drain writes: > After I enter C-h f then forward-word, I get this message: > > forward-word is an interactive built-in function in `syntax.c'. > > I click on 'syntax.c' and Emacs tells me: "the C source file syntax.c is not > available". > > Where can I find this file? In the Emacs source tree. > Where is it most likely to be in GNU / Linux? It's most likely to be unavailable in most GNU/Linux installations. > (my distro is Ubuntu 11.10) Ubuntu, like Debian, guesses you won't need those files. You can get the source release from GNU. -- Carl Lei (XeCycle) Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University OpenPGP public key: 7795E591 Fingerprint: 1FB6 7F1F D45D F681 C845 27F7 8D71 8EC4 7795 E591