005e72bf in eval_sub (form=20033654) at eval.c:2084 fun = 9902349 val = 15 original_fun = 17006978 original_args = 20033702 funcar = 2 backtrace = {next = 0x7fffffffba90, function = 17006978, args = 0x7fffffffb530, nargs = 36, debug_on_exit = 0} gcpro1 = {next = 0x7fffffffb880, var = 0x2, nvars = 140737488337552} gcpro2 = {next = 0x7fffffffb888, var = 0x1, nvars = 140737488336992} gcpro3 = {next = 0x131b076, var = 0x28, nvars = 1} #26 0x000000000061276e in readevalloop (readcharfun=12872997, stream=0x0, sourcename=12846194, printflag=false, unibyte=12846194, readfun=12846194, start=12846194, end=12846194) at lread.c:1857 count1 = 15 c = 20033654 val = 20033654 count = 11 gcpro1 = {next = 0xc40472, var = 0x7fffffffba30, nvars = 140737488337248} gcpro2 = {next = 0x100c5dbb0, var = 0xc46d25, nvars = 12846194} gcpro3 = {next = 0xc40472, var = 0xc5db00, nvars = 12818182} gcpro4 = {next = 0xc34, var = 0xc5db02, nvars = 12966656} b = 0xc46d20 continue_reading_p = true lex_bound = 12846194 whole_buffer = false first_sexp = false macroexpand = 13162546 #27 0x0000000000612a44 in Feval_buffer (buffer=12846194, printflag=12846194, filename=12846194, unibyte=12846194, do_allow_print=12846194) at lread.c:1918 count = 7 tem = 12898690 buf = 12872997 #28 0x00000000005e8663 in Ffuncall (nargs=1, args=0x7fffffffbb50) at eval.c:2690 fun = 12276661 original_fun = 12964994 funcar = 0 numargs = 0 lisp_numargs = 12982144 val = 12846242 backtrace = {next = 0x7fffffffbdc0, function = 12964994, args = 0x7fffffffbb58, nargs = 0, debug_on_exit = 0} internal_args = 0x7fffffffba30 i = 5 #29 0x00000000005e3374 in Fcall_interactively (function=12964994, record_flag=16943474, keys=12880045) at callint.c:852 val = 13074358 args = 0x7fffffffbb50 visargs = 0x7fffffffbb30 specs = 9408865 filter_specs = 9408865 teml = 12846194 up_event = 12846194 enable = 12846194 speccount = 5 next_event = 1 prefix_arg = 12846194 string = 0x7fffffffbb70 "" tem = 0x7fffffffbb70 "" varies = 0x7fffffffbb20 "" i = 1 nargs = 1 mark = 13074358 arg_from_tty = false gcpro1 = {next = 0x0, var = 0x0, nvars = 19997062} gcpro2 = {next = 0x7fffffffbc38, var = 0x4, nvars = 140737488338064} gcpro3 = {next = 0x8f9161, var = 0x7fffffffbcc0, nvars = 1} gcpro4 = {next = 0xb, var = 0xa3dcd0, nvars = 1} gcpro5 = {next = 0x7fffffffbcc0, var = 0x1, nvars = 140737488338224} key_count = 1 record_then_fail = false save_this_command = 12964994 save_last_command = 16478018 save_this_original_command = 13157394 save_real_this_command = 12964994 #30 0x00000000005e85f3 in Ffuncall (nargs=4, args=0x7fffffffbe78) at eval.c:2681 fun = 12267725 original_fun = 12982098 funcar = 12846194 numargs = 3 lisp_numargs = 13086128 val = 12846194 backtrace = {next = 0x7fffffffc2e0, function = 12982098, args = 0x7fffffffbe80, nargs = 3, debug_on_exit = 0} internal_args = 0x7fffffffbe80 i = 6197924 #31 0x000000000062fd44 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=10311121, vector=10311157, maxdepth=52, args_template=4100, nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffc3a0) at bytecode.c:900 targets = {0x63363e, 0x63364d, 0x63364f, 0x633651, 0x633653, 0x633653, 0x6336b4, 0x633728, 0x62f5c5, 0x62f5c7, 0x62f5c9, 0x62f5cb, 0x62f5cd, 0x62f5cd, 0x62f5d3, 0x62f58a, 0x62fa48, 0x62fa4a, 0x62fa4c, 0x62fa4e, 0x62fa50, 0x62fa50, 0x62fa91, 0x62fa56, 0x62fc46, 0x62fc48, 0x62fc4a, 0x62fc4c, 0x62fc4e, 0x62fc4e, 0x62fbee, 0x62fc0b, 0x62fd0b, 0x62fd0d, 0x62fd0f, 0x62fd11, 0x62fd13, 0x62fd13, 0x62fcb3, 0x62fcd0, 0x62fdd7, 0x62fdd9, 0x62fddb, 0x62fddd, 0x62fddf, 0x62fddf, 0x62fd7f, 0x62fd9c, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x630e0f, 0x630f43, 0x630fa0, 0x630ffd, 0x63105a, 0x62f8b9, 0x62f930, 0x6310cd, 0x62f812, 0x62f9a0, 0x63112e, 0x63119e, 0x6311f5, 0x63127a, 0x6312d1, 0x6313b2, 0x6313ff, 0x63146f, 0x6314ff, 0x63154c, 0x631599, 0x631609, 0x631679, 0x6316e9, 0x631779, 0x6317d0, 0x631827, 0x631908, 0x63199e, 0x631a34, 0x631c83, 0x631cf3, 0x631d63, 0x631dd3, 0x631e43, 0x631e9a, 0x631f34, 0x631f8b, 0x631fe2, 0x632039, 0x632157, 0x630a7a, 0x6321ba, 0x632207, 0x6322e0, 0x632343, 0x6323a6, 0x6323f3, 0x632449, 0x63249f, 0x6324f9, 0x63363e, 0x632550, 0x632598, 0x6325e0, 0x632628, 0x632670, 0x6326b8, 0x630a7a, 0x63363e, 0x632705, 0x63275a, 0x6327a7, 0x6327f4, 0x632864, 0x6328d4, 0x632921, 0x632b6d, 0x632bdd, 0x632c4d, 0x632cbd, 0x632d05, 0x63363e, 0x6309aa, 0x62fea0, 0x62f6ca, 0x62ffbb, 0x630103, 0x630242, 0x630915, 0x630971, 0x62fb93, 0x630a37, 0x630ab0, 0x630b4f, 0x630b92, 0x630c04, 0x630c54, 0x630ce4, 0x630d6e, 0x62fe56, 0x632d52, 0x632de2, 0x632e2f, 0x632e7c, 0x632ec9, 0x632f16, 0x632f86, 0x632ff6, 0x633066, 0x6330d6, 0x633255, 0x6332bf, 0x633329, 0x633376, 0x6333e0, 0x63344a, 0x6334b3, 0x63351d, 0x632090, 0x6320e7, 0x633574, 0x6335e2, 0x63363e, 0x630381, 0x63046f, 0x63059c, 0x6306c9, 0x6307ef, 0x631328, 0x63187e, 0x632256, 0x6337c0, 0x633834, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x6338cc, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63395a <repeats 64 times>} count = 5 op = 3 vectorp = 0x9d55f8 stack = {pc = 0xb61788 "\006\006\071\203\225", byte_string = 10311121, byte_string_start = 0xb6171a "\306\020\211?\205\f", next = 0x7fffffffc430} top = 0x7fffffffbe78 result = 12496 #32 0x00000000005e8cec in funcall_lambda (fun=10311077, nargs=2, arg_vector=0x7fffffffc390) at eval.c:2840 val = 12846194 syms_left = 4100 next = 12872992 lexenv = 12846194 count = 5 i = 12846194 optional = false rest = false #33 0x00000000005e87ac in Ffuncall (nargs=3, args=0x7fffffffc388) at eval.c:2723 fun = 10311077 original_fun = 12889650 funcar = 12643984 numargs = 2 lisp_numargs = 12982288 val = 140737488339792 backtrace = {next = 0x7fffffffc810, function = 12889650, args = 0x7fffffffc390, nargs = 2, debug_on_exit = 0} internal_args = 0x7fffffffc898 i = 6198418 #34 0x000000000062fd44 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=10310481, vector=10310517, maxdepth=60, args_template=2052, nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffc8a8) at bytecode.c:900 targets = {0x63363e, 0x63364d, 0x63364f, 0x633651, 0x633653, 0x633653, 0x6336b4, 0x633728, 0x62f5c5, 0x62f5c7, 0x62f5c9, 0x62f5cb, 0x62f5cd, 0x62f5cd, 0x62f5d3, 0x62f58a, 0x62fa48, 0x62fa4a, 0x62fa4c, 0x62fa4e, 0x62fa50, 0x62fa50, 0x62fa91, 0x62fa56, 0x62fc46, 0x62fc48, 0x62fc4a, 0x62fc4c, 0x62fc4e, 0x62fc4e, 0x62fbee, 0x62fc0b, 0x62fd0b, 0x62fd0d, 0x62fd0f, 0x62fd11, 0x62fd13, 0x62fd13, 0x62fcb3, 0x62fcd0, 0x62fdd7, 0x62fdd9, 0x62fddb, 0x62fddd, 0x62fddf, 0x62fddf, 0x62fd7f, 0x62fd9c, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x630e0f, 0x630f43, 0x630fa0, 0x630ffd, 0x63105a, 0x62f8b9, 0x62f930, 0x6310cd, 0x62f812, 0x62f9a0, 0x63112e, 0x63119e, 0x6311f5, 0x63127a, 0x6312d1, 0x6313b2, 0x6313ff, 0x63146f, 0x6314ff, 0x63154c, 0x631599, 0x631609, 0x631679, 0x6316e9, 0x631779, 0x6317d0, 0x631827, 0x631908, 0x63199e, 0x631a34, 0x631c83, 0x631cf3, 0x631d63, 0x631dd3, 0x631e43, 0x631e9a, 0x631f34, 0x631f8b, 0x631fe2, 0x632039, 0x632157, 0x630a7a, 0x6321ba, 0x632207, 0x6322e0, 0x632343, 0x6323a6, 0x6323f3, 0x632449, 0x63249f, 0x6324f9, 0x63363e, 0x632550, 0x632598, 0x6325e0, 0x632628, 0x632670, 0x6326b8, 0x630a7a, 0x63363e, 0x632705, 0x63275a, 0x6327a7, 0x6327f4, 0x632864, 0x6328d4, 0x632921, 0x632b6d, 0x632bdd, 0x632c4d, 0x632cbd, 0x632d05, 0x63363e, 0x6309aa, 0x62fea0, 0x62f6ca, 0x62ffbb, 0x630103, 0x630242, 0x630915, 0x630971, 0x62fb93, 0x630a37, 0x630ab0, 0x630b4f, 0x630b92, 0x630c04, 0x630c54, 0x630ce4, 0x630d6e, 0x62fe56, 0x632d52, 0x632de2, 0x632e2f, 0x632e7c, 0x632ec9, 0x632f16, 0x632f86, 0x632ff6, 0x633066, 0x6330d6, 0x633255, 0x6332bf, 0x633329, 0x633376, 0x6333e0, 0x63344a, 0x6334b3, 0x63351d, 0x632090, 0x6320e7, 0x633574, 0x6335e2, 0x63363e, 0x630381, 0x63046f, 0x63059c, 0x6306c9, 0x6307ef, 0x631328, 0x63187e, 0x632256, 0x6337c0, 0x633834, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x6338cc, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63395a <repeats 64 times>} count = 4 op = 2 vectorp = 0x9d5378 stack = {pc = 0xb6186a "\210)\211\205\233", byte_string = 10310481, byte_string_start = 0xb61833 "\211\204\v", next = 0x7fffffffcd50} top = 0x7fffffffc388 result = 140737488341312 #35 0x00000000005e8cec in funcall_lambda (fun=10310429, nargs=2, arg_vector=0x7fffffffc898) at eval.c:2840 val = 0 syms_left = 2052 next = 12872992 lexenv = 12846194 count = 4 i = 4301093118 optional = false rest = false #36 0x00000000005e87ac in Ffuncall (nargs=3, args=0x7fffffffc890) at eval.c:2723 fun = 10310429 original_fun = 13157394 funcar = 25782482176 numargs = 2 lisp_numargs = 12872992 val = 140737488342224 backtrace = {next = 0x7fffffffcc10, function = 13157394, args = 0x7fffffffc898, nargs = 2, debug_on_exit = 0} internal_args = 0x7fffffffc890 i = 4279504 #37 0x00000000005e797b in Fapply (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffc990) at eval.c:2208 i = 3 numargs = 2 spread_arg = 12846194 funcall_args = 0x7fffffffc890 fun = 10310429 retval = 12981634 gcpro1 = {next = 0xc17580, var = 0x7fffffffc830, nvars = 3} sa_count = 4 sa_must_free = false #38 0x00000000005e7ec1 in apply1 (fn=13157394, arg=20003190) at eval.c:2442 ret_ungc_val = 21452816 args = {13157394, 20003190} gcpro1 = {next = 0xc40472, var = 0x7fffffffc990, nvars = 2} #39 0x00000000005e1552 in Fcall_interactively (function=13157394, record_flag=12846194, keys=12880045) at callint.c:377 input = 10310942 funval = 10310429 events = 3 args = 0x7fffffffcb80 visargs = 0x650090 specs = 20003190 filter_specs = 10310942 teml = 12846194 up_event = 12846194 enable = 12846194 speccount = 3 next_event = 15572552 prefix_arg = 12846194 string = 0x0 tem = 0x0 varies = 0xc4a802 "" i = 0 nargs = 12846194 mark = 140737488341904 arg_from_tty = false gcpro1 = {next = 0x7fffffffcec0, var = 0xc88fb2, nvars = 140737488341632} gcpro2 = {next = 0xc40472, var = 0x8f5a95, nvars = 12846194} gcpro3 = {next = 0x0, var = 0xc88fb2, nvars = 12678368} gcpro4 = {next = 0x7fffffffcae0, var = 0x7fffffffcf50, nvars = 140737488342544} gcpro5 = {next = 0xc5e462, var = 0xc40472, nvars = 12846194} key_count = 1 record_then_fail = false save_this_command = 13157394 save_last_command = 16478018 save_this_original_command = 13157394 save_real_this_command = 13157394 #40 0x00000000005e85f3 in Ffuncall (nargs=4, args=0x7fffffffccc8) at eval.c:2681 fun = 12267725 original_fun = 12982098 funcar = 12846194 numargs = 3 lisp_numargs = 13086128 val = 12846194 backtrace = {next = 0x7fffffffd130, function = 12982098, args = 0x7fffffffccd0, nargs = 3, debug_on_exit = 0} internal_args = 0x7fffffffccd0 i = 6197924 #41 0x000000000062fd44 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=10311121, vector=10311157, maxdepth=52, args_template=4100, nargs=1, args=0x7fffffffd1f0) at bytecode.c:900 targets = {0x63363e, 0x63364d, 0x63364f, 0x633651, 0x633653, 0x633653, 0x6336b4, 0x633728, 0x62f5c5, 0x62f5c7, 0x62f5c9, 0x62f5cb, 0x62f5cd, 0x62f5cd, 0x62f5d3, 0x62f58a, 0x62fa48, 0x62fa4a, 0x62fa4c, 0x62fa4e, 0x62fa50, 0x62fa50, 0x62fa91, 0x62fa56, 0x62fc46, 0x62fc48, 0x62fc4a, 0x62fc4c, 0x62fc4e, 0x62fc4e, 0x62fbee, 0x62fc0b, 0x62fd0b, 0x62fd0d, 0x62fd0f, 0x62fd11, 0x62fd13, 0x62fd13, 0x62fcb3, 0x62fcd0, 0x62fdd7, 0x62fdd9, 0x62fddb, 0x62fddd, 0x62fddf, 0x62fddf, 0x62fd7f, 0x62fd9c, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x630e0f, 0x630f43, 0x630fa0, 0x630ffd, 0x63105a, 0x62f8b9, 0x62f930, 0x6310cd, 0x62f812, 0x62f9a0, 0x63112e, 0x63119e, 0x6311f5, 0x63127a, 0x6312d1, 0x6313b2, 0x6313ff, 0x63146f, 0x6314ff, 0x63154c, 0x631599, 0x631609, 0x631679, 0x6316e9, 0x631779, 0x6317d0, 0x631827, 0x631908, 0x63199e, 0x631a34, 0x631c83, 0x631cf3, 0x631d63, 0x631dd3, 0x631e43, 0x631e9a, 0x631f34, 0x631f8b, 0x631fe2, 0x632039, 0x632157, 0x630a7a, 0x6321ba, 0x632207, 0x6322e0, 0x632343, 0x6323a6, 0x6323f3, 0x632449, 0x63249f, 0x6324f9, 0x63363e, 0x632550, 0x632598, 0x6325e0, 0x632628, 0x632670, 0x6326b8, 0x630a7a, 0x63363e, 0x632705, 0x63275a, 0x6327a7, 0x6327f4, 0x632864, 0x6328d4, 0x632921, 0x632b6d, 0x632bdd, 0x632c4d, 0x632cbd, 0x632d05, 0x63363e, 0x6309aa, 0x62fea0, 0x62f6ca, 0x62ffbb, 0x630103, 0x630242, 0x630915, 0x630971, 0x62fb93, 0x630a37, 0x630ab0, 0x630b4f, 0x630b92, 0x630c04, 0x630c54, 0x630ce4, 0x630d6e, 0x62fe56, 0x632d52, 0x632de2, 0x632e2f, 0x632e7c, 0x632ec9, 0x632f16, 0x632f86, 0x632ff6, 0x633066, 0x6330d6, 0x633255, 0x6332bf, 0x633329, 0x633376, 0x6333e0, 0x63344a, 0x6334b3, 0x63351d, 0x632090, 0x6320e7, 0x633574, 0x6335e2, 0x63363e, 0x630381, 0x63046f, 0x63059c, 0x6306c9, 0x6307ef, 0x631328, 0x63187e, 0x632256, 0x6337c0, 0x633834, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x6338cc, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63363e, 0x63395a <repeats 64 times>} count = 3 op = 3 vectorp = 0x9d55f8 stack = {pc = 0xb61788 "\006\006\071\203\225", byte_string = 10311121, byte_string_start = 0xb6171a "\306\020\211?