> I did try googling for the file, but didn't find it. > Thanks, I downloaded this, and I'm afraid I cannot reproduce the > problem. After evaluating > (autoload 'comment-out-region "comment" nil t) > and invoking "M-x comment-out-region", the variable comment-mode-alist > is defined and has a value. > How did you test it to be (un)defined? Thanks for you help. I now tried to do that in a clean way, started emacs -q loaded a minimal init file with the lines (setq load-path (cons (expand-file-name "~/emacs/init") load-path)) (autoload 'comment-out-region "comment" nil t) And then everything works as expected. So I presume the problem is somewhere in my init file. I have to dig into that and see what is the reason. BTW I could not reproduce the freezing I reported last week, that is why no bug report so far. Thanks again