Hello, I've recently updated my Debian installation from stretch (9, stable) to buster (10, testing) and I got to install Emacs 26.1 + enchant. But sadly the version in the Debian repository is still too old (1.6 vs 2.1). But when changing back to aspell, I was informed that aspell was too old (0.6 vs 2.1). It's easy to reproduce the bug, assuming one's enchant is also too old. Simply eval (setq-default ispell-program-name (executable-find "enchant")) try spell-checking any word (which should lead to an error), followed by (setq-default ispell-program-name (executable-find "aspell")) or whatever one was using before. Any spell-checking should still not work, and an error will be reported no matter what version of aspell/hunspell/ispell one uses. Looking through the code I noticed that the issue was simply caused by forgetting to reset the variable `ispell-really-enchant`, thus resetting it fixes the issue. I hope I haven't messed something up in the process, since this is the first time I'm sending a patch. If that's not the case, please tell me and I'll be eager to fix any issue (related to this bug). Sincerely, Philip K. https://zge.us.to