This is the first cut of the Nettle integration for your review. Notes: The tests are inlined for convenience but will be in a separate file later. This patch implements, with tests: - meta info about Nettle's exported hashes and ciphers - all the hashing functions exported by Nettle - HMAC keyed hashes with all the hashing functions above - encrypt/decrypt with all the ciphers exported by Nettle in ECB, CBC, and CTR modes - PBKDF2 with md5, sha1, and sha256 hashing (the generic version is not ready, and only sha1 is explicitly tested; the commented-out code will be rewritten soon) Not done yet: - RSA verify data signature: code looks OK; test cases NOT READY - RSA verify digest signature; RSA sign data and sign digest - DSA - ECC - GCM cipher mode - Yarrow randomness - PBKDF2 testing of at least md5 and sha256 hashing I would appreciate any comments at this early stage. Ted