On Sun, Sep 11 2011, Andreas Schwab wrote: > In which way does it not work? There is the scheme "http", the host > "a", the port 80 and the local part "/../../../g". Everything is fully > correct according to the rules of a URI. How the local part is > interpreted is only defined by the remote host. Men, this is getting me crazy. Let me rephrase the whole thing. You got an URL of the form: http://a/../../../foobar.png If you use Firefox, Chromium, wget, or whatever to retrieve it, the program will act according to RFC3986 and transform that URL to: http://a/foobar.png `url' from Emacs will not, and will fail to retrieve the image. Now I may be mistaken about where in the code the bug is, but there's a bug: the `url' functions are unable to fetch such an URL, whereas any other tool is able to. In Lisp: (switch-to-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously "http://www.gnu.org/graphics/t-desktop-4-small.jpg")) => That works (switch-to-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously "http://www.gnu.org/../graphics/t-desktop-4-small.jpg")) => Show a 400 bad request % wget http://www.gnu.org/../graphics/t-desktop-4-small.jpg --2011-09-11 17:52:56-- http://www.gnu.org/graphics/t-desktop-4-small.jpg Resolving www.gnu.org (www.gnu.org)... Connecting to www.gnu.org (www.gnu.org)||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 30195 (29K) [image/jpeg] Saving to: `t-desktop-4-small.jpg' 100%[=======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================>] 30,195 66.5K/s in 0.4s 2011-09-11 17:52:56 (66.5 KB/s) - `t-desktop-4-small.jpg' saved [30195/30195] -- Julien Danjou ❱ http://julien.danjou.info