Emanuel Berg writes: > Sharon Kimble writes: > >> I'm hoping that someone can advise me, I'm looking >> for a theme to use with emacs and gnus which has a >> dark background, but also allows me to read all the >> text in a gmail which currently appears as >> nearly-white on a slightly-grey background. > > "All the text in a gmail"? > > To get a default bright-on-dark "theme" (which I highly > recommend to reduce eye strain) simply evaluate this: > > (set-face-attribute 'default nil > :foreground "cyan" > :background "black" > :bold nil) > > Change "cyan" to whatever fits you the best. I use a > Linux VT/tty/"the console" and you probably use X. That > means I can't help you with the colors, but try > "green", "blue", etc. See if you can find something you > like; if not, dig deeper. Probably you don't won't bold > for ordinary text, save that option for faces that > highlight stuff (headers, keywords, and so on). > > If you run into some text that you don't like the color > of, use this defun to identify the face: > > (defun what-face (pos) > (interactive "d") > (let ((face (or (get-char-property (point) 'read-face-name) > (get-char-property (point) 'face)))) > (if face (message " Face: %s" face) > (message " No face at %d." pos) ))) Thanks for this Emanuel, I've doctored my init.el and put the above in it, at the end, which is where I always put temporary/testing code, unless it goes into my setup-testing.el. I then ran it when my mouse was on the problem text in a gmail, and this is what it found - ╭──── │Face: ((:foreground #5e5e5e) (:foreground #5e5e5e) (:background #727272)) ╰──── Perhaps I'm misunderstanding you, but how can I customise that? Its got no name or handle that I can hook on to! Sharon. > > Put it in an init file, for example ~/.emacs. Then > invoke it with `M-x what-face' with point at the face > you don't like the color of. This will show you what > face it is. Then do as above again, only substitute > 'default for the face you found. Note that several > modes/modules of Emacs uses the same faces. So if it > looks great with brown somewhere, it might not look as > great somewhere else, and of course, if you change it > again, the first place may look less good! In practice, > this is seldom or never a problem. If it is, it is > solvable but I never got to that. Just go for what > sticks out in a pleasant way, it should work > everywhere. Where applicable, put some thought into it: > with programming, the `font-lock-comment-face' > shouldn't be as bright and emphasized as > `font-lock-function-name-face' (because people > comment-out stuff, and read comments only as a > secondary measure, when they don't immediately > understand the code), what's more, perhaps red is a > natural color for `font-lock-warning-face', and so > on. But don't overthink it. Most important thing is it > should look clear, relaxed, and fun. Check out this > screenshot of a modest major-mode a once did. That's > how I like it. Obviously I didn't intellectualize every > singly color I put to use. It is still very pleasant to > work in such a mode - like a night club :) [1] > >> I've recently been using aalto-dark, aalto-light, >> adwaita, alect-black-alt, tsdh-dark and all have >> failed the gmail test. I'm currently using tango, >> which is the complete reverse of what I'm looking >> for. > > The problem with themes, which I didn't know existed > until this discussion by the way, is that you find one > mode, you like it to 80%, but not quite, so you look > for another, maybe you like that to 90%, and so > on. Instead of jumping between Emacs themes, Linux > distros, and so on, just put that time setting it up > the way you want it. Plain and simple. Time-consuming, > yes, but educational. Fun. And ultimately, much more > capable of getting not to 90% but (almost) all the way > (and those last percent missing not because some > perfect theme is eluding you, but because of your > current understanding and skills. Remember, > "Don't chase the dragon - become the dragon!" > > [1] http://user.it.uu.se/~embe8573/fps/fpscalc.png -- A taste of linux = http://www.sharons.org.uk my git repo = https://bitbucket.org/boudiccas/dots TGmeds = http://www.tgmeds.org.uk Debian testing, fluxbox 1.3.5, emacs