2019-11-04 Emacs news ===================== [EmacsConf] () was a blast! Recordings may be available by next week - stay tuned. Thanks to everyone who helped make it happen! - Emacs configuration: - [Manuel Uberti: Thirty straight days] () - [Migrating Away From Use-Package] () - [elisp: My Emacs initialization files] () - [fat-free-evil: Fat Free Evil Emacs Config] () - [Emacs “Plugins”] () - Emacs Lisp: - [popup-el: Visual Popup Interface Library for Emacs] () - [Thanks for the display-buffer knowledge] () - Emacs development: - [Proposal to rename windows to panes after Emacs 27] () - [Add a skeleton to html-mode] () - [Don't refuse to install packages without a "footer line"] () - [Inhibit undo-in-region for mouse-drag-region (bug#37700)] () - [Rework vc stash bindings] () - [Bind vc-git-stash to a key] () - [Add a convenience function to be used when working on font locking] () - [* etc/NEWS: Update renamed function read-char-from-minibuffer.] () - [Default exotic image formats (like .webp) to image-mode] () - Appearance: - [emacs-maple-minibuffer: Show minibuffer with another frame] () - Navigation: - [with-emacs · Search and Replacement Techniques] () (2018) - [Quit and Close Emacs Special Windows Like Help and Compilation Results] () - [Building personal search engine: using Emacs and Ripgrep to search in your code and knowledge] () ([Reddit] ()) - [New package: windower.el] () - [Emacs packages: broadcast] () ([Reddit] ()) - [fancy-narrow: Emacs package to immitate narrow-to-region with more eye-candy] () - Org Mode: - [ob-cfengine3: Org Babel functions for CFEngine 3] () - [org-pretty-table: Replace org-table characters with box-drawing unicode glyphs.] () - [Wissensverwaltung auf Papier und digital] () - [UOMF: Presentation Slides Via Reveal and PDF Handout] () - [Postpone tasks (esp. habits) till tomorrow in the agenda view] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Organice] () - [Inline Tasks] () - Coding: - [Details on how to do REPL driven development from the editor (Emacs with CIDER) - How to? - ClojureVerse] () - [emacs-xml-format: emacs package to reformat xml using xmllint] () - [A few comments on tree-sitter for Emacs via rust bindings for Emacs lisp] () - [Prevent Emacs Compilation Window From Displaying Other Content • Christian Tietze] () - [My "space-substitute" code saves me some typing stress.] () - [Emacs IPython Notebook-0.2.1alpha1 documentation] () - [Anyone here who uses Indium and lsp-mode together? What are your experiences?] () - [Testing an API with emacs and restclient] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Minimal Setup for Elixir development in Emacs] () - [GitHub - turbo-cafe/flymake-kondor] () ([Reddit] ()) - Mail: - [Sending mail with mu4e] () - [Using emacs to manage mails with mu4e] () - Community: - [Emacs Amsterdam meetup group] () - [Weekly tips/trick/etc/ thread] () - Other: - [IRC and Emacs all the things (messengers like Slack, Skype, etc)] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Keeping a simple markdown work-log, via emacs] () - [nov: major mode for reading EPUBs in Emacs] () ([HN] ()) - [repl.it/languages/elisp - Runs Emacs in the browser] () ([Reddit] ()) - [How to annotate literally everything | Mildly entertainingᵝ] () - [pdfsearch.el: Emacs script to search annotations in a set of pdf files] () - [Emacs can compare parts of buffers] () - [Inserting special characters | I'm trying out for a Doom Emacs-related YouTube channel] () ([Reddit] ()) - [What is the advantage of using the included emacs tools vs using third party alternatives?] () - [Apple’s great GPL purge] () - [Thoughts on Carp and EmacsConf 2019?] () - [Emacs on MacOS Catalina 10.15 in 2019] () ([Reddit] ()) - [Emacs UI for the new (libre) Linux phones that are coming?] () - [10 Specific Ways to Improve Your Productivity with Emacs] () (2005) - [Emacs Markdown cheatsheet] () ([Irreal] ()) - New packages: - bento : Flycheck integration for the Bento code checker - berrys-theme : A light, clean and elegant theme - company-ctags : Fastest company-mode completion backend for ctags - flymake-golangci : A flymake handler for go-mode files using Golang CI lint - git-walktree : Browse Git tree and blob objects - helm-sly : Helm sources and some utilities for SLY. - lsp-ivy : LSP ivy integration - sql-sqlline : Adds SQLLine support to SQLi mode - trashed : Viewing/editing system trash can - xml-format : XML reformatter using xmllint - zero-input : Zero Chinese input method framework Links from [reddit.com/r/emacs] (), [r/orgmode] (), [r/spacemacs] (), [r/planetemacs] (), [Hacker News] (), [planet.emacslife.com] (), [YouTube] (), [the Emacs NEWS file] () and [emacs-devel] (). You're receiving this message via the Emacs Tangents mailing list. View list info/unsubscribe: https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-tangents