2023-04-10 Emacs news ===================== - [Emacs 29.0.90 pretest is available] () ([Reddit] ()) - Emacs configuration: - [Testing different Emacs distros easy way in Emacs 29/30] () - [tripleee's Simple modular Emacs startup file management library] () - [My basic keybinding setup for Emacs with evil-mode and Kmonad to avoid using pinkies] () - [fingers.el: Modal editing minor mode for Emacs] () - [vidbina's Emacs Config] () - [jackkamm's Emacs Config] () - [rdbeni0's Emacs Config] () - Emacs Lisp: - [Nicolas Martyanoff: Making IELM More Comfortable] () ([Reddit] (), [HN] (), [Irreal] ()) - [shell-maker: Make your own shell in 15 lines of elisp (batteries included)] () ([Reddit] (), [HN] (), [lobste.rs] ()) - [Eask: A package development tool for your Elisp packages; Eask is an alternative to Cask, makem.sh, and Eldev] () ([Reddit] ()) - [clj2el: transpile clojure to elisp] () - Appearance: - [Nordic-Night: A darker, higher-contrast, and more colorful take on the Nord theme] () ([Reddit] ()) - Writing: - [Emacs | The Best Screenplay App Is Not a Screenplay App (Fountain Mode)] () (11:03) - [Nidish96/cart.el: speed up inserting and editing graphical objects using Tikz/Pgf on latex documents/(beamer) presentations] () ([@Nidish96] ()) - Org Mode: - [How I org in 2023] () - [UOMF: How I'm Working With Tasks and My Emacs Org-mode Agenda] () - [Org Log: My thoughts on journalling with Org mode] () ([HN] ()) - [Dig My Grave: Leveraging the Triple Back-tick in Org Mode // Take on Rules] () ([Reddit] ()) - [James Dyer: Sorting Org Tags using Org Mode!] () - [org-hyperscheduler screencast - YouTube] () ([Reddit] ()) - [notes-list: Emacs notes list] () - [Guide to Org Cite] () - [iPhone tricks 175 - Running Emacs and org file on iPhone!] () (01:00) - [Quick recap of the state of Org mode apps for Android] () - Import, export, and integration: - [nbcorg: A jupyter notebook to orgmode exporter for nbconvert] () - [I wrote a script to convert koreader highlights to org mode] () ([Reddit] ()) - [How to Generate a Single html-file with Embedded Images] () - [Unwound Stack: indie-org.sh] () - demonstration site for indieweb publishing - [Sacha Chua: Using Org Mode tables and Emacs Lisp to create Minecraft Java JSON command books] () - Other apps: - [Captee for macOS released - sharing as Org or Markdown] () - [Flat Habits 1.1.4 released (org based file store)] () iOS ([Reddit] ()) - Org development: - [lisp/org.el: Allow limiting inline image width] () - [org-agenda: Rename sorting "priority" to "urgency"] () - Coding: - [sideline.el: Show information on the side] () - [A small package for overlays (variable usage and method/function usage)] () - [GitHub - nilninull/cli-gist.el: Display Github Gist in Emacs] () - [How to insert pairs without fancy packages in Emacs] () (04:14) - [Haskell workflow using Emacs and SSH for CS 357] () (04:24) - Shells: - [Making Shell Scripts Execuftable Just-in-Time] () - Doom Emacs: - [Simple command to navigate multi-file literate configs] () - AI: - [https://github.com/xenodium/chatgpt-shell does DALL-E babel also] () ([/r/orgmode] (), [/r/orgmode also] (), [lobste.rs] (), [Irreal] ()) - Community: - [Weekly Tips, Tricks, &c. Thread] () - [Support Emacs Maintainers] () - [Jeremy Friesen: Responding to "Things Your Editor Should Have"] () - [Protesilaos Stavrou: Emacs: comments on the Rubber Duck Show of 2023-03-16] () - Other: - [Chiacchierata Live con Nicola di @NFVblog : Emacs, distro Linux minimali, Gentoo ed altro!] () - [Irreal: Emacs Docs] () - Emacs development: - emacs-devel: - [GNUstep builds paused until someone can update the build steps] () - [concerns about LanguageTool] () - [error recovery in parsers] () - [info on how dragging and dropping files works] () - [CVEs and Emacs releases (Re: Emacs 28.3 Release)] () - [Extend ignored-return-value warning to more functions (bug#61730)] () - New packages: - cats : Monads for Elisp (MELPA) - dired-gitignore : A minor mode to hide gitignored files in a dired buffer (MELPA) - environ : API for environment variables and env files (MELPA) - nerd-icons : Emacs Nerd Font Icons Library (MELPA) - org-tidy : A minor mode to tidy org-mode buffers (MELPA) - switchy-window : A most-recently-used window switcher (GNU ELPA) - tabgo : Jump to tabs, avy style (MELPA) - wgrep-deadgrep : Writable deadgrep buffer and apply the changes to files (MELPA) Links from [reddit.com/r/emacs] (), [r/orgmode] (), [r/spacemacs] (), [r/planetemacs] (), [Hacker News] (), [lobste.rs] (), [planet.emacslife.com] (), [YouTube] (), [the Emacs NEWS file] (), [Emacs Calendar] (), [emacs-devel] (), and [lemmy/c/emacs] (). Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at [sacha@sachachua.com] (). Thank you! You're receiving this message via the Emacs Tangents mailing list. View list info/unsubscribe: https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-tangents