Hello, I try to connect to an IRC server, with ERC, but I have a problem to make it use my password saved in ~/.authinfo. In my .emacs/init.el, I have defined this interactive function to connect to Libera.chat with ERC: (defun erc-mememememe@libera.chat () "Log on freenode with mememememe user" (interactive) (erc-tls :server "irc.libera.chat" :port 6697 :nick "mememememe") ) On my ~/.authinfo.gpg file, I have an entry for Libera.ch server, with my nickname: machine irc.libera.chat login mememememe password… But when I run the function "erc-mememememe@libera.chat", ERC connect without my password. I didn't found any specific information on the manual about why. My Emacs version is 29.3. Someone have an idea ? Best regards ------- Gendre Sébastien