\205\f", next = 0x0} top = 0x7fffffffccc8 result = 140737488342816 #42 0x00000000005e8cec in funcall_lambda (fun=10311077, nargs=1, arg_vector=0x7fffffffd1e8) at eval.c:2840 val = 1366960692 syms_left = 4100 next = 0 lexenv = 8192 count = 3 i = 0 optional = false rest = false #43 0x00000000005e87ac in Ffuncall (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffd1e0) at eval.c:2723 fun = 10311077 original_fun = 12889650 funcar = 4307936354 numargs = 1 lisp_numargs = 0 val = 12969058 backtrace = {next = 0x0, function = 12889650, args = 0x7fffffffd1e8, nargs = 1, debug_on_exit = 0} internal_args = 0x0 i = 0 #44 0x00000000005e7f2b in call1 (fn=12889650, arg1=13157394) at eval.c:2468 ret_ungc_val = 20120998 gcpro1 = {next = 0x1, var = 0x0, nvars = 2} args = {12889650, 13157394} #45 0x000000000054a2c6 in command_loop_1 () at keyboard.c:1578 scount = 2 cmd = 13157394 keybuf = {536871392, 140737351924340, 12872992, 12678528, 0, 17022866, 140737488343648, 6080142, 70, 12846194, 140737488343728, 6082517, 12846194, 12970018, 140737488344128, 12970016, 140737488343808, 6081496, 12678528, 12846194, 140737488343872, 6198975, 16158950, 2, 12970018, 12846194, 0, 0, 17022866, 12970018} i = 1 prev_modiff = 205 prev_buffer = 0xc46d20 already_adjusted = false #46 0x00000000005e53f0 in internal_condition_case (bfun=0x549ab1 <command_loop_1>, handlers=12897506, hfun=0x549399 <cmd_error>) at eval.c:1193 val = 140737488343984 c = {tag = 12846194, val = 12846194, next = 0x7fffffffd550, gcpro = 0x0, jmp = {{__jmpbuf = {0, 383892681770443564, 4279504, 140737488345264, 0, 0, 383892681994838828, -383893251111083220}, __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = {__val = {18062850822598468396, 140733193388032, 140737353957376, 140737287527072, 140737353969664, 17131264, 5591509, 4294967295, 140737287584944, 4294967295, 0, 9373200, 0, 0, 0, 0}}}}, backlist = 0x0, handlerlist = 0x0, lisp_eval_depth = 0, pdlcount = 2, poll_suppress_count = 1, interrupt_input_blocked = 0, byte_stack = 0x0} h = {handler = 12897506, var = 12846194, chosen_clause = 12897506, tag = 0x7fffffffd3a0, next = 0x0} #47 0x00000000005497d4 in command_loop_2 (ignore=12846194) at keyboard.c:1167 val = 0 #48 0x00000000005e4df1 in internal_catch (tag=12893186, func=0x5497ae <command_loop_2>, arg=12846194) at eval.c:964 c = {tag = 12893186, val = 12846194, next = 0x0, gcpro = 0x0, jmp = {{__jmpbuf = {0, 383892681854329644, 4279504, 140737488345264, 0, 0, 383892681812386604, -383893252138818772}, __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = {__val = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 140737488344656, 6081496, 4294967296, 12846194, 12846194, 13083586, 140737488344760, 13083584, 140737488344656, 6080025, 12872992}}}}, backlist = 0x0, handlerlist = 0x0, lisp_eval_depth = 0, pdlcount = 2, poll_suppress_count = 1, interrupt_input_blocked = 0, byte_stack = 0x0} #49 0x0000000000549786 in command_loop () at keyboard.c:1146 No locals. #50 0x0000000000548ee9 in recursive_edit_1 () at keyboard.c:779 count = 1 val = 5542052 #51 0x000000000054908c in Frecursive_edit () at keyboard.c:843 count = 0 buffer = 12846194 #52 0x0000000000546fe8 in main (argc=2, argv=0x7fffffffd8b8) at emacs.c:1531 dummy = 1024 stack_bottom_variable = 0 '\000' do_initial_setlocale = true dumping = false skip_args = 0 rlim = {rlim_cur = 8720000, rlim_max = 18446744073709551615} no_loadup = false junk = 0x0 dname_arg = 0x0 ch_to_dir = 0x2381fde1 <Address 0x2381fde1 out of bounds> registers: rax 0xf 15 rbx 0x1c 28 rcx 0x125d63d 19256893 rdx 0x0 0 rsi 0x130a0c6 19964102 rdi 0xfda856 16623702 rbp 0x7fffffff9660 0x7fffffff9660 rsp 0x7fffffff9610 0x7fffffff9610 r8 0x7ffff2db2770 140737267836784 r9 0x0 0 r10 0x7ffff2b2c900 140737265191168 r11 0x7ffff2b7cd10 140737265519888 r12 0x10e39f1 17709553 r13 0x7fffffffd8b0 140737488345264 r14 0x0 0 r15 0x0 0 rip 0x67c13d 0x67c13d <compute_fringe_widths+349> eflags 0x10256 [ PF AF ZF IF RF ] cs 0x33 51 ss 0x2b 43 ds 0x0 0 es 0x0 0 fs 0x0 0 gs 0x0 0 current instructions: => 0x67c13d <compute_fringe_widths+349>: idivl -0x10(%rbp) 0x67c140 <compute_fringe_widths+352>: mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp) 0x67c143 <compute_fringe_widths+355>: mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax 0x67c146 <compute_fringe_widths+358>: imul -0x10(%rbp),%eax 0x67c14a <compute_fringe_widths+362>: mov %eax,-0x8(%rbp) 0x67c14d <compute_fringe_widths+365>: cmpl $0x0,-0x1c(%rbp) 0x67c151 <compute_fringe_widths+369>: je 0x67c201 <compute_fringe_widths+545> 0x67c157 <compute_fringe_widths+375>: cmpl $0x0,-0x18(%rbp) 0x67c15b <compute_fringe_widths+379>: je 0x67c201 <compute_fringe_widths+545> 0x67c161 <compute_fringe_widths+385>: cmpl $0x0,-0x24(%rbp) 0x67c165 <compute_fringe_widths+389>: jns 0x67c18b <compute_fringe_widths+427> 0x67c167 <compute_fringe_widths+391>: mov -0x48(%rbp),%rax 0x67c16b <compute_fringe_widths+395>: mov -0x1c(%rbp),%edx 0x67c16e <compute_fringe_widths+398>: mov %edx,0x194(%rax) 0x67c174 <compute_fringe_widths+404>: mov -0x1c(%rbp),%eax 0x67c177 <compute_fringe_widths+407>: mov -0x8(%rbp),%edx threads backtrace: Thread 3 (Thread 0x7fffe7fff700 (LWP 15678)): #0 0x00007ffff2ae2313 in poll () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007ffff57bfff6 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0 #2 0x00007ffff57c045a in g_main_loop_run () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0 #3 0x00007ffff64775e6 in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgio-2.0.so.0 #4 0x00007ffff57e19b5 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0 #5 0x00007ffff407fe9a in start_thread () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #6 0x00007ffff2aedccd in clone () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #7 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 2 (Thread 0x7fffeca84700 (LWP 15677)): #0 0x00007ffff2ae2313 in poll () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007ffff57bfff6 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0 #2 0x00007ffff57c045a in g_main_loop_run () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0 #3 0x00007fffeca8998b in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gio/modules/libdconfsettings.so #4 0x00007ffff57e19b5 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0 #5 0x00007ffff407fe9a in start_thread () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #6 0x00007ffff2aedccd in clone () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #7 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Thread 1 (Thread 0x7ffff7fc0980 (LWP 15674)): #0 0x000000000067c13d in compute_fringe_widths (f=0x11c1418, redraw=1) at fringe.c:1368 #1 0x0000000000506e83 in x_new_font (f=0x11c1418, font_object=19256893, fontset=23) at xterm.c:7913 #2 0x0000000000429155 in x_set_font (f=0x11c1418, arg=12953617, oldval=17709553) at frame.c:3087 #3 0x0000000000427a6d in x_set_frame_parameters (f=0x11c1418, alist=12846194) at frame.c:2675 #4 0x0000000000426d43 in Fmodify_frame_parameters (frame=18617373, alist=13074086) at frame.c:2235 #5 0x00000000004f11b9 in set_font_frame_param (frame=18617373, lface=18717597) at xfaces.c:3392 #6 0x00000000004f0b76 in Finternal_set_lisp_face_attribute (face=12875906, attr=12847010, value=4, frame=18617373) at xfaces.c:3206 #7 0x00000000005e8626 in Ffuncall (nargs=5, args=0x7fffffff9ad8) at eval.c:2685 #8 0x000000000062fd44 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=9915417, vector=9915453, maxdepth=24, args_template=12846194, nargs=0, args=0x0) at bytecode.c:900 #9 0x00000000005e8fbf in funcall_lambda (fun=9915341, nargs=32, arg_vector=0x7fffffff9fc8) at eval.c:2906 #10 0x00000000005e87ac in Ffuncall (nargs=33, args=0x7fffffff9fc0) at eval.c:2723 #11 0x00000000005e797b in Fapply (nargs=4, args=0x7fffffffa240) at eval.c:2208 #12 0x00000000005e8471 in Ffuncall (nargs=5, args=0x7fffffffa238) at eval.c:2655 #13 0x000000000062fd44 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=9933121, vector=9933157, maxdepth=24, args_template=12846194, nargs=0, args=0x0) at bytecode.c:900 #14 0x00000000005e8fbf in funcall_lambda (fun=9933045, nargs=3, arg_vector=0x7fffffffa730) at eval.c:2906 #15 0x00000000005e87ac in Ffuncall (nargs=4, args=0x7fffffffa728) at eval.c:2723 #16 0x000000000062fd44 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=9932889, vector=9932925, maxdepth=24, args_template=12846194, nargs=0, args=0x0) at bytecode.c:900 #17 0x00000000005e8fbf in funcall_lambda (fun=9932845, nargs=2, arg_vector=0x7fffffffac20) at eval.c:2906 #18 0x00000000005e87ac in Ffuncall (nargs=3, args=0x7fffffffac18) at eval.c:2723 #19 0x000000000062fd44 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=9932409, vector=9932445, maxdepth=20, args_template=12846194, nargs=0, args=0x0) at bytecode.c:900 #20 0x00000000005e8fbf in funcall_lambda (fun=9932301, nargs=3, arg_vector=0x7fffffffb100) at eval.c:2906 #21 0x00000000005e87ac in Ffuncall (nargs=4, args=0x7fffffffb0f8) at eval.c:2723 #22 0x000000000062fd44 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=9902393, vector=9902429, maxdepth=28, args_template=12846194, nargs=0, args=0x0) at bytecode.c:900 #23 0x00000000005e8fbf in funcall_lambda (fun=9902349, nargs=36, arg_vector=0x7fffffffb530) at eval.c:2906 #24 0x00000000005e8ac9 in apply_lambda (fun=9902349, args=20033702) at eval.c:2783 #25 0x00000000005e72bf in eval_sub (form=20033654) at eval.c:2084 #26 0x000000000061276e in readevalloop (readcharfun=12872997, stream=0x0, sourcename=12846194, printflag=false, unibyte=12846194, readfun=12846194, start=12846194, end=12846194) at lread.c:1857 #27 0x0000000000612a44 in Feval_buffer (buffer=12846194, printflag=12846194, filename=12846194, unibyte=12846194, do_allow_print=12846194) at lread.c:1918 #28 0x00000000005e8663 in Ffuncall (nargs=1, args=0x7fffffffbb50) at eval.c:2690 #29 0x00000000005e3374 in Fcall_interactively (function=12964994, record_flag=16943474, keys=12880045) at callint.c:852 #30 0x00000000005e85f3 in Ffuncall (nargs=4, args=0x7fffffffbe78) at eval.c:2681 #31 0x000000000062fd44 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=10311121, vector=10311157, maxdepth=52, args_template=4100, nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffc3a0) at bytecode.c:900 #32 0x00000000005e8cec in funcall_lambda (fun=10311077, nargs=2, arg_vector=0x7fffffffc390) at eval.c:2840 #33 0x00000000005e87ac in Ffuncall (nargs=3, args=0x7fffffffc388) at eval.c:2723 #34 0x000000000062fd44 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=10310481, vector=10310517, maxdepth=60, args_template=2052, nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffc8a8) at bytecode.c:900 #35 0x00000000005e8cec in funcall_lambda (fun=10310429, nargs=2, arg_vector=0x7fffffffc898) at eval.c:2840 #36 0x00000000005e87ac in Ffuncall (nargs=3, args=0x7fffffffc890) at eval.c:2723 #37 0x00000000005e797b in Fapply (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffc990) at eval.c:2208 #38 0x00000000005e7ec1 in apply1 (fn=13157394, arg=20003190) at eval.c:2442 #39 0x00000000005e1552 in Fcall_interactively (function=13157394, record_flag=12846194, keys=12880045) at callint.c:377 #40 0x00000000005e85f3 in Ffuncall (nargs=4, args=0x7fffffffccc8) at eval.c:2681 #41 0x000000000062fd44 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=10311121, vector=10311157, maxdepth=52, args_template=4100, nargs=1, args=0x7fffffffd1f0) at bytecode.c:900 #42 0x00000000005e8cec in funcall_lambda (fun=10311077, nargs=1, arg_vector=0x7fffffffd1e8) at eval.c:2840 #43 0x00000000005e87ac in Ffuncall (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffd1e0) at eval.c:2723 #44 0x00000000005e7f2b in call1 (fn=12889650, arg1=13157394) at eval.c:2468 #45 0x000000000054a2c6 in command_loop_1 () at keyboard.c:1578 #46 0x00000000005e53f0 in internal_condition_case (bfun=0x549ab1 <command_loop_1>, handlers=12897506, hfun=0x549399 <cmd_error>) at eval.c:1193 #47 0x00000000005497d4 in command_loop_2 (ignore=12846194) at keyboard.c:1167 #48 0x00000000005e4df1 in internal_catch (tag=12893186, func=0x5497ae <command_loop_2>, arg=12846194) at eval.c:964 #49 0x0000000000549786 in command_loop () at keyboard.c:1146 #50 0x0000000000548ee9 in recursive_edit_1 () at keyboard.c:779 #51 0x000000000054908c in Frecursive_edit () at keyboard.c:843 #52 0x0000000000546fe8 in main (argc=2, argv=0x7fffffffd8b8) at emacs.c:1531 [-- Attachment #3: Type: text/plain, Size: 121 bytes --] Thanks., -- ఎందరో మహానుభావులు అందరికి వందనములు. YYR ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* bug#14272: 24.3.50; crash on loading theme 2013-04-26 7:18 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala @ 2013-04-26 7:51 ` Eli Zaretskii 2013-04-26 9:24 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala 2013-04-27 13:42 ` Handa Kenichi 0 siblings, 2 replies; 14+ messages in thread From: Eli Zaretskii @ 2013-04-26 7:51 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala; +Cc: 14272 > From: Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala <hi@yagnesh.org> > Cc: 14272@debbugs.gnu.org > Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 16:18:29 +0900 > > Backtrace is attached. > > backtrace: > #0 0x000000000067c13d in compute_fringe_widths (f=0x11c1418, redraw=1) at fringe.c:1368 > left_wid = 8 > right_wid = 8 > font_wid = 0 > conf_wid = 16 > cols = 0 > real_wid = 12846194 > o_left = 11 > o_right = 11 > o_cols = 2 > left_fringe = 12846194 > right_fringe = 12846194 > left_fringe_width = 8 > right_fringe_width = 8 > #1 0x0000000000506e83 in x_new_font (f=0x11c1418, font_object=19256893, fontset=23) at xterm.c:7913 > font = 0x125d638 The crash is caused by division by zero, here: int font_wid = FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH (f); int cols = (left_wid + right_wid + font_wid-1) / font_wid; <<<<<<<< most probably because font->average_width is zero, because FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH gets its value for font's average_width. Please do this, after Emacs crashes under GD: (gdb) frame 1 (gdb) p *font (gdb) pp font_object If the "pp" command doesn't work, type (gdb) source /path/to/emacs/src/.gdbinit and then try the "pp" command again. Also, if it is possible to reconfigure Emacs with --enable-checking and rebuild, please try this recipe in that build. I get assertion violation here: static int set_lface_from_font (struct frame *f, Lisp_Object lface, Lisp_Object font_object, int force_p) { Lisp_Object val; struct font *font = XFONT_OBJECT (font_object); /* Set attributes only if unspecified, otherwise face defaults for new frames would never take effect. If the font doesn't have a specific property, set a normal value for that. */ if (force_p || UNSPECIFIEDP (LFACE_FAMILY (lface))) { Lisp_Object family = AREF (font_object, FONT_FAMILY_INDEX); ASET (lface, LFACE_FAMILY_INDEX, SYMBOL_NAME (family)); } if (force_p || UNSPECIFIEDP (LFACE_FOUNDRY (lface))) { Lisp_Object foundry = AREF (font_object, FONT_FOUNDRY_INDEX); ASET (lface, LFACE_FOUNDRY_INDEX, SYMBOL_NAME (foundry)); } if (force_p || UNSPECIFIEDP (LFACE_HEIGHT (lface))) { int pt = PIXEL_TO_POINT (font->pixel_size * 10, FRAME_RES_Y (f)); eassert (pt > 0); <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ASET (lface, LFACE_HEIGHT_INDEX, make_number (pt)); } because font->pixel_size is zero, something that Emacs cannot possibly tolerate. For the record, the value of lface I get is this: [face "Arial" "outline" normal 1 normal normal nil nil "#e8e8d3" "#151515" nil nil nil nil #<font-spec nil outline Arial sans iso8859-1 normal normal nil 0 nil 0 nil ((:format . opentype) (:script nko arabic hebrew cyrillic greek latin) (user-spec . "Courier New-10"))> nil "-outline-Arial-normal-normal-normal-sans-13-*-*-*-p-*-fontset-auto1"] However, I'm not sure my font setup is similar enough to yours, so it would be important to know if you get the same assertion violation. In any case, the problem seems to be with font specification, so I hope someone who knows more than I do about that will chime in. ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* bug#14272: 24.3.50; crash on loading theme 2013-04-26 7:51 ` Eli Zaretskii @ 2013-04-26 9:24 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala 2013-04-26 9:51 ` Eli Zaretskii 2013-04-27 13:42 ` Handa Kenichi 1 sibling, 1 reply; 14+ messages in thread From: Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala @ 2013-04-26 9:24 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Eli Zaretskii; +Cc: 14272 Hello Eli, > most probably because font->average_width is zero, because > FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH gets its value for font's average_width. > > Please do this, after Emacs crashes under GD: > > (gdb) frame 1 > (gdb) p *font > (gdb) pp font_object --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- (gdb) frame 1 #1 0x0000000000506e83 in x_new_font (f=0x11c1418, font_object=19333709, fontset=23) at xterm.c:7913 warning: Source file is more recent than executable. 7913 compute_fringe_widths (f, 1); (gdb) p *font $1 = { header = { size = 4611686018679132178 }, props = {13094754, 16139730, 12959410, 12846194, 13089778, 102720, 102528, 102656, 0, 12846194, 12846194, 0, 23107046, 12846194, 17130513, 17130353, 16123585, 14753874}, min_width = 0, max_width = 0, pixel_size = 0, height = 3, space_width = 0, average_width = 0, ascent = 2, descent = 1, underline_thickness = 0, underline_position = 0, vertical_centering = false, baseline_offset = 0, relative_compose = 0, default_ascent = 0, font_encoder = 0x4000000005000000, driver = 0xc2ffa0, encoding_charset = -1, repertory_charset = -1 } (gdb) pp font_object #<font-object "-unknown-LMSansQuot8-normal-normal-normal-*-*-*-*-*-*-0-iso10646-1"> (gdb) --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8--- > please try this recipe in that build. I don't really know how to do that. > I get assertion violation here: > > static int > set_lface_from_font (struct frame *f, Lisp_Object lface, > Lisp_Object font_object, int force_p) > { > Lisp_Object val; > struct font *font = XFONT_OBJECT (font_object); > > /* Set attributes only if unspecified, otherwise face defaults for > new frames would never take effect. If the font doesn't have a > specific property, set a normal value for that. */ > > if (force_p || UNSPECIFIEDP (LFACE_FAMILY (lface))) > { > Lisp_Object family = AREF (font_object, FONT_FAMILY_INDEX); > > ASET (lface, LFACE_FAMILY_INDEX, SYMBOL_NAME (family)); > } > > if (force_p || UNSPECIFIEDP (LFACE_FOUNDRY (lface))) > { > Lisp_Object foundry = AREF (font_object, FONT_FOUNDRY_INDEX); > > ASET (lface, LFACE_FOUNDRY_INDEX, SYMBOL_NAME (foundry)); > } > > if (force_p || UNSPECIFIEDP (LFACE_HEIGHT (lface))) > { > int pt = PIXEL_TO_POINT (font->pixel_size * 10, FRAME_RES_Y (f)); > > eassert (pt > 0); <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< > ASET (lface, LFACE_HEIGHT_INDEX, make_number (pt)); > } > > > because font->pixel_size is zero, something that Emacs cannot possibly > tolerate. For the record, the value of lface I get is this: > > [face "Arial" "outline" normal 1 normal normal nil nil "#e8e8d3" "#151515" nil nil nil nil #<font-spec nil outline Arial sans iso8859-1 normal normal nil 0 nil 0 nil ((:format . opentype) (:script nko arabic hebrew cyrillic greek latin) (user-spec . "Courier New-10"))> nil "-outline-Arial-normal-normal-normal-sans-13-*-*-*-p-*-fontset-auto1"] > > However, I'm not sure my font setup is similar enough to yours, so it > would be important to know if you get the same assertion violation. > > In any case, the problem seems to be with font specification, so I > hope someone who knows more than I do about that will chime in. IIRC, I installed a custom font few months ago, that may be the reason. Thanks., -- ఎందరో మహానుభావులు అందరికి వందనములు. YYR ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* bug#14272: 24.3.50; crash on loading theme 2013-04-26 9:24 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala @ 2013-04-26 9:51 ` Eli Zaretskii 2013-04-26 12:31 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala 0 siblings, 1 reply; 14+ messages in thread From: Eli Zaretskii @ 2013-04-26 9:51 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala; +Cc: 14272 > From: Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala <hi@yagnesh.org> > Cc: 14272@debbugs.gnu.org > Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 18:24:18 +0900 > > > most probably because font->average_width is zero, because > > FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH gets its value for font's average_width. > > > > Please do this, after Emacs crashes under GD: > > > > (gdb) frame 1 > > (gdb) p *font > > (gdb) pp font_object > > --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- > (gdb) frame 1 > #1 0x0000000000506e83 in x_new_font (f=0x11c1418, font_object=19333709, fontset=23) at xterm.c:7913 > warning: Source file is more recent than executable. > 7913 compute_fringe_widths (f, 1); > (gdb) p *font > $1 = { > header = { > size = 4611686018679132178 > }, > props = {13094754, 16139730, 12959410, 12846194, 13089778, 102720, 102528, 102656, 0, 12846194, 12846194, 0, 23107046, 12846194, 17130513, 17130353, 16123585, 14753874}, > min_width = 0, > max_width = 0, > pixel_size = 0, > height = 3, > space_width = 0, > average_width = 0, <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< As expected. > (gdb) pp font_object > #<font-object "-unknown-LMSansQuot8-normal-normal-normal-*-*-*-*-*-*-0-iso10646-1"> ^ I guess the marked part says it all (assuming I'm right in concluding that this zero is the size of the font that is being requested). > > please try this recipe in that build. > > I don't really know how to do that. Did you build your Emacs? If so, then add the --enable-checking switch to the configure script when you run it, and then rebuild with "make". If you don't build your Emacs, then don't worry about this part of my response. > IIRC, I installed a custom font few months ago, that may be the reason. Are you saying that using this theme worked in the past? ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* bug#14272: 24.3.50; crash on loading theme 2013-04-26 9:51 ` Eli Zaretskii @ 2013-04-26 12:31 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala 2013-04-26 13:17 ` Eli Zaretskii 0 siblings, 1 reply; 14+ messages in thread From: Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala @ 2013-04-26 12:31 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Eli Zaretskii; +Cc: 14272 [-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 2101 bytes --] Hello Eli, On Apr 26 2013, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> wrote: >> (gdb) pp font_object >> #<font-object "-unknown-LMSansQuot8-normal-normal-normal-*-*-*-*-*-*-0-iso10646-1"> > ^ > I guess the marked part says it all (assuming I'm right in concluding > that this zero is the size of the font that is being requested). > >> > please try this recipe in that build. >> >> I don't really know how to do that. > > Did you build your Emacs? If so, then add the --enable-checking > switch to the configure script when you run it, and then rebuild with > "make". Yes, I build emacs from emacs trunk quiet often. Now I attached updated gdb backtrace with '--enable-checking' and earlier mention queries with current built: --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- (gdb) frame 1 #1 0x000000000058138d in x_new_font (f=0x1471ce8, font_object=22162541, fontset=23) at xterm.c:7913 7913 compute_fringe_widths (f, 1); (gdb) p *font $1 = { header = { size = 4611686018679132178 }, props = {15929186, 19092514, 15794530, 15680626, 15924210, 102720, 102528, 102656, 0, 15680626, 15680626, 0, 26009542, 15680626, 19904465, 19904401, 19036881, 18299058}, min_width = 0, max_width = 0, pixel_size = 0, height = 3, space_width = 0, average_width = 0, ascent = 2, descent = 1, underline_thickness = 0, underline_position = 0, vertical_centering = false, baseline_offset = 0, relative_compose = 0, default_ascent = 0, font_encoder = 0x4000000005000000, driver = 0xee4580, encoding_charset = -1, repertory_charset = -1 } (gdb) pp *font_object 412090368 --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8--- I kept gdb session alive, please ask me if any other details are needed. >> IIRC, I installed a custom font few months ago, that may be the reason. > > Are you saying that using this theme worked in the past? No. I found that theme snippet today only on the Internet, tried to see how it looks, but ended up producing a crash. [-- Attachment #2: gdb.bt --] [-- Type: application/octet-stream, Size: 50905 bytes --] Signal Stop Print Pass to program Description SIG33 No No Yes Real-time event 33 backtrace: #0 0x00000000007b6062 in compute_fringe_widths (f=0x1471ce8, redraw=1) at fringe.c:1368 left_wid = 8 right_wid = 8 font_wid = 0 conf_wid = 16 cols = 0 real_wid = 15680626 o_left = 11 o_right = 11 o_cols = 2 left_fringe = 15680626 right_fringe = 15680626 left_fringe_width = 8 right_fringe_width = 8 #1 0x000000000058138d in x_new_font (f=0x1471ce8, font_object=22162541, fontset=23) at xterm.c:7913 font = 0x1522c68 #2 0x0000000000434230 in x_set_font (f=0x1471ce8, arg=19904465, oldval=19024497) at frame.c:3087 font_object = 22162541 fontset = 23 font_param = 15680626 #3 0x0000000000431ba2 in x_set_frame_parameters (f=0x1471ce8, alist=15680626) at frame.c:2675 param_index = 28 old_value = 19024497 prop = 15854802 val = 22162541 tail = 15680626 width = 80 height = 35 left = 15680578 top = 15680578 icon_left = 15680578 icon_top = 15680578 parms = 0x7fffffff9950 values = 0x7fffffff9930 i = 1 p = 0 left_no_change = 0 top_no_change = 0 icon_left_no_change = 0 icon_top_no_change = 0 size_changed = 0 gcpro1 = { next = 0x0, var = 0x0, nvars = 1 } gcpro2 = { next = 0x0, var = 0x0, nvars = 1 } #4 0x0000000000430c27 in Fmodify_frame_parameters (frame=21437677, alist=26007622) at frame.c:2235 f = 0x1471ce8 tail = 15680626 prop = 15680626 val = 15680626 #5 0x0000000000562f47 in set_font_frame_param (frame=21437677, lface=21538797) at xfaces.c:3392 f = 0x1471ce8 font = 22162541 #6 0x000000000056233f in Finternal_set_lisp_face_attribute (face=15710338, attr=15681442, value=4, frame=21437677) at xfaces.c:3206 param = 15680626 lface = 21538797 old_value = 512 prop_index = FONT_SIZE_INDEX #7 0x00000000006cf350 in Ffuncall (nargs=5, args=0x7fffffff9cf8) at eval.c:2685 fun = 11658637 original_fun = 15711330 funcar = 15680626 numargs = 4 lisp_numargs = 2 val = 4 backtrace = { next = 0x7fffffffa160, function = 15711330, args = 0x7fffffff9d00, nargs = 4, debug_on_exit = 0 } internal_args = 0x7fffffff9d00 i = 15853426 #8 0x000000000073e9ca in exec_byte_code (bytestr=12333017, vector=12333269, maxdepth=24, args_template=15680626, nargs=0, args=0x0) at bytecode.c:900 targets = {0x742670, 0x74267f, 0x742681, 0x742683, 0x742685, 0x742685, 0x7426e6, 0x74275a, 0x73e00c, 0x73e00e, 0x73e010, 0x73e012, 0x73e014, 0x73e014, 0x73e01a, 0x73dfd1, 0x73e5c3, 0x73e5c5, 0x73e5c7, 0x73e5c9, 0x73e5cb, 0x73e5cb, 0x73e60c, 0x73e5d1, 0x73e8cc, 0x73e8ce, 0x73e8d0, 0x73e8d2, 0x73e8d4, 0x73e8d4, 0x73e874, 0x73e891, 0x73e991, 0x73e993, 0x73e995, 0x73e997, 0x73e999, 0x73e999, 0x73e939, 0x73e956, 0x73ea5d, 0x73ea5f, 0x73ea61, 0x73ea63, 0x73ea65, 0x73ea65, 0x73ea05, 0x73ea22, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x73fac9, 0x73fc5f, 0x73fcbc, 0x73fd19, 0x73fd76, 0x73e403, 0x73e47a, 0x73fde9, 0x73e32b, 0x73e4ea, 0x73fe4a, 0x73feba, 0x73ff11, 0x73ff96, 0x73ffed, 0x7400ce, 0x74011b, 0x74018b, 0x74021b, 0x740268, 0x7402b5, 0x740325, 0x740395, 0x740405, 0x740495, 0x7404ec, 0x740543, 0x740624, 0x7406ba, 0x740750, 0x740a63, 0x740ad3, 0x740b43, 0x740bb3, 0x740c23, 0x740c7a, 0x740d14, 0x740d6b, 0x740dc2, 0x740e19, 0x740f37, 0x73f700, 0x740f9a, 0x740fe7, 0x7410c0, 0x741123, 0x741186, 0x7411d3, 0x741229, 0x74127f, 0x7412d9, 0x742670, 0x741330, 0x741378, 0x7413c0, 0x741408, 0x741450, 0x741498, 0x73f700, 0x742670, 0x7414e5, 0x74153a, 0x741587, 0x7415d4, 0x741644, 0x7416b4, 0x741701, 0x741ae1, 0x741b51, 0x741bc1, 0x741c31, 0x741c79, 0x742670, 0x73f630, 0x73eb26, 0x73e1e3, 0x73ec41, 0x73ed89, 0x73eec8, 0x73f59b, 0x73f5f7, 0x73e819, 0x73f6bd, 0x73f736, 0x73f7d5, 0x73f818, 0x73f88a, 0x73f8da, 0x73f96a, 0x73fa28, 0x73eadc, 0x741cc6, 0x741d56, 0x741da3, 0x741df0, 0x741e3d, 0x741e8a, 0x741efa, 0x741f6a, 0x741fda, 0x74204a, 0x74222b, 0x742295, 0x7422ff, 0x74234c, 0x7423b6, 0x742420, 0x7424b7, 0x74254f, 0x740e70, 0x740ec7, 0x7425a6, 0x742614, 0x742670, 0x73f007, 0x73f0f5, 0x73f222, 0x73f34f, 0x73f475, 0x740044, 0x74059a, 0x741036, 0x7427f2, 0x742866, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x7428fe, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x74298c <repeats 64 times>} count = 43 op = 4 vectorp = 0xbc30d8 stack = { pc = 0xe35b8b "\210\b\211\036\031AA)\211\020\204\251", byte_string = 12333017, byte_string_start = 0xe35acb "\306\b!\020\t\204\f", next = 0x7fffffffa4e0 } top = 0x7fffffff9cf8 result = 0 #9 0x00000000006d01ef in funcall_lambda (fun=12332941, nargs=32, arg_vector=0x7fffffffa1e8) at eval.c:2906 val = 15680626 syms_left = 15680626 next = 15846082 lexenv = 15680626 count = 40 i = 32 optional = false rest = true #10 0x00000000006cf62d in Ffuncall (nargs=33, args=0x7fffffffa1e0) at eval.c:2723 fun = 12332941 original_fun = 19785026 funcar = 140737488331216 numargs = 32 lisp_numargs = 140737488333136 val = 16 backtrace = { next = 0x7fffffffa3d0, function = 19785026, args = 0x7fffffffa1e8, nargs = 32, debug_on_exit = 0 } internal_args = 0x7fffffffa1e0 i = 19785026 #11 0x00000000006ce02a in Fapply (nargs=4, args=0x7fffffffa460) at eval.c:2208 i = 33 numargs = 32 spread_arg = 15680626 funcall_args = 0x7fffffffa1e0 fun = 12332941 retval = 15735570 gcpro1 = { next = 0x7fffffffa390, var = 0x6d0206, nvars = 33 } sa_count = 40 sa_must_free = false #12 0x00000000006cee9a in Ffuncall (nargs=5, args=0x7fffffffa458) at eval.c:2655 fun = 15104989 original_fun = 15805810 funcar = 40 numargs = 4 lisp_numargs = 14907840 val = 140737488331840 backtrace = { next = 0x7fffffffa8c0, function = 15805810, args = 0x7fffffffa460, nargs = 4, debug_on_exit = 0 } internal_args = 0x28 i = 7192557 #13 0x000000000073e9ca in exec_byte_code (bytestr=12358537, vector=12358661, maxdepth=24, args_template=15680626, nargs=0, args=0x0) at bytecode.c:900 targets = {0x742670, 0x74267f, 0x742681, 0x742683, 0x742685, 0x742685, 0x7426e6, 0x74275a, 0x73e00c, 0x73e00e, 0x73e010, 0x73e012, 0x73e014, 0x73e014, 0x73e01a, 0x73dfd1, 0x73e5c3, 0x73e5c5, 0x73e5c7, 0x73e5c9, 0x73e5cb, 0x73e5cb, 0x73e60c, 0x73e5d1, 0x73e8cc, 0x73e8ce, 0x73e8d0, 0x73e8d2, 0x73e8d4, 0x73e8d4, 0x73e874, 0x73e891, 0x73e991, 0x73e993, 0x73e995, 0x73e997, 0x73e999, 0x73e999, 0x73e939, 0x73e956, 0x73ea5d, 0x73ea5f, 0x73ea61, 0x73ea63, 0x73ea65, 0x73ea65, 0x73ea05, 0x73ea22, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x73fac9, 0x73fc5f, 0x73fcbc, 0x73fd19, 0x73fd76, 0x73e403, 0x73e47a, 0x73fde9, 0x73e32b, 0x73e4ea, 0x73fe4a, 0x73feba, 0x73ff11, 0x73ff96, 0x73ffed, 0x7400ce, 0x74011b, 0x74018b, 0x74021b, 0x740268, 0x7402b5, 0x740325, 0x740395, 0x740405, 0x740495, 0x7404ec, 0x740543, 0x740624, 0x7406ba, 0x740750, 0x740a63, 0x740ad3, 0x740b43, 0x740bb3, 0x740c23, 0x740c7a, 0x740d14, 0x740d6b, 0x740dc2, 0x740e19, 0x740f37, 0x73f700, 0x740f9a, 0x740fe7, 0x7410c0, 0x741123, 0x741186, 0x7411d3, 0x741229, 0x74127f, 0x7412d9, 0x742670, 0x741330, 0x741378, 0x7413c0, 0x741408, 0x741450, 0x741498, 0x73f700, 0x742670, 0x7414e5, 0x74153a, 0x741587, 0x7415d4, 0x741644, 0x7416b4, 0x741701, 0x741ae1, 0x741b51, 0x741bc1, 0x741c31, 0x741c79, 0x742670, 0x73f630, 0x73eb26, 0x73e1e3, 0x73ec41, 0x73ed89, 0x73eec8, 0x73f59b, 0x73f5f7, 0x73e819, 0x73f6bd, 0x73f736, 0x73f7d5, 0x73f818, 0x73f88a, 0x73f8da, 0x73f96a, 0x73fa28, 0x73eadc, 0x741cc6, 0x741d56, 0x741da3, 0x741df0, 0x741e3d, 0x741e8a, 0x741efa, 0x741f6a, 0x741fda, 0x74204a, 0x74222b, 0x742295, 0x7422ff, 0x74234c, 0x7423b6, 0x742420, 0x7424b7, 0x74254f, 0x740e70, 0x740ec7, 0x7425a6, 0x742614, 0x742670, 0x73f007, 0x73f0f5, 0x73f222, 0x73f34f, 0x73f475, 0x740044, 0x74059a, 0x741036, 0x7427f2, 0x742866, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x7428fe, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x74298c <repeats 64 times>} count = 38 op = 4 vectorp = 0xbc9408 stack = { pc = 0xe3472e "*\207", byte_string = 12358537, byte_string_start = 0xe346fc "\306\b\t\"\030\307\032\b\203+", next = 0x7fffffffa9d0 } top = 0x7fffffffa458 result = 15680626 #14 0x00000000006d01ef in funcall_lambda (fun=12358461, nargs=3, arg_vector=0x7fffffffa950) at eval.c:2906 val = 15680626 syms_left = 15680626 next = 18978002 lexenv = 15680626 count = 35 i = 3 optional = false rest = false #15 0x00000000006cf62d in Ffuncall (nargs=4, args=0x7fffffffa948) at eval.c:2723 fun = 12358461 original_fun = 19742770 funcar = 15680626 numargs = 3 lisp_numargs = 140737488333104 val = 22833926 backtrace = { next = 0x7fffffffadb0, function = 19742770, args = 0x7fffffffa950, nargs = 3, debug_on_exit = 0 } internal_args = 0x23 i = 15853426 #16 0x000000000073e9ca in exec_byte_code (bytestr=12358137, vector=12358293, maxdepth=24, args_template=15680626, nargs=0, args=0x0) at bytecode.c:900 targets = {0x742670, 0x74267f, 0x742681, 0x742683, 0x742685, 0x742685, 0x7426e6, 0x74275a, 0x73e00c, 0x73e00e, 0x73e010, 0x73e012, 0x73e014, 0x73e014, 0x73e01a, 0x73dfd1, 0x73e5c3, 0x73e5c5, 0x73e5c7, 0x73e5c9, 0x73e5cb, 0x73e5cb, 0x73e60c, 0x73e5d1, 0x73e8cc, 0x73e8ce, 0x73e8d0, 0x73e8d2, 0x73e8d4, 0x73e8d4, 0x73e874, 0x73e891, 0x73e991, 0x73e993, 0x73e995, 0x73e997, 0x73e999, 0x73e999, 0x73e939, 0x73e956, 0x73ea5d, 0x73ea5f, 0x73ea61, 0x73ea63, 0x73ea65, 0x73ea65, 0x73ea05, 0x73ea22, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x73fac9, 0x73fc5f, 0x73fcbc, 0x73fd19, 0x73fd76, 0x73e403, 0x73e47a, 0x73fde9, 0x73e32b, 0x73e4ea, 0x73fe4a, 0x73feba, 0x73ff11, 0x73ff96, 0x73ffed, 0x7400ce, 0x74011b, 0x74018b, 0x74021b, 0x740268, 0x7402b5, 0x740325, 0x740395, 0x740405, 0x740495, 0x7404ec, 0x740543, 0x740624, 0x7406ba, 0x740750, 0x740a63, 0x740ad3, 0x740b43, 0x740bb3, 0x740c23, 0x740c7a, 0x740d14, 0x740d6b, 0x740dc2, 0x740e19, 0x740f37, 0x73f700, 0x740f9a, 0x740fe7, 0x7410c0, 0x741123, 0x741186, 0x7411d3, 0x741229, 0x74127f, 0x7412d9, 0x742670, 0x741330, 0x741378, 0x7413c0, 0x741408, 0x741450, 0x741498, 0x73f700, 0x742670, 0x7414e5, 0x74153a, 0x741587, 0x7415d4, 0x741644, 0x7416b4, 0x741701, 0x741ae1, 0x741b51, 0x741bc1, 0x741c31, 0x741c79, 0x742670, 0x73f630, 0x73eb26, 0x73e1e3, 0x73ec41, 0x73ed89, 0x73eec8, 0x73f59b, 0x73f5f7, 0x73e819, 0x73f6bd, 0x73f736, 0x73f7d5, 0x73f818, 0x73f88a, 0x73f8da, 0x73f96a, 0x73fa28, 0x73eadc, 0x741cc6, 0x741d56, 0x741da3, 0x741df0, 0x741e3d, 0x741e8a, 0x741efa, 0x741f6a, 0x741fda, 0x74204a, 0x74222b, 0x742295, 0x7422ff, 0x74234c, 0x7423b6, 0x742420, 0x7424b7, 0x74254f, 0x740e70, 0x740ec7, 0x7425a6, 0x742614, 0x742670, 0x73f007, 0x73f0f5, 0x73f222, 0x73f34f, 0x73f475, 0x740044, 0x74059a, 0x741036, 0x7427f2, 0x742866, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x7428fe, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x74298c <repeats 64 times>} count = 32 op = 3 vectorp = 0xbc9298 stack = { pc = 0xe34763 "\210\fA\211\024\204%", byte_string = 12358137, byte_string_start = 0xe34731 "\b\306N\203\016", next = 0x7fffffffaeb0 } top = 0x7fffffffa948 result = 19397200 #17 0x00000000006d01ef in funcall_lambda (fun=12358093, nargs=2, arg_vector=0x7fffffffae40) at eval.c:2906 val = 19105437 syms_left = 15680626 next = 15735570 lexenv = 15680626 count = 30 i = 2 optional = false rest = false #18 0x00000000006cf62d in Ffuncall (nargs=3, args=0x7fffffffae38) at eval.c:2723 fun = 12358093 original_fun = 19299954 funcar = 15680626 numargs = 2 lisp_numargs = 140737488334368 val = 22832134 backtrace = { next = 0x7fffffffb290, function = 19299954, args = 0x7fffffffae40, nargs = 2, debug_on_exit = 0 } internal_args = 0x7fffffffb320 i = 15735568 #19 0x000000000073e9ca in exec_byte_code (bytestr=12357369, vector=12357645, maxdepth=20, args_template=15680626, nargs=0, args=0x0) at bytecode.c:900 targets = {0x742670, 0x74267f, 0x742681, 0x742683, 0x742685, 0x742685, 0x7426e6, 0x74275a, 0x73e00c, 0x73e00e, 0x73e010, 0x73e012, 0x73e014, 0x73e014, 0x73e01a, 0x73dfd1, 0x73e5c3, 0x73e5c5, 0x73e5c7, 0x73e5c9, 0x73e5cb, 0x73e5cb, 0x73e60c, 0x73e5d1, 0x73e8cc, 0x73e8ce, 0x73e8d0, 0x73e8d2, 0x73e8d4, 0x73e8d4, 0x73e874, 0x73e891, 0x73e991, 0x73e993, 0x73e995, 0x73e997, 0x73e999, 0x73e999, 0x73e939, 0x73e956, 0x73ea5d, 0x73ea5f, 0x73ea61, 0x73ea63, 0x73ea65, 0x73ea65, 0x73ea05, 0x73ea22, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x73fac9, 0x73fc5f, 0x73fcbc, 0x73fd19, 0x73fd76, 0x73e403, 0x73e47a, 0x73fde9, 0x73e32b, 0x73e4ea, 0x73fe4a, 0x73feba, 0x73ff11, 0x73ff96, 0x73ffed, 0x7400ce, 0x74011b, 0x74018b, 0x74021b, 0x740268, 0x7402b5, 0x740325, 0x740395, 0x740405, 0x740495, 0x7404ec, 0x740543, 0x740624, 0x7406ba, 0x740750, 0x740a63, 0x740ad3, 0x740b43, 0x740bb3, 0x740c23, 0x740c7a, 0x740d14, 0x740d6b, 0x740dc2, 0x740e19, 0x740f37, 0x73f700, 0x740f9a, 0x740fe7, 0x7410c0, 0x741123, 0x741186, 0x7411d3, 0x741229, 0x74127f, 0x7412d9, 0x742670, 0x741330, 0x741378, 0x7413c0, 0x741408, 0x741450, 0x741498, 0x73f700, 0x742670, 0x7414e5, 0x74153a, 0x741587, 0x7415d4, 0x741644, 0x7416b4, 0x741701, 0x741ae1, 0x741b51, 0x741bc1, 0x741c31, 0x741c79, 0x742670, 0x73f630, 0x73eb26, 0x73e1e3, 0x73ec41, 0x73ed89, 0x73eec8, 0x73f59b, 0x73f5f7, 0x73e819, 0x73f6bd, 0x73f736, 0x73f7d5, 0x73f818, 0x73f88a, 0x73f8da, 0x73f96a, 0x73fa28, 0x73eadc, 0x741cc6, 0x741d56, 0x741da3, 0x741df0, 0x741e3d, 0x741e8a, 0x741efa, 0x741f6a, 0x741fda, 0x74204a, 0x74222b, 0x742295, 0x7422ff, 0x74234c, 0x7423b6, 0x742420, 0x7424b7, 0x74254f, 0x740e70, 0x740ec7, 0x7425a6, 0x742614, 0x742670, 0x73f007, 0x73f0f5, 0x73f222, 0x73f34f, 0x73f475, 0x740044, 0x74059a, 0x741036, 0x7427f2, 0x742866, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x7428fe, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x74298c <repeats 64 times>} count = 28 op = 2 vectorp = 0xbc9010 stack = { pc = 0xe347e6 "\210\fA\211\024\204O", byte_string = 12357369, byte_string_start = 0xe34790 "\b\306N\203\n", next = 0x7fffffffb3a0 } top = 0x7fffffffae38 result = 19105437 #20 0x00000000006d01ef in funcall_lambda (fun=12357261, nargs=3, arg_vector=0x7fffffffb320) at eval.c:2906 val = 19105437 syms_left = 15680626 next = 19742626 lexenv = 15680626 count = 25 i = 3 optional = true rest = false #21 0x00000000006cf62d in Ffuncall (nargs=4, args=0x7fffffffb318) at eval.c:2723 fun = 12357261 original_fun = 19917858 funcar = 7194173 numargs = 3 lisp_numargs = 140737488335616 val = 15680626 backtrace = { next = 0x7fffffffb9b0, function = 19917858, args = 0x7fffffffb320, nargs = 3, debug_on_exit = 0 } internal_args = 0x11 i = 19324706 #22 0x000000000073e9ca in exec_byte_code (bytestr=12316153, vector=12316469, maxdepth=28, args_template=15680626, nargs=0, args=0x0) at bytecode.c:900 targets = {0x742670, 0x74267f, 0x742681, 0x742683, 0x742685, 0x742685, 0x7426e6, 0x74275a, 0x73e00c, 0x73e00e, 0x73e010, 0x73e012, 0x73e014, 0x73e014, 0x73e01a, 0x73dfd1, 0x73e5c3, 0x73e5c5, 0x73e5c7, 0x73e5c9, 0x73e5cb, 0x73e5cb, 0x73e60c, 0x73e5d1, 0x73e8cc, 0x73e8ce, 0x73e8d0, 0x73e8d2, 0x73e8d4, 0x73e8d4, 0x73e874, 0x73e891, 0x73e991, 0x73e993, 0x73e995, 0x73e997, 0x73e999, 0x73e999, 0x73e939, 0x73e956, 0x73ea5d, 0x73ea5f, 0x73ea61, 0x73ea63, 0x73ea65, 0x73ea65, 0x73ea05, 0x73ea22, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x73fac9, 0x73fc5f, 0x73fcbc, 0x73fd19, 0x73fd76, 0x73e403, 0x73e47a, 0x73fde9, 0x73e32b, 0x73e4ea, 0x73fe4a, 0x73feba, 0x73ff11, 0x73ff96, 0x73ffed, 0x7400ce, 0x74011b, 0x74018b, 0x74021b, 0x740268, 0x7402b5, 0x740325, 0x740395, 0x740405, 0x740495, 0x7404ec, 0x740543, 0x740624, 0x7406ba, 0x740750, 0x740a63, 0x740ad3, 0x740b43, 0x740bb3, 0x740c23, 0x740c7a, 0x740d14, 0x740d6b, 0x740dc2, 0x740e19, 0x740f37, 0x73f700, 0x740f9a, 0x740fe7, 0x7410c0, 0x741123, 0x741186, 0x7411d3, 0x741229, 0x74127f, 0x7412d9, 0x742670, 0x741330, 0x741378, 0x7413c0, 0x741408, 0x741450, 0x741498, 0x73f700, 0x742670, 0x7414e5, 0x74153a, 0x741587, 0x7415d4, 0x741644, 0x7416b4, 0x741701, 0x741ae1, 0x741b51, 0x741bc1, 0x741c31, 0x741c79, 0x742670, 0x73f630, 0x73eb26, 0x73e1e3, 0x73ec41, 0x73ed89, 0x73eec8, 0x73f59b, 0x73f5f7, 0x73e819, 0x73f6bd, 0x73f736, 0x73f7d5, 0x73f818, 0x73f88a, 0x73f8da, 0x73f96a, 0x73fa28, 0x73eadc, 0x741cc6, 0x741d56, 0x741da3, 0x741df0, 0x741e3d, 0x741e8a, 0x741efa, 0x741f6a, 0x741fda, 0x74204a, 0x74222b, 0x742295, 0x7422ff, 0x74234c, 0x7423b6, 0x742420, 0x7424b7, 0x74254f, 0x740e70, 0x740ec7, 0x7425a6, 0x742614, 0x742670, 0x73f007, 0x73f0f5, 0x73f222, 0x73f34f, 0x73f475, 0x740044, 0x74059a, 0x741036, 0x7427f2, 0x742866, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x7428fe, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x74298c <repeats 64 times>} count = 17 op = 3 vectorp = 0xbbef38 stack = { pc = 0xe36ba0 "\210+*\rA\211\025\204\035", byte_string = 12316153, byte_string_start = 0xe36adc "\b\211\030\211\030\t>)\204\020", next = 0x7fffffffc120 } top = 0x7fffffffb318 result = 15 #23 0x00000000006d01ef in funcall_lambda (fun=12316109, nargs=36, arg_vector=0x7fffffffb750) at eval.c:2906 val = 15731410 syms_left = 15680626 next = 15846082 lexenv = 15680626 count = 15 i = 36 optional = false rest = true #24 0x00000000006cf978 in apply_lambda (fun=12316109, args=22813894) at eval.c:2783 args_left = 15680626 i = 36 numargs = 36 arg_vector = 0x7fffffffb750 gcpro1 = { next = 0xf1bda0, var = 0x105bcb1, nvars = 36 } gcpro2 = { next = 0x100de7200, var = 0x7fffffffba10, nvars = 140737488337216 } gcpro3 = { next = 0x2, var = 0xb4289d, nvars = 22816118 } tem = 22834390 sa_count = 15 sa_must_free = false #25 0x00000000006cd47c in eval_sub (form=22813846) at eval.c:2084 fun = 12316109 val = 15 original_fun = 19811922 original_args = 22813894 funcar = 2 backtrace = { next = 0x7fffffffbcb0, function = 19811922, args = 0x7fffffffb750, nargs = 36, debug_on_exit = 0 } gcpro1 = { next = 0x7fffffffbaa0, var = 0x2, nvars = 140737488338096 } gcpro2 = { next = 0x7fffffffbaa8, var = 0x1, nvars = 139646566644336 } gcpro3 = { next = 0x15c1c96, var = 0x28, nvars = 1 } #26 0x00000000007176c2 in readevalloop (readcharfun=15707429, stream=0x0, sourcename=15680626, printflag=false, unibyte=15680626, readfun=15680626, start=15680626, end=15680626) at lread.c:1857 count1 = 15 c = 22813846 val = 22813846 count = 11 gcpro1 = { next = 0x7fffffffbb70, var = 0x6aa286, nvars = 4310768560 } gcpro2 = { next = 0xef4472, var = 0xf11b02, nvars = 15680626 } gcpro3 = { next = 0xeed706, var = 0xf11bb0, nvars = 15706379 } gcpro4 = { next = 0xf11b00, var = 0x15c2676, nvars = 140737488337856 } b = 0xefad20 continue_reading_p = true lex_bound = 15680626 whole_buffer = false first_sexp = false macroexpand = 15997026 #27 0x0000000000717b99 in Feval_buffer (buffer=15680626, printflag=15680626, filename=15680626, unibyte=15680626, do_allow_print=15680626) at lread.c:1918 count = 7 tem = 15733122 buf = 15707429 #28 0x00000000006cf3e2 in Ffuncall (nargs=1, args=0x7fffffffbd70) at eval.c:2690 fun = 15112533 original_fun = 15799426 funcar = 0 numargs = 0 lisp_numargs = 15680626 val = 15680674 backtrace = { next = 0x7fffffffbfe0, function = 15799426, args = 0x7fffffffbd78, nargs = 0, debug_on_exit = 0 } internal_args = 0x7fffffffbc50 i = 5 #29 0x00000000006c7cc9 in Fcall_interactively (function=15799426, record_flag=20322978, keys=15714477) at callint.c:852 val = 15908790 args = 0x7fffffffbd70 visargs = 0x7fffffffbd50 specs = 11678081 filter_specs = 11678081 teml = 15680626 up_event = 15680626 enable = 15680626 speccount = 5 next_event = 1 prefix_arg = 15680626 string = 0x7fffffffbd90 "" tem = 0x7fffffffbd90 "" varies = 0x7fffffffbd40 "" i = 1 nargs = 1 mark = 15908790 arg_from_tty = false gcpro1 = { next = 0x7fffffffbd20, var = 0x0, nvars = 22785734 } gcpro2 = { next = 0x0, var = 0x4, nvars = 36 } gcpro3 = { next = 0xb23181, var = 0x7fffffffbee0, nvars = 1 } gcpro4 = { next = 0xb, var = 0xcbb4c0, nvars = 1 } gcpro5 = { next = 0x7fffffffbee0, var = 0x1, nvars = 140737488338768 } key_count = 1 record_then_fail = false save_this_command = 15799426 save_last_command = 19233090 save_this_original_command = 15991874 save_real_this_command = 15799426 #30 0x00000000006cf2c8 in Ffuncall (nargs=4, args=0x7fffffffc098) at eval.c:2681 fun = 15103597 original_fun = 15816530 funcar = 15680626 numargs = 3 lisp_numargs = 140737488339024 val = 15680626 backtrace = { next = 0x7fffffffc500, function = 15816530, args = 0x7fffffffc0a0, nargs = 3, debug_on_exit = 0 } internal_args = 0x7fffffffc0a0 i = 15920562 #31 0x000000000073e9ca in exec_byte_code (bytestr=12794769, vector=12795013, maxdepth=52, args_template=4100, nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffc5c0) at bytecode.c:900 targets = {0x742670, 0x74267f, 0x742681, 0x742683, 0x742685, 0x742685, 0x7426e6, 0x74275a, 0x73e00c, 0x73e00e, 0x73e010, 0x73e012, 0x73e014, 0x73e014, 0x73e01a, 0x73dfd1, 0x73e5c3, 0x73e5c5, 0x73e5c7, 0x73e5c9, 0x73e5cb, 0x73e5cb, 0x73e60c, 0x73e5d1, 0x73e8cc, 0x73e8ce, 0x73e8d0, 0x73e8d2, 0x73e8d4, 0x73e8d4, 0x73e874, 0x73e891, 0x73e991, 0x73e993, 0x73e995, 0x73e997, 0x73e999, 0x73e999, 0x73e939, 0x73e956, 0x73ea5d, 0x73ea5f, 0x73ea61, 0x73ea63, 0x73ea65, 0x73ea65, 0x73ea05, 0x73ea22, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x73fac9, 0x73fc5f, 0x73fcbc, 0x73fd19, 0x73fd76, 0x73e403, 0x73e47a, 0x73fde9, 0x73e32b, 0x73e4ea, 0x73fe4a, 0x73feba, 0x73ff11, 0x73ff96, 0x73ffed, 0x7400ce, 0x74011b, 0x74018b, 0x74021b, 0x740268, 0x7402b5, 0x740325, 0x740395, 0x740405, 0x740495, 0x7404ec, 0x740543, 0x740624, 0x7406ba, 0x740750, 0x740a63, 0x740ad3, 0x740b43, 0x740bb3, 0x740c23, 0x740c7a, 0x740d14, 0x740d6b, 0x740dc2, 0x740e19, 0x740f37, 0x73f700, 0x740f9a, 0x740fe7, 0x7410c0, 0x741123, 0x741186, 0x7411d3, 0x741229, 0x74127f, 0x7412d9, 0x742670, 0x741330, 0x741378, 0x7413c0, 0x741408, 0x741450, 0x741498, 0x73f700, 0x742670, 0x7414e5, 0x74153a, 0x741587, 0x7415d4, 0x741644, 0x7416b4, 0x741701, 0x741ae1, 0x741b51, 0x741bc1, 0x741c31, 0x741c79, 0x742670, 0x73f630, 0x73eb26, 0x73e1e3, 0x73ec41, 0x73ed89, 0x73eec8, 0x73f59b, 0x73f5f7, 0x73e819, 0x73f6bd, 0x73f736, 0x73f7d5, 0x73f818, 0x73f88a, 0x73f8da, 0x73f96a, 0x73fa28, 0x73eadc, 0x741cc6, 0x741d56, 0x741da3, 0x741df0, 0x741e3d, 0x741e8a, 0x741efa, 0x741f6a, 0x741fda, 0x74204a, 0x74222b, 0x742295, 0x7422ff, 0x74234c, 0x7423b6, 0x742420, 0x7424b7, 0x74254f, 0x740e70, 0x740ec7, 0x7425a6, 0x742614, 0x742670, 0x73f007, 0x73f0f5, 0x73f222, 0x73f34f, 0x73f475, 0x740044, 0x74059a, 0x741036, 0x7427f2, 0x742866, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x7428fe, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x74298c <repeats 64 times>} count = 5 op = 3 vectorp = 0xc33c88 stack = { pc = 0xe15e96 "\006\006\071\203\225", byte_string = 12794769, byte_string_start = 0xe15e28 "\306\020\211?\205\f", next = 0x7fffffffc650 } top = 0x7fffffffc098 result = 12492 #32 0x00000000006cfd6f in funcall_lambda (fun=12794725, nargs=2, arg_vector=0x7fffffffc5b0) at eval.c:2840 val = 15680626 syms_left = 4100 next = 15707424 lexenv = 24092416 count = 5 i = 24092464 optional = false rest = false #33 0x00000000006cf62d in Ffuncall (nargs=3, args=0x7fffffffc5a8) at eval.c:2723 fun = 12794725 original_fun = 15724082 funcar = 15479920 numargs = 2 lisp_numargs = 15680626 val = 15680626 backtrace = { next = 0x7fffffffca30, function = 15724082, args = 0x7fffffffc5b0, nargs = 2, debug_on_exit = 0 } internal_args = 0x7fffffffcab8 i = 15816722 #34 0x000000000073e9ca in exec_byte_code (bytestr=12793729, vector=12794061, maxdepth=60, args_template=2052, nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffcac8) at bytecode.c:900 targets = {0x742670, 0x74267f, 0x742681, 0x742683, 0x742685, 0x742685, 0x7426e6, 0x74275a, 0x73e00c, 0x73e00e, 0x73e010, 0x73e012, 0x73e014, 0x73e014, 0x73e01a, 0x73dfd1, 0x73e5c3, 0x73e5c5, 0x73e5c7, 0x73e5c9, 0x73e5cb, 0x73e5cb, 0x73e60c, 0x73e5d1, 0x73e8cc, 0x73e8ce, 0x73e8d0, 0x73e8d2, 0x73e8d4, 0x73e8d4, 0x73e874, 0x73e891, 0x73e991, 0x73e993, 0x73e995, 0x73e997, 0x73e999, 0x73e999, 0x73e939, 0x73e956, 0x73ea5d, 0x73ea5f, 0x73ea61, 0x73ea63, 0x73ea65, 0x73ea65, 0x73ea05, 0x73ea22, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x73fac9, 0x73fc5f, 0x73fcbc, 0x73fd19, 0x73fd76, 0x73e403, 0x73e47a, 0x73fde9, 0x73e32b, 0x73e4ea, 0x73fe4a, 0x73feba, 0x73ff11, 0x73ff96, 0x73ffed, 0x7400ce, 0x74011b, 0x74018b, 0x74021b, 0x740268, 0x7402b5, 0x740325, 0x740395, 0x740405, 0x740495, 0x7404ec, 0x740543, 0x740624, 0x7406ba, 0x740750, 0x740a63, 0x740ad3, 0x740b43, 0x740bb3, 0x740c23, 0x740c7a, 0x740d14, 0x740d6b, 0x740dc2, 0x740e19, 0x740f37, 0x73f700, 0x740f9a, 0x740fe7, 0x7410c0, 0x741123, 0x741186, 0x7411d3, 0x741229, 0x74127f, 0x7412d9, 0x742670, 0x741330, 0x741378, 0x7413c0, 0x741408, 0x741450, 0x741498, 0x73f700, 0x742670, 0x7414e5, 0x74153a, 0x741587, 0x7415d4, 0x741644, 0x7416b4, 0x741701, 0x741ae1, 0x741b51, 0x741bc1, 0x741c31, 0x741c79, 0x742670, 0x73f630, 0x73eb26, 0x73e1e3, 0x73ec41, 0x73ed89, 0x73eec8, 0x73f59b, 0x73f5f7, 0x73e819, 0x73f6bd, 0x73f736, 0x73f7d5, 0x73f818, 0x73f88a, 0x73f8da, 0x73f96a, 0x73fa28, 0x73eadc, 0x741cc6, 0x741d56, 0x741da3, 0x741df0, 0x741e3d, 0x741e8a, 0x741efa, 0x741f6a, 0x741fda, 0x74204a, 0x74222b, 0x742295, 0x7422ff, 0x74234c, 0x7423b6, 0x742420, 0x7424b7, 0x74254f, 0x740e70, 0x740ec7, 0x7425a6, 0x742614, 0x742670, 0x73f007, 0x73f0f5, 0x73f222, 0x73f34f, 0x73f475, 0x740044, 0x74059a, 0x741036, 0x7427f2, 0x742866, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x7428fe, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x74298c <repeats 64 times>} count = 4 op = 2 vectorp = 0xc338d0 stack = { pc = 0xe15f78 "\210)\211\205\233", byte_string = 12793729, byte_string_start = 0xe15f41 "\211\204\v", next = 0x7fffffffcf70 } top = 0x7fffffffc5a8 result = 140737488341856 #35 0x00000000006cfd6f in funcall_lambda (fun=12793677, nargs=2, arg_vector=0x7fffffffcab8) at eval.c:2840 val = 0 syms_left = 2052 next = 15707424 lexenv = 15680626 count = 4 i = 4302019816 optional = false rest = false #36 0x00000000006cf62d in Ffuncall (nargs=3, args=0x7fffffffcab0) at eval.c:2723 fun = 12793677 original_fun = 15991874 funcar = 25785318144 numargs = 2 lisp_numargs = 15707424 val = 140737488342768 backtrace = { next = 0x7fffffffce30, function = 15991874, args = 0x7fffffffcab8, nargs = 2, debug_on_exit = 0 } internal_args = 0x7fffffffcab0 i = 4279872 #37 0x00000000006ce02a in Fapply (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffcbb0) at eval.c:2208 i = 3 numargs = 2 spread_arg = 15680626 funcall_args = 0x7fffffffcab0 fun = 12793677 retval = 15816066 gcpro1 = { next = 0xecbb60, var = 0x7fffffffca50, nvars = 3 } sa_count = 4 sa_must_free = false #38 0x00000000006ce6b6 in apply1 (fn=15991874, arg=22816150) at eval.c:2442 ret_ungc_val = 24092416 args = {15991874, 22816150} gcpro1 = { next = 0xef4472, var = 0x7fffffffcbb0, nvars = 2 } #39 0x00000000006c5ac2 in Fcall_interactively (function=15991874, record_flag=15680626, keys=15714477) at callint.c:377 input = 12794518 funval = 12793677 events = 2 args = 0x7fffffffcda0 visargs = 0x769fc5 specs = 22816150 filter_specs = 12794518 teml = 15680626 up_event = 15680626 enable = 15680626 speccount = 3 next_event = 18637760 prefix_arg = 15680626 string = 0x0 tem = 0x0 varies = 0xefe802 "" i = 0 nargs = 15680626 mark = 140737488342448 arg_from_tty = false gcpro1 = { next = 0x7fffffffd0e0, var = 0xf3cfb2, nvars = 140737488342176 } gcpro2 = { next = 0xef4472, var = 0xb1fab5, nvars = 15680626 } gcpro3 = { next = 0x0, var = 0xf3cfb2, nvars = 15514304 } gcpro4 = { next = 0x7fffffffcd00, var = 0x7fffffffd170, nvars = 140737488343088 } gcpro5 = { next = 0xf12462, var = 0xef4472, nvars = 15680626 } key_count = 1 record_then_fail = false save_this_command = 15991874 save_last_command = 19233090 save_this_original_command = 15991874 save_real_this_command = 15991874 #40 0x00000000006cf2c8 in Ffuncall (nargs=4, args=0x7fffffffcee8) at eval.c:2681 fun = 15103597 original_fun = 15816530 funcar = 15680626 numargs = 3 lisp_numargs = 140737488342688 val = 15680626 backtrace = { next = 0x7fffffffd350, function = 15816530, args = 0x7fffffffcef0, nargs = 3, debug_on_exit = 0 } internal_args = 0x7fffffffcef0 i = 15920562 #41 0x000000000073e9ca in exec_byte_code (bytestr=12794769, vector=12795013, maxdepth=52, args_template=4100, nargs=1, args=0x7fffffffd410) at bytecode.c:900 targets = {0x742670, 0x74267f, 0x742681, 0x742683, 0x742685, 0x742685, 0x7426e6, 0x74275a, 0x73e00c, 0x73e00e, 0x73e010, 0x73e012, 0x73e014, 0x73e014, 0x73e01a, 0x73dfd1, 0x73e5c3, 0x73e5c5, 0x73e5c7, 0x73e5c9, 0x73e5cb, 0x73e5cb, 0x73e60c, 0x73e5d1, 0x73e8cc, 0x73e8ce, 0x73e8d0, 0x73e8d2, 0x73e8d4, 0x73e8d4, 0x73e874, 0x73e891, 0x73e991, 0x73e993, 0x73e995, 0x73e997, 0x73e999, 0x73e999, 0x73e939, 0x73e956, 0x73ea5d, 0x73ea5f, 0x73ea61, 0x73ea63, 0x73ea65, 0x73ea65, 0x73ea05, 0x73ea22, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x73fac9, 0x73fc5f, 0x73fcbc, 0x73fd19, 0x73fd76, 0x73e403, 0x73e47a, 0x73fde9, 0x73e32b, 0x73e4ea, 0x73fe4a, 0x73feba, 0x73ff11, 0x73ff96, 0x73ffed, 0x7400ce, 0x74011b, 0x74018b, 0x74021b, 0x740268, 0x7402b5, 0x740325, 0x740395, 0x740405, 0x740495, 0x7404ec, 0x740543, 0x740624, 0x7406ba, 0x740750, 0x740a63, 0x740ad3, 0x740b43, 0x740bb3, 0x740c23, 0x740c7a, 0x740d14, 0x740d6b, 0x740dc2, 0x740e19, 0x740f37, 0x73f700, 0x740f9a, 0x740fe7, 0x7410c0, 0x741123, 0x741186, 0x7411d3, 0x741229, 0x74127f, 0x7412d9, 0x742670, 0x741330, 0x741378, 0x7413c0, 0x741408, 0x741450, 0x741498, 0x73f700, 0x742670, 0x7414e5, 0x74153a, 0x741587, 0x7415d4, 0x741644, 0x7416b4, 0x741701, 0x741ae1, 0x741b51, 0x741bc1, 0x741c31, 0x741c79, 0x742670, 0x73f630, 0x73eb26, 0x73e1e3, 0x73ec41, 0x73ed89, 0x73eec8, 0x73f59b, 0x73f5f7, 0x73e819, 0x73f6bd, 0x73f736, 0x73f7d5, 0x73f818, 0x73f88a, 0x73f8da, 0x73f96a, 0x73fa28, 0x73eadc, 0x741cc6, 0x741d56, 0x741da3, 0x741df0, 0x741e3d, 0x741e8a, 0x741efa, 0x741f6a, 0x741fda, 0x74204a, 0x74222b, 0x742295, 0x7422ff, 0x74234c, 0x7423b6, 0x742420, 0x7424b7, 0x74254f, 0x740e70, 0x740ec7, 0x7425a6, 0x742614, 0x742670, 0x73f007, 0x73f0f5, 0x73f222, 0x73f34f, 0x73f475, 0x740044, 0x74059a, 0x741036, 0x7427f2, 0x742866, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x7428fe, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x742670, 0x74298c <repeats 64 times>} count = 3 op = 3 vectorp = 0xc33c88 stack = { pc = 0xe15e96 "\006\006\071\203\225", byte_string = 12794769, byte_string_start = 0xe15e28 "\306\020\211?\205\f", next = 0x0 } top = 0x7fffffffcee8 result = 140737488343360 #42 0x00000000006cfd6f in funcall_lambda (fun=12794725, nargs=1, arg_vector=0x7fffffffd408) at eval.c:2840 val = 1366979213 syms_left = 4100 next = 0 lexenv = 8192 count = 3 i = 0 optional = false rest = false #43 0x00000000006cf62d in Ffuncall (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffd400) at eval.c:2723 fun = 12794725 original_fun = 15724082 funcar = 4302114106 numargs = 1 lisp_numargs = 0 val = 15803490 backtrace = { next = 0x0, function = 15724082, args = 0x7fffffffd408, nargs = 1, debug_on_exit = 0 } internal_args = 0x0 i = 0 #44 0x00000000006ce720 in call1 (fn=15724082, arg1=15991874) at eval.c:2468 ret_ungc_val = 22778678 gcpro1 = { next = 0x1, var = 0x0, nvars = 2 } args = {15724082, 15991874} #45 0x00000000005f05f0 in command_loop_1 () at keyboard.c:1578 scount = 2 cmd = 15991874 keybuf = {536871392, 140737351924340, 15707424, 15514464, 0, 19759730, 140737488344192, 6985624, 70, 15680626, 140737488344272, 6990519, 15680626, 15804450, 140737488344336, 15804448, 139646342252948, 15680626, 15514464, 15804450, 140737488344416, 7147850, 18993270, 2, 15804450, 15680626, 0, 0, 19759730, 7146810} i = 1 prev_modiff = 199 prev_buffer = 0xefad20 already_adjusted = false #46 0x00000000006ca70b in internal_condition_case (bfun=0x5ef724 <command_loop_1>, handlers=15731938, hfun=0x5eee06 <cmd_error>) at eval.c:1193 val = 140737488344528 c = { tag = 15680626, val = 15680626, next = 0x7fffffffd770, gcpro = 0x0, jmp = {{ __jmpbuf = {0, 1212184758558529059, 4279872, 140737488345808, 0, 0, 1212184758648706595, -1212184376255048157}, __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = { __val = {17234559697454503459, 140733193388032, 140737353953280, 140737287527072, 140737353965568, 19994880, 6300526, 4294967295, 140737287584944, 4294967295, 0, 11642408, 0, 0, 0, 0} } }}, backlist = 0x0, handlerlist = 0x0, lisp_eval_depth = 0, pdlcount = 2, poll_suppress_count = 1, interrupt_input_blocked = 0, byte_stack = 0x0 } h = { handler = 15731938, var = 15680626, chosen_clause = 15731938, tag = 0x7fffffffd5c0, next = 0x0 } #47 0x00000000005ef32d in command_loop_2 (ignore=15680626) at keyboard.c:1167 val = 0 #48 0x00000000006ca008 in internal_catch (tag=15727618, func=0x5ef307 <command_loop_2>, arg=15680626) at eval.c:964 c = { tag = 15727618, val = 15680626, next = 0x0, gcpro = 0x0, jmp = {{ __jmpbuf = {0, 1212184758541751843, 4279872, 140737488345808, 0, 0, 1212184758566917667, -1212184378155461085}, __mask_was_saved = 0, __saved_mask = { __val = {0, 0, 0, 140737488345184, 6988920, 4294967296, 15680626, 15680626, 15918018, 0, 15918016, 140737488345184, 6985507, 15707424, 15132192, 15918016} } }}, backlist = 0x0, handlerlist = 0x0, lisp_eval_depth = 0, pdlcount = 2, poll_suppress_count = 1, interrupt_input_blocked = 0, byte_stack = 0x0 } #49 0x00000000005ef2df in command_loop () at keyboard.c:1146 No locals. #50 0x00000000005ee64a in recursive_edit_1 () at keyboard.c:779 count = 1 val = 6220363 #51 0x00000000005eea33 in Frecursive_edit () at keyboard.c:843 count = 0 buffer = 15680626 #52 0x00000000005ec1ac in main (argc=2, argv=0x7fffffffdad8) at emacs.c:1531 dummy = 1024 stack_bottom_variable = 0 '\000' do_initial_setlocale = true dumping = false skip_args = 0 rlim = { rlim_cur = 8720000, rlim_max = 18446744073709551615 } no_loadup = false junk = 0x0 dname_arg = 0x0 ch_to_dir = 0xc62d16f <Address 0xc62d16f out of bounds> Lisp Backtrace: "internal-set-lisp-face-attribute" (0xffff9d00) "set-face-attribute" (0xffffa1e8) "apply" (0xffffa460) "face-spec-set-2" (0xffffa950) "face-spec-recalc" (0xffffae40) "face-spec-set" (0xffffb320) "custom-theme-set-faces" (0xffffb750) "eval-buffer" (0xffffbd78) "call-interactively" (0xffffc0a0) "command-execute" (0xffffc5b0) "execute-extended-command" (0xffffcab8) "call-interactively" (0xffffcef0) "command-execute" (0xffffd408) registers: rax 0xf 15 rbx 0x1c 28 rcx 0x1522c6d 22162541 rdx 0x0 0 rsi 0x15be8c6 22800582 rdi 0x128e6a6 19457702 rbp 0x7fffffff9880 0x7fffffff9880 rsp 0x7fffffff9830 0x7fffffff9830 r8 0x7ffff2db2770 140737267836784 r9 0x0 0 r10 0x7ffff2b2c900 140737265191168 r11 0x7ffff2b7cd10 140737265519888 r12 0x1224a71 19024497 r13 0x7fffffffdad0 140737488345808 r14 0x0 0 r15 0x0 0 rip 0x7b6062 0x7b6062 <compute_fringe_widths+349> eflags 0x10256 [ PF AF ZF IF RF ] cs 0x33 51 ss 0x2b 43 ds 0x0 0 es 0x0 0 fs 0x0 0 gs 0x0 0 current instructions: => 0x7b6062 <compute_fringe_widths+349>: idivl -0x10(%rbp) 0x7b6065 <compute_fringe_widths+352>: mov %eax,-0xc(%rbp) 0x7b6068 <compute_fringe_widths+355>: mov -0xc(%rbp),%eax 0x7b606b <compute_fringe_widths+358>: imul -0x10(%rbp),%eax 0x7b606f <compute_fringe_widths+362>: mov %eax,-0x8(%rbp) 0x7b6072 <compute_fringe_widths+365>: cmpl $0x0,-0x1c(%rbp) 0x7b6076 <compute_fringe_widths+369>: je 0x7b6126 <compute_fringe_widths+545> 0x7b607c <compute_fringe_widths+375>: cmpl $0x0,-0x18(%rbp) 0x7b6080 <compute_fringe_widths+379>: je 0x7b6126 <compute_fringe_widths+545> 0x7b6086 <compute_fringe_widths+385>: cmpl $0x0,-0x24(%rbp) 0x7b608a <compute_fringe_widths+389>: jns 0x7b60b0 <compute_fringe_widths+427> 0x7b608c <compute_fringe_widths+391>: mov -0x48(%rbp),%rax 0x7b6090 <compute_fringe_widths+395>: mov -0x1c(%rbp),%edx 0x7b6093 <compute_fringe_widths+398>: mov %edx,0x194(%rax) 0x7b6099 <compute_fringe_widths+404>: mov -0x1c(%rbp),%eax 0x7b609c <compute_fringe_widths+407>: mov -0x8(%rbp),%edx threads backtrace: Thread 3 (Thread 0x7fffe7fff700 (LWP 1148)): #0 0x00007ffff2ae2313 in poll () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007ffff57bfff6 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0 #2 0x00007ffff57c045a in g_main_loop_run () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0 #3 0x00007ffff64775e6 in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgio-2.0.so.0 #4 0x00007ffff57e19b5 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0 #5 0x00007ffff407fe9a in start_thread () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #6 0x00007ffff2aedccd in clone () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #7 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Lisp Backtrace: "internal-set-lisp-face-attribute" (0xffff9d00) "set-face-attribute" (0xffffa1e8) "apply" (0xffffa460) "face-spec-set-2" (0xffffa950) "face-spec-recalc" (0xffffae40) "face-spec-set" (0xffffb320) "custom-theme-set-faces" (0xffffb750) "eval-buffer" (0xffffbd78) "call-interactively" (0xffffc0a0) "command-execute" (0xffffc5b0) "execute-extended-command" (0xffffcab8) "call-interactively" (0xffffcef0) "command-execute" (0xffffd408) Thread 2 (Thread 0x7fffeca84700 (LWP 1147)): #0 0x00007ffff2ae2313 in poll () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007ffff57bfff6 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0 #2 0x00007ffff57c045a in g_main_loop_run () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0 #3 0x00007fffeca8998b in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gio/modules/libdconfsettings.so #4 0x00007ffff57e19b5 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0 #5 0x00007ffff407fe9a in start_thread () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 #6 0x00007ffff2aedccd in clone () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 #7 0x0000000000000000 in ?? () Lisp Backtrace: "internal-set-lisp-face-attribute" (0xffff9d00) "set-face-attribute" (0xffffa1e8) "apply" (0xffffa460) "face-spec-set-2" (0xffffa950) "face-spec-recalc" (0xffffae40) "face-spec-set" (0xffffb320) "custom-theme-set-faces" (0xffffb750) "eval-buffer" (0xffffbd78) "call-interactively" (0xffffc0a0) "command-execute" (0xffffc5b0) "execute-extended-command" (0xffffcab8) "call-interactively" (0xffffcef0) "command-execute" (0xffffd408) Thread 1 (Thread 0x7ffff7fbf980 (LWP 1143)): #0 0x00000000007b6062 in compute_fringe_widths (f=0x1471ce8, redraw=1) at fringe.c:1368 #1 0x000000000058138d in x_new_font (f=0x1471ce8, font_object=22162541, fontset=23) at xterm.c:7913 #2 0x0000000000434230 in x_set_font (f=0x1471ce8, arg=19904465, oldval=19024497) at frame.c:3087 #3 0x0000000000431ba2 in x_set_frame_parameters (f=0x1471ce8, alist=15680626) at frame.c:2675 #4 0x0000000000430c27 in Fmodify_frame_parameters (frame=21437677, alist=26007622) at frame.c:2235 #5 0x0000000000562f47 in set_font_frame_param (frame=21437677, lface=21538797) at xfaces.c:3392 #6 0x000000000056233f in Finternal_set_lisp_face_attribute (face=15710338, attr=15681442, value=4, frame=21437677) at xfaces.c:3206 #7 0x00000000006cf350 in Ffuncall (nargs=5, args=0x7fffffff9cf8) at eval.c:2685 #8 0x000000000073e9ca in exec_byte_code (bytestr=12333017, vector=12333269, maxdepth=24, args_template=15680626, nargs=0, args=0x0) at bytecode.c:900 #9 0x00000000006d01ef in funcall_lambda (fun=12332941, nargs=32, arg_vector=0x7fffffffa1e8) at eval.c:2906 #10 0x00000000006cf62d in Ffuncall (nargs=33, args=0x7fffffffa1e0) at eval.c:2723 #11 0x00000000006ce02a in Fapply (nargs=4, args=0x7fffffffa460) at eval.c:2208 #12 0x00000000006cee9a in Ffuncall (nargs=5, args=0x7fffffffa458) at eval.c:2655 #13 0x000000000073e9ca in exec_byte_code (bytestr=12358537, vector=12358661, maxdepth=24, args_template=15680626, nargs=0, args=0x0) at bytecode.c:900 #14 0x00000000006d01ef in funcall_lambda (fun=12358461, nargs=3, arg_vector=0x7fffffffa950) at eval.c:2906 #15 0x00000000006cf62d in Ffuncall (nargs=4, args=0x7fffffffa948) at eval.c:2723 #16 0x000000000073e9ca in exec_byte_code (bytestr=12358137, vector=12358293, maxdepth=24, args_template=15680626, nargs=0, args=0x0) at bytecode.c:900 #17 0x00000000006d01ef in funcall_lambda (fun=12358093, nargs=2, arg_vector=0x7fffffffae40) at eval.c:2906 #18 0x00000000006cf62d in Ffuncall (nargs=3, args=0x7fffffffae38) at eval.c:2723 #19 0x000000000073e9ca in exec_byte_code (bytestr=12357369, vector=12357645, maxdepth=20, args_template=15680626, nargs=0, args=0x0) at bytecode.c:900 #20 0x00000000006d01ef in funcall_lambda (fun=12357261, nargs=3, arg_vector=0x7fffffffb320) at eval.c:2906 #21 0x00000000006cf62d in Ffuncall (nargs=4, args=0x7fffffffb318) at eval.c:2723 #22 0x000000000073e9ca in exec_byte_code (bytestr=12316153, vector=12316469, maxdepth=28, args_template=15680626, nargs=0, args=0x0) at bytecode.c:900 #23 0x00000000006d01ef in funcall_lambda (fun=12316109, nargs=36, arg_vector=0x7fffffffb750) at eval.c:2906 #24 0x00000000006cf978 in apply_lambda (fun=12316109, args=22813894) at eval.c:2783 #25 0x00000000006cd47c in eval_sub (form=22813846) at eval.c:2084 #26 0x00000000007176c2 in readevalloop (readcharfun=15707429, stream=0x0, sourcename=15680626, printflag=false, unibyte=15680626, readfun=15680626, start=15680626, end=15680626) at lread.c:1857 #27 0x0000000000717b99 in Feval_buffer (buffer=15680626, printflag=15680626, filename=15680626, unibyte=15680626, do_allow_print=15680626) at lread.c:1918 #28 0x00000000006cf3e2 in Ffuncall (nargs=1, args=0x7fffffffbd70) at eval.c:2690 #29 0x00000000006c7cc9 in Fcall_interactively (function=15799426, record_flag=20322978, keys=15714477) at callint.c:852 #30 0x00000000006cf2c8 in Ffuncall (nargs=4, args=0x7fffffffc098) at eval.c:2681 #31 0x000000000073e9ca in exec_byte_code (bytestr=12794769, vector=12795013, maxdepth=52, args_template=4100, nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffc5c0) at bytecode.c:900 #32 0x00000000006cfd6f in funcall_lambda (fun=12794725, nargs=2, arg_vector=0x7fffffffc5b0) at eval.c:2840 #33 0x00000000006cf62d in Ffuncall (nargs=3, args=0x7fffffffc5a8) at eval.c:2723 #34 0x000000000073e9ca in exec_byte_code (bytestr=12793729, vector=12794061, maxdepth=60, args_template=2052, nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffcac8) at bytecode.c:900 #35 0x00000000006cfd6f in funcall_lambda (fun=12793677, nargs=2, arg_vector=0x7fffffffcab8) at eval.c:2840 #36 0x00000000006cf62d in Ffuncall (nargs=3, args=0x7fffffffcab0) at eval.c:2723 #37 0x00000000006ce02a in Fapply (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffcbb0) at eval.c:2208 #38 0x00000000006ce6b6 in apply1 (fn=15991874, arg=22816150) at eval.c:2442 #39 0x00000000006c5ac2 in Fcall_interactively (function=15991874, record_flag=15680626, keys=15714477) at callint.c:377 #40 0x00000000006cf2c8 in Ffuncall (nargs=4, args=0x7fffffffcee8) at eval.c:2681 #41 0x000000000073e9ca in exec_byte_code (bytestr=12794769, vector=12795013, maxdepth=52, args_template=4100, nargs=1, args=0x7fffffffd410) at bytecode.c:900 #42 0x00000000006cfd6f in funcall_lambda (fun=12794725, nargs=1, arg_vector=0x7fffffffd408) at eval.c:2840 #43 0x00000000006cf62d in Ffuncall (nargs=2, args=0x7fffffffd400) at eval.c:2723 #44 0x00000000006ce720 in call1 (fn=15724082, arg1=15991874) at eval.c:2468 #45 0x00000000005f05f0 in command_loop_1 () at keyboard.c:1578 #46 0x00000000006ca70b in internal_condition_case (bfun=0x5ef724 <command_loop_1>, handlers=15731938, hfun=0x5eee06 <cmd_error>) at eval.c:1193 #47 0x00000000005ef32d in command_loop_2 (ignore=15680626) at keyboard.c:1167 #48 0x00000000006ca008 in internal_catch (tag=15727618, func=0x5ef307 <command_loop_2>, arg=15680626) at eval.c:964 #49 0x00000000005ef2df in command_loop () at keyboard.c:1146 #50 0x00000000005ee64a in recursive_edit_1 () at keyboard.c:779 #51 0x00000000005eea33 in Frecursive_edit () at keyboard.c:843 #52 0x00000000005ec1ac in main (argc=2, argv=0x7fffffffdad8) at emacs.c:1531 Lisp Backtrace: "internal-set-lisp-face-attribute" (0xffff9d00) "set-face-attribute" (0xffffa1e8) "apply" (0xffffa460) "face-spec-set-2" (0xffffa950) "face-spec-recalc" (0xffffae40) "face-spec-set" (0xffffb320) "custom-theme-set-faces" (0xffffb750) "eval-buffer" (0xffffbd78) "call-interactively" (0xffffc0a0) "command-execute" (0xffffc5b0) "execute-extended-command" (0xffffcab8) "call-interactively" (0xffffcef0) "command-execute" (0xffffd408) #1 0x000000000058138d in x_new_font (f=0x1471ce8, font_object=22162541, fontset=23) at xterm.c:7913 7913 compute_fringe_widths (f, 1); $1 = { header = { size = 4611686018679132178 }, props = {15929186, 19092514, 15794530, 15680626, 15924210, 102720, 102528, 102656, 0, 15680626, 15680626, 0, 26009542, 15680626, 19904465, 19904401, 19036881, 18299058}, min_width = 0, max_width = 0, pixel_size = 0, height = 3, space_width = 0, average_width = 0, ascent = 2, descent = 1, underline_thickness = 0, underline_position = 0, vertical_centering = false, baseline_offset = 0, relative_compose = 0, default_ascent = 0, font_encoder = 0x4000000005000000, driver = 0xee4580, encoding_charset = -1, repertory_charset = -1 } [-- Attachment #3: Type: text/plain, Size: 123 bytes --] Thanks., -- ఎందరో మహానుభావులు అందరికి వందనములు. YYR ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* bug#14272: 24.3.50; crash on loading theme 2013-04-26 12:31 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala @ 2013-04-26 13:17 ` Eli Zaretskii 2013-04-26 16:59 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala 0 siblings, 1 reply; 14+ messages in thread From: Eli Zaretskii @ 2013-04-26 13:17 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala; +Cc: 14272 > From: Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala <hi@yagnesh.org> > Cc: 14272@debbugs.gnu.org > Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 21:31:23 +0900 > > Yes, I build emacs from emacs trunk quiet often. Now I attached updated gdb > backtrace with '--enable-checking' > > and earlier mention queries with current built: > --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- > (gdb) frame 1 > #1 0x000000000058138d in x_new_font (f=0x1471ce8, font_object=22162541, fontset=23) at xterm.c:7913 > 7913 compute_fringe_widths (f, 1); > (gdb) p *font > $1 = { > header = { > size = 4611686018679132178 > }, > props = {15929186, 19092514, 15794530, 15680626, 15924210, 102720, 102528, 102656, 0, 15680626, 15680626, 0, 26009542, 15680626, 19904465, 19904401, 19036881, 18299058}, > min_width = 0, > max_width = 0, > pixel_size = 0, Thanks. This is the same crash in the same place, so the assertion which was violated in my case isn't in yours. As Glenn points out, is it really necessary to use a font of height 1? ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* bug#14272: 24.3.50; crash on loading theme 2013-04-26 13:17 ` Eli Zaretskii @ 2013-04-26 16:59 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala 2013-04-26 17:11 ` Glenn Morris 0 siblings, 1 reply; 14+ messages in thread From: Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala @ 2013-04-26 16:59 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Eli Zaretskii; +Cc: 14272 Hello Eli, > As Glenn points out, is it really necessary to use a font of height 1? I have no preference, I will change my font settings. You may close the issue. Thanks for the support., -- ఎందరో మహానుభావులు అందరికి వందనములు. YYR ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* bug#14272: 24.3.50; crash on loading theme 2013-04-26 16:59 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala @ 2013-04-26 17:11 ` Glenn Morris 2013-04-26 18:13 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala 0 siblings, 1 reply; 14+ messages in thread From: Glenn Morris @ 2013-04-26 17:11 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala; +Cc: 14272 Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala wrote: >> As Glenn points out, is it really necessary to use a font of height 1? > > I have no preference, I will change my font settings. Height 1 is 1/10 point, I think you'd prefer to be able to read your text! ;) ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* bug#14272: 24.3.50; crash on loading theme 2013-04-26 17:11 ` Glenn Morris @ 2013-04-26 18:13 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala 0 siblings, 0 replies; 14+ messages in thread From: Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala @ 2013-04-26 18:13 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Glenn Morris; +Cc: 14272 [-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 369 bytes --] Hello Glenn, > Height 1 is 1/10 point, I think you'd prefer to be able to read your text! ;) No sure what you mean here. But thankfully right now I am mostly comfortable in reading text on my screen. and also I have no problem in taking suggestions from experienced people like you or Eli. Just that now, I need to investigate how to change default font on ubuntu. [-- Attachment #2: screenshot.png --] [-- Type: image/png, Size: 33793 bytes --] [-- Attachment #3: Type: text/plain, Size: 121 bytes --] Thanks., -- ఎందరో మహానుభావులు అందరికి వందనములు. YYR ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* bug#14272: 24.3.50; crash on loading theme 2013-04-26 7:51 ` Eli Zaretskii 2013-04-26 9:24 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala @ 2013-04-27 13:42 ` Handa Kenichi 2013-04-27 14:35 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala 1 sibling, 1 reply; 14+ messages in thread From: Handa Kenichi @ 2013-04-27 13:42 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Eli Zaretskii; +Cc: hi, 14272 In article <83vc79u3uc.fsf@gnu.org>, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> writes: > The crash is caused by division by zero, here: > int font_wid = FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH (f); > int cols = (left_wid + right_wid + font_wid-1) / font_wid; > <<<<<<<< > most probably because font->average_width is zero, because > FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH gets its value for font's average_width. I've just installed the attached fix to the trunk. Please try the lastest code. --- Kenichi Handa handa@gnu.org 2013-04-27 Kenichi Handa <handa@gnu.org> * font.c (font_open_entity): Always open a font of manageable size. === modified file 'src/font.c' --- src/font.c 2013-04-07 04:41:19 +0000 +++ src/font.c 2013-04-27 13:28:56 +0000 @@ -2819,7 +2819,7 @@ struct font_driver_list *driver_list; Lisp_Object objlist, size, val, font_object; struct font *font; - int min_width, height; + int min_width, height, psize; eassert (FONT_ENTITY_P (entity)); size = AREF (entity, FONT_SIZE_INDEX); @@ -2846,12 +2846,19 @@ } } - font_object = driver_list->driver->open (f, entity, pixel_size); - if (!NILP (font_object)) - ASET (font_object, FONT_SIZE_INDEX, make_number (pixel_size)); + /* We always open a font of manageable size; i.e non-zero average + width and height. */ + for (psize = pixel_size; ; psize++) + { + font_object = driver_list->driver->open (f, entity, psize); + if (NILP (font_object)) + return Qnil; + font = XFONT_OBJECT (font_object); + if (font->average_width > 0 && font->height > 0) + break; + } + ASET (font_object, FONT_SIZE_INDEX, make_number (pixel_size)); FONT_ADD_LOG ("open", entity, font_object); - if (NILP (font_object)) - return Qnil; ASET (entity, FONT_OBJLIST_INDEX, Fcons (font_object, AREF (entity, FONT_OBJLIST_INDEX))); @@ -3118,6 +3125,8 @@ double pt = XINT (attrs[LFACE_HEIGHT_INDEX]); pixel_size = POINT_TO_PIXEL (pt / 10, FRAME_RES_Y (f)); + if (pixel_size < 1) + pixel_size = 1; } ASET (work, FONT_SIZE_INDEX, Qnil); foundry[0] = AREF (work, FONT_FOUNDRY_INDEX); ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* bug#14272: 24.3.50; crash on loading theme 2013-04-27 13:42 ` Handa Kenichi @ 2013-04-27 14:35 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala 0 siblings, 0 replies; 14+ messages in thread From: Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala @ 2013-04-27 14:35 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Handa Kenichi; +Cc: 14272 Hello Handa-san, On Apr 27 2013, Handa Kenichi <handa@gnu.org> wrote: > In article <83vc79u3uc.fsf@gnu.org>, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> > writes: > >> The crash is caused by division by zero, here: > >> int font_wid = FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH (f); >> int cols = (left_wid + right_wid + font_wid-1) / font_wid; >> <<<<<<<< > >> most probably because font->average_width is zero, because >> FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH gets its value for font's average_width. > > I've just installed the attached fix to the trunk. Please > try the lastest code. That stopped crashing emacs and I see now what Glenn has been mentioning about. Thanks., -- ఎందరో మహానుభావులు అందరికి వందనములు. YYR ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* bug#14272: 24.3.50; crash on loading theme 2013-04-26 3:18 bug#14272: 24.3.50; crash on loading theme Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala 2013-04-26 6:03 ` Eli Zaretskii @ 2013-04-26 7:29 ` Glenn Morris 1 sibling, 0 replies; 14+ messages in thread From: Glenn Morris @ 2013-04-26 7:29 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala; +Cc: 14272 Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala wrote: > (deftheme jellybeans > "Created 2013-02-07.") > > (custom-theme-set-faces > 'jellybeans > '(default ((t (:inherit nil :stipple nil :background "#151515" :foreground "#e8e8d3" :inverse-video nil :box nil :strike-through nil :overline nil :underline nil :slant normal :weight normal :height 1 :width normal :foundry "default" :family "default")))) Setting the default font height to 1 is probably the cause of your problem. It doesn't crash my Emacs, but it does make the frame ridiculously tiny. So don't do that? ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
end of thread, other threads:[~2013-04-27 14:35 UTC | newest] Thread overview: 14+ messages (download: mbox.gz follow: Atom feed -- links below jump to the message on this page -- 2013-04-26 3:18 bug#14272: 24.3.50; crash on loading theme Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala 2013-04-26 6:03 ` Eli Zaretskii 2013-04-26 7:18 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala 2013-04-26 7:51 ` Eli Zaretskii 2013-04-26 9:24 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala 2013-04-26 9:51 ` Eli Zaretskii 2013-04-26 12:31 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala 2013-04-26 13:17 ` Eli Zaretskii 2013-04-26 16:59 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala 2013-04-26 17:11 ` Glenn Morris 2013-04-26 18:13 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala 2013-04-27 13:42 ` Handa Kenichi 2013-04-27 14:35 ` Yagnesh Raghava Yakkala 2013-04-26 7:29 ` Glenn Morris
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