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From: "Pascal J. Bourguignon" <>
Subject: Re: Strange characters produced by M-x in emacs -nw
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 12:06:09 +0200	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)

Harry Putnam <> writes:

> "Pascal J. Bourguignon" <> writes:
>> Stefan Monnier <> writes:
>>>> | mod1        Alt_L (0x40),  Alt_R (0x6c),  Meta_L (0xcd)
>>> This might be a source of problems: try to remap your Meta_L key to
>>> Alt_L as follows:
>>>   xmodmap -e 'keysym Meta_L = Alt_L'
>> No, instead map Meta_L to a free keycode!
>> Don't confuse Alt and Meta Combine them!
>> Bind A-M-x and others to some useful command!
> What about some examples?

Yes, I'm posting my .xmodmap each week…

! This is an `xmodmap' input file for the  DasKeyboard 3
! Bus 008 Device 005: ID 04d9:2013 Holtek Semiconductor, Inc. 
! PC 105 keys, wide Delete, wide Enter.

! C- Control
! M- Meta
! S- Shift
! s- super
! H- Hyper

! O- Option
! A- Alt
! W- Window
! G- AltGr

! x, S-x, g-x, g-S-x
! ESC         F1   F2   F3   F4     F5   F6   F7   F8     F9   F10  F11  F12    
! `~∞∝ 1!₁¹ 2@₂² 3#₃³ 4$₄⁴ 5%₅⁵ 6^₆⁶ 7₇⁷ 8*₈⁸ 9(₉⁹ 0)₀⁰ -_⊣⊥ =+⊢⊤   Backspace   
! TAB     qQωΩ wW€¢ eEεΕ rRρΡ tTτΤ yYψΨ uUυΥ iIιΙ oOοΟ pPπΠ [{«∀ ]}»∃     \|∖∫
! Control   aAαΑ sSσΣ dDδΔ fFφΦ gGγΓ hHθΘ jJηΗ kKκΚ lLλΛ ;:⊆⎕ '"⊇○     Return
! Shift       zZζΖ xXξΞ cCχΧ vV∇√ bBβΒ nNνΝ mMμΜ ,<≤∧ .>≥∨ /?≠¬         Shift
! Multi_key Alt  Meta   ---- Space DigitSpace ----- Meta ModeSw Hyper Control
! Pause  ∂     CapsLock    Print
! Insert ∈∉   Home ⇒⇔    Prior ≡≢    
! Delete ∅≣   End ∴ ∵     Next ≈≇    
!              Up ↑∩                 
!  Left ←⊂    Down ↓∪    Right →⊃    
!           NumLock     *          /           -      
!           Home    7   Up    8    Prior 9          
!           Left    4   Begin 5    Right 6     +   
!           End     1   Down  2    Next  3    Ent   
!           Insert  0              Delete .    er      
!           NumLock     *          /           -      
!           Home    7   Up    8    Prior 9          
!           Left    4   Begin 5    Right 6     +   
!           End     1   Down  2    Next  3    Ent   
!           Insert  0              Delete .    er      

! First line

keycode   9 = Escape

keycode  67 = F1              XF86_Switch_VT_1  F21
keycode  68 = F2              XF86_Switch_VT_2  F22
keycode  69 = F3              XF86_Switch_VT_3  F23
keycode  70 = F4              XF86_Switch_VT_4  F24

keycode  71 = F5              XF86_Switch_VT_5  F25
keycode  72 = F6              XF86_Switch_VT_6  F26
keycode  73 = F7              XF86_Switch_VT_7  F27
keycode  74 = F8              XF86_Switch_VT_8  F28

keycode  75 = F9              XF86_Switch_VT_9  F29
keycode  76 = F10             XF86_Switch_VT_10 F30
keycode  95 = F11             XF86_Switch_VT_11 F31
keycode  96 = F12             XF86_Switch_VT_12 F32

keycode 107 = Pause           Break             F33
keycode  78 = Caps_Lock       Caps_Lock         F34
!keycode 127 = Print           Sys_Req           F35
keycode 127 = Super_R 	      Super_R

! Second line

keycode  49 = grave           asciitilde      infinity          variation
keycode  10 = 1               exclam          onesubscript      onesuperior
keycode  11 = 2               at              twosubscript      twosuperior
keycode  12 = 3               numbersign      threesubscript    threesuperior
keycode  13 = 4               dollar          foursubscript     foursuperior
keycode  14 = 5               percent         fivesubscript     fivesuperior
keycode  15 = 6               asciicircum     sixsubscript      sixsuperior
keycode  16 = 7               ampersand       sevensubscript    sevensuperior
keycode  17 = 8               asterisk        eightsubscript    eightsuperior
keycode  18 = 9               parenleft       ninesubscript     ninesuperior
keycode  19 = 0               parenright      zerosubscript     zerosuperior
keycode  20 = minus           underscore      righttack         downtack
keycode  21 = equal           plus            lefttack          uptack
keycode  22 = BackSpace       BackSpace       BackSpace         BackSpace       

! Third line

keycode  23 = Tab             ISO_Left_Tab

keycode  24 = q               Q             Greek_omega     Greek_OMEGA
keycode  25 = w               W             EuroSign        cent
keycode  26 = e               E             Greek_epsilon   Greek_EPSILON
keycode  27 = r               R             Greek_rho       Greek_RHO
keycode  28 = t               T             Greek_tau       Greek_TAU
keycode  29 = y               Y             Greek_psi       Greek_PSI
keycode  30 = u               U             Greek_upsilon   Greek_UPSILON
keycode  31 = i               I             Greek_iota      Greek_IOTA
keycode  32 = o               O             Greek_omicron   Greek_OMICRON
keycode  33 = p               P             Greek_pi        Greek_PI
keycode  34 = bracketleft     braceleft     guillemotleft   0x1002200
keycode  35 = bracketright    braceright    guillemotright  0x1002203
keycode  51 = backslash       bar           0x1002216       integral

! Fourth line (home row)

keycode  66 = Control_L

keycode  38 = a               A             Greek_alpha     Greek_ALPHA
keycode  39 = s               S             Greek_sigma     Greek_SIGMA
keycode  40 = d               D             Greek_delta     Greek_DELTA
keycode  41 = f               F             Greek_phi       Greek_PHI
keycode  42 = g               G             Greek_gamma     Greek_GAMMA
keycode  43 = h               H             Greek_theta     Greek_THETA
keycode  44 = j               J             Greek_eta       Greek_ETA
keycode  45 = k               K             Greek_kappa     Greek_KAPPA
keycode  46 = l               L             Greek_lamda     Greek_LAMDA
keycode  47 = semicolon       colon         0x1002286       quad            
keycode  48 = apostrophe      quotedbl      0x1002287       circle          

keycode  36 = Return

! Fifth line

keycode  50 = Shift_L

keycode  52 = z               Z         Greek_zeta          Greek_ZETA
keycode  53 = x               X         Greek_xi            Greek_XI
keycode  54 = c               C         Greek_chi           Greek_CHI
keycode  55 = v               V         nabla               radical
keycode  56 = b               B         Greek_beta          Greek_BETA
keycode  57 = n               N         Greek_nu            Greek_NU
keycode  58 = m               M         Greek_mu            Greek_MU
keycode  59 = comma           less      lessthanequal       logicaland
keycode  60 = period          greater   greaterthanequal    logicalor
keycode  61 = slash           question  notequal            notsign

keycode  62 = Shift_R         

! Sixth line

keycode  37 = Multi_key       
keycode 133 = Alt_L
keycode  64 = Meta_L

keycode  65 = space         space       digitspace          digitspace

keycode 108 = Meta_R
keycode 134 = Mode_switch
keycode 135 = Hyper_R
keycode 105 = Control_R

! Home

keycode 118 = Insert    Insert  elementof       notelementof
keycode 119 = Delete    Delete  emptyset        stricteq

keycode 110 = Home      Home    implies         ifonlyif       
keycode 115 = End       End     therefore       because

keycode 112 = Prior     Prior   identical       notidentical
keycode 117 = Next      Next    approxeq        notapproxeq

! Arrows

keycode 111 = Up      Up        uparrow         intersection       
keycode 113 = Left    Left      leftarrow       includedin
keycode 116 = Down    Down      downarrow       union
keycode 114 = Right   Right     rightarrow      includes

! Numerical Keypad

!! ! Second line:
!! !keycode  77 = Num_Lock        Pointer_EnableKeys
!! keycode  77 = Num_Lock        
!! keycode 106 = KP_Multiply     XF86_ClearGrab
!! keycode  63 = KP_Divide       XF86_Ungrab
!! keycode  82 = KP_Subtract     KP_Subtract    0x1002500 0x1002550
!! ! Third line:
!! keycode  79 = KP_Home         KP_7           0x100250C  0x1002554
!! keycode  80 = KP_Up           KP_8           0x100252C  0x1002566
!! keycode  81 = KP_Prior        KP_9           0x1002510  0x1002557
!! ! Fourth line:
!! keycode  83 = KP_Left         KP_4           0x100251C  0x1002560
!! keycode  84 = KP_Begin        KP_5           0x100253C  0x100256C
!! keycode  85 = KP_Right        KP_6           0x1002524  0x1002563
!! keycode  86 = KP_Add          KP_Add         0x1002502  0x1002551
!! ! Fifth line:
!! keycode  87 = KP_End          KP_1           0x1002514  0x100255A
!! keycode  88 = KP_Down         KP_2           0x1002534  0x1002569
!! keycode  89 = KP_Next         KP_3           0x1002518  0x100255D
!! ! Sixth line:
!! keycode  90 = KP_Insert       KP_0
!! keycode  91 = KP_Delete       KP_Decimal
!! keycode 104 = KP_Enter 

! Second line:
keycode  77 = F13       F13             partialderivative
keycode 106 = F14       F14
keycode  63 = F15       F15 
keycode  82 = F16       F16             0x1002500 0x1002550

! Third line:
keycode  79 = F27       KP_7            0x100250C  0x1002554
keycode  80 = F28       KP_8            0x100252C  0x1002566
keycode  81 = F29       KP_9            0x1002510  0x1002557
! Fourth line:                    
keycode  83 = F24       KP_4            0x100251C  0x1002560
keycode  84 = F25       KP_5            0x100253C  0x100256C
keycode  85 = F26       KP_6            0x1002524  0x1002563
keycode  86 = F17       F17             0x1002502  0x1002551
! Fifth line:                     
keycode  87 = F21       KP_1            0x1002514  0x100255A
keycode  88 = F22       KP_2            0x1002534  0x1002569
keycode  89 = F23       KP_3            0x1002518  0x100255D
! Sixth line:                     
!keycode  90 = F20       KP_0             
keycode  90 = Super_R   Super_R
keycode  91 = F18       KP_Decimal       
keycode 104 = F19       F19

! Modifiers

clear Shift
clear Lock
clear Control
clear Mod1
clear Mod2
clear Mod3
clear Mod4
clear Mod5

!!! In order of bits: 
add    Shift   = Shift_L     Shift_R
add    Lock    = Caps_Lock
add    Control = Control_L   Control_R
add    Mod1    = Num_Lock
add    Mod2    = Alt_L       Alt_R       Mode_switch
add    Mod3    = Meta_L      Meta_R
add    Mod4    = Super_L     Super_R
add    Mod5    = Hyper_L     Hyper_R     

! Multi_key Sequences (»Compose«)
! <URL:>
! '!' is the comment character for xmodmap(1), thus it's omnipresent here.
! See also:
!   MIT:              $SRC/xc/nls/X11/locale/Compose/iso8859-1
!   XFree86:          /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/iso8859-1/Compose
!   Solaris' Openwin: /usr/openwin/include/X11/Suncompose.h
!                     /usr/openwin/lib/locale/*/Compose
!   Irix6:            compose(5)
!   <URL:>
! In X11R6, there are even 7bit compose sequences, like for video terminals:
! + +        : #
! A A        : @
! ( (        : [
! ) )        : ]
! ( -        : {
! ) -        : }
! / / , / <  : \
! > <space>  : ^
! / ^, V L   : |
! - <space>  : ~
! 8bit sequences in rather compressed form:
! From: Christian Weisgerber
! Newsgroups: de.comp.os.unix.x11
! Subject: Re: 8 keysym pro keycode !? -- wie benutzen ?
! Message-ID: <869tp8$5d4$>
!    |   no-break space                      ¦  broken bar              ||
!    ­  soft hyphen             --           µ  micro sign              /U
!    ¡  inverted !              !!           ¿  inverted ?              ??
!    ¢  cent sign            C/ or C|        £  pound sign           L- or L=
!    ¤  currency sign        XO or X0        ¥  yen sign             Y- or Y=
!    §  section sign         SO or S! or S0  ¶  pilcrow sign            P!
!    ¨  diaeresis            "" or  "        ¯  macron               _^ or -^
!    ´  acute accent            ''           ¸  cedilla                 ,,
!    ©  copyright sign       CO or C0        ®  registered sign         RO
!    ª  feminine ordinal        A_           º  masculine ordinal       O_
!    «  opening angle brackets  <<           »  closing angle brakets   >>
!    °  degree sign             0^           ¹  superscript 1           1^
!    ²  superscript 2           2^           ³  superscript 3           3^
!    ±  plus or minus sign      +-           ¼  fraction one-quarter    14
!    ½  fraction one-half       12           ¾  fraction three-quarter  34
!    ·  middle dot           .^ or ..        ¬  not sign                -,
!    ×  multiplication sign     xx           ÷  division sign           :-
!    À  A grave                 A`           à  a grave                 a`
!    Á  A acute                 A'           á  a acute                 a'
!    Â  A circumflex            A^           â  a circumflex            a^
!    Ã  A tilde                 A~           ã  a tilde                 a~
!    Ä  A diaeresis             A"           ä  a diaeresis             a"
!    Å  A ring                  A*           å  a ring                  a*
!    Æ  AE ligature             AE           æ  ae ligature             ae
!    Ç  C cedilla               C,           ç  c cedilla               c,
!    È  E grave                 E`           è  e grave                 e`
!    É  E acute                 E'           é  e acute                 e'
!    Ê  E circumflex            E^           ê  e circumflex            e^
!    Ë  E diaeresis             E"           ë  e diaeresis             e"
!    Ì  I grave                 I`           ì  i grave                 i`
!    Í  I acute                 I'           í  i acute                 i'
!    Î  I circumflex            I^           î  i circumflex            i^
!    Ï  I diaeresis             I"           ï  i diaeresis             i"
!    Ð  capital eth             D-           ð  small eth               d-
!    Ñ  N tilde                 N~           ñ  n tilde                 n~
!    Ò  O grave                 O`           ò  o grave                 o`
!    Ó  O acute                 O'           ó  o acute                 o'
!    Ô  O circumflex            O^           ô  o circumflex            o^
!    Õ  O tilde                 O~           õ  o tilde                 o~
!    Ö  O diaeresis             O"           ö  o diaeresis             o"
!    Ø  O slash                 O/           ø  o slash                 o/
!    Ù  U grave                 U`           ù  u grave                 u`
!    Ú  U acute                 U'           ú  u acute                 u'
!    Û  U circumflex            U^           û  u circumflex            u^
!    Ü  U diaeresis             U"           ü  u diaeresis             u"
!    Ý  Y acute                 Y'           ý  y acute                 y'
!    Þ  capital thorn           TH           þ  small thorn             th
!    ß  German small sharp s    ss           ÿ  y diaeresis             y"

__Pascal Bourguignon__

  reply	other threads:[~2013-09-21 10:06 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 33+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2013-09-17 16:51 Strange characters produced by M-x in emacs -nw Harry Putnam
2013-09-17 17:10 ` Tim Visher
2013-09-17 17:36 ` Aurélien DESBRIÈRES
2013-09-20 16:51   ` Harry Putnam
2013-09-20 17:04     ` Peter Dyballa
2013-09-20 18:51     ` Dale Snell
2013-09-20 20:27       ` Harry Putnam
2013-09-27 22:04     ` Harry Putnam
2013-09-17 18:46 ` Peter Dyballa
2013-09-17 19:30   ` Aurélien DESBRIÈRES
2013-09-17 20:11     ` Peter Dyballa
2013-09-18  6:14       ` Eli Zaretskii
2013-09-18  8:29         ` Peter Dyballa
     [not found]   ` <>
2013-09-17 20:42     ` Pascal J. Bourguignon
2013-09-17 21:11       ` Peter Dyballa
     [not found]       ` <>
2013-09-17 23:51         ` Pascal J. Bourguignon
2013-09-20 16:27   ` Harry Putnam
2013-09-20 17:28     ` Bob Proulx
2013-09-20 20:21       ` Harry Putnam
2013-09-20 21:08         ` Stefan Monnier
2013-09-20 22:15           ` Harry Putnam
2013-09-21  2:53             ` Stefan Monnier
2013-09-21 15:20               ` Harry Putnam
2013-09-21 18:06                 ` Peter Dyballa
2013-09-21 19:23                   ` W. Greenhouse
     [not found]         ` <>
2013-09-20 21:55           ` Pascal J. Bourguignon
2013-09-20 22:16             ` Harry Putnam
2013-09-21 10:06               ` Pascal J. Bourguignon [this message]
2013-09-21 15:24                 ` Harry Putnam
     [not found]                 ` <>
2013-09-21 16:14                   ` Pascal J. Bourguignon
2013-09-21 16:55                     ` Harry Putnam
2013-09-20 20:22       ` Harry Putnam
     [not found]   ` <>
2013-09-20 21:54     ` Pascal J. Bourguignon

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