FR: Improve grep output (show function names, when possible) Please see the attached screen shot. Window on top displays cscope control buffer. Window down below shows output from rgrep. Note that the grep output has been enhanced to *also* display the function name. Compare cscope's typography with grep's. (Hint: cscope's is much better). I have modified compilation faces as below for quick visual comparison. (custom-set-faces '(compilation-info ((t (:inherit cscope-file-face)))) '(compilation-line-number ((t (:inherit cscope-line-number-face))))) ---------------------------------------------------------------- I used the following local modification to compile.el to sneak in the function names. The modification is in `compilation-parse-errors' which seems to be a font-lock handler. I call `which-function' within this context. Is it justified? (WARNING: Quick and Dirty work) (Bzr version: revno: 111597)