Please describe exactly what actions triggered the bug and the precise symptoms of the bug. If possible, include a backtrace by doing `\[toggle-debug-on-error]', then reproducing the bug. Hi, this may be a feature request. I'm using org-mode for invoices. Org mode has a table feature which utilises calc to implement spreadsheet capabilities. For invoices I'd like to use € as units, but even when defined as user unit calc refuses to accept the € sign as unit (syntax error when entering 3€ in algebraic mode). It does work, though, when I use eur as the unit name. Best regards, Martin My .emacs.d/calc.el: ;;; Custom units stored by Calc on Wed Jan 17 09:35:19 2018 (setq math-additional-units '( (€ nil "Euro") )) ;;; End of custom units Emacs : GNU Emacs 25.2.2 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.22.20) of 2017-09-12, modified by Debian Package: Calc -- Dr. Martin Gürtler Phone: +49-341-2254303 Mobile: +49-1578-4469